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Attraction (2017)
"Attraction" handles universal themes with great production values
25 March 2017
Attraction is good film providing strong entertainment.

Led by Fedor Bondarchuk, a great production team puts together a fun film with excellent digital effects serving a solid story created by Malovichko & Zolotarev, the writing team that created the top earning popular kids fantasy film Pizrak. Bondarchuk displays an excellent instinct, introducing solid young actors who can go on to be internationally known. Art direction is equally good with small details such as a "creature of the black lagoon" poster augmenting the action. Of course product placement of potato chips proves there are smart producers involved.

Were these actors trained by Tabakov? Or are they simply standard examples of the level of acting available in Russia. Of course it is the latter!

We need more of these films, along with some TV series as well. With the pedigree of Bondarchuk and his obvious ability to sort out talent, this is to be expected. Of course, I would like to change up the dramaturgy such that there is a mixture of Russian, German, English etc... Yet with this story taking place in Russia, what other language would it use?

Considering all the great things that are accomplished when Russia is included in world endeavors, perhaps our governments should be listening to Kordakovsky and instead of isolating through sanctions which only hurt the average bloke. It is time to be more creative in response. Let go of the traditional nonsense and find better ways to work together. If nothing else, we should definitely be making films and TV together. Great art and science is universal. Perhaps if there were more shared solutions there would be less invasions and disputes, perhaps none at all.

This movie uses the standard elements necessary for a successful teen action movie: rebellious teens, a powerful father, (well played by Oleg Menshikov) irritated by his daughter's choices. Civil society filled with smart phones that appear to be the essential to those who know no better. Thoughtless actions and unexpected responses. Obviously Americans and Russians share the same standard stereotypes in which "meat heads" are glorified while intelligence is lampooned. The nerds are necessary but stupidity rules the day. Of course, it differs from an American story in that the students actually have a science teacher that does not know karate, and there are books in the homes which people appear to read. Yet the people share digital dysfunction: the ubiquitous use of Google, desire to sell everything online, and belief in easy solutions found with little effort.

It is a better story for the fact that it takes place in an advanced civil society with a female problem solver, Irina Starshenbaum, taking actions steps.

Alexander Petrov gives a strong performance as Artyom. as long as he stays steady as a person and does not kill himself through partying or obnoxiousness, he will garner more roles as the rebel, then soldier and more ....

This is movie worth seeing!
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Holodomor means murder through starvation
25 March 2017
The Holodomor killed more people than the Nazi Holocaust or the Young Turks murder of millions of their Christian citizens through the Armenian Genocide.

Bitter Harvest explores the history of this tragic event through the eyes of different villagers. A challenging movie with many well done vignettes, it anticipates the creation of more films about this event.

An important difference between the Holodomor versus the Young Turks murder of millions of Armenians citizens is that the Russians have the courage to admit the painful past, thus opening the door to healing. Perhaps this is one of the universal strengths of the Slavic Soul, to be able to look in the mirror of history and through the pain of introspection create great art.

Sadly, thus far, other than a handful of intellectuals, Turkish government remains trapped within the hell of self-deception denying the crimes committed by its forefathers. This ongoing dance of denial which some call "Erdonial" prevents progress and perhaps is one of the constraints against the creation of great art.

Bitter Harvest is a good film with a strong cast turning in strong performances. It will make a good supplement for history classes, and for those times when one is in the mood for lesser known truths that need to be remembered.
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An excellent film about waking up to life and love
20 March 2017
Ove is a man in pain who is consequently filled with anger. He lives by codes that he has absorbed throughout his life, he is deeply unhappy and his actions show it. Adding to the upset and turmoil are new neighbors. The paths must be kept clear, driving on them is forbidden, order is essential, yet the heart cannot be trained. Ove is a classic nordic lone hero, can he transcend his self limitation? Nominated for Best Foreign Film of 2017, this is a film worth watching. A beautiful and poignant look at Sweden today, the curmudgeons and millennials,immigrants and living memories.
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Äkta människor (2012–2014)
Real Humans demonstrates Swedish Production prowess
20 March 2017
An excellent series financed by Sveriges Television (SVT), Äkta människor / Real Humans inspired the English adaptation Humans with the support of producer Lars Lundström. Both television productions are excellent, and the original Swedish production is supported by an excellent cast which brings a different nuance.

Lundström is able to navigate the sciaro-scuro of Swedish Noir insuring the timelessness of his productions. The success of his productions featuring "Hubots" or androids has stimulated Hollywood to revisit this theme with the TV series "Westworld" which is based on the original 1973 movie starring Yul Brynner.

When viewed in conjunction with the television production Bron / Brun (The Bridge) adapted in the US to create the TV series The Bridge and in the UK to produce The Tunnel, the only impediment to Swedish TV producers emulating Swedish Music producers and thus taking a grand share of the global market is language. Considering that the average Swede speaks fluent English and Swedish actors such as Peter Stormare, MyAnna Buring, The Skarsgård Family, Noomi Rapace and Victor von Schirach constitute a strong presence in the international film / TV scene, if Swedes field productions with sufficient English to sell shows directly into the English speaking market while avoiding the tendency toward productions with a lack of redemption / dark and hopeless endings, doubtless they will succeed.

Äkta människor / Real Humans is well worth watching.
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iBoy (2017)
iBoy could herald a new franchise
20 March 2017
While iBoy is congruent with recent Marvel Super Power heroes, the film is uniquely British in both style and production. iBoy's elements combine to create a film worth watching.

iBoy springs from the hand of Joe Barton who has worked on several episodes of Humans (an adaptation of the Swedish production : Äkta människor / Real Humans), as well as on an episode of the police drama Cuffs. This and his other work obviously supported an excellent script for iBoy whose greatest challenge appears to be sourced in the directing. However, I predict that if this writing and directing partnership continues, the casting and directing in future productions will improve.

For science fiction and action hero fans, this is a film worth viewing and hoping that more such films are produced.
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An excellent film for all
20 March 2017
Hidden Figures grapples with the challenges of notions, preconceptions and how truth transcends limitation. The film inspires through revealing the painful problems of American Apartheid / Jim Crow and how such strange legalized limitations upon any group limit us all. The film hearkens to the viewer to understand that America's greatness has been created through the combined efforts of us all. We are each richer when we are embrace the gifts and greatness that are within everyone. We only limit ourselves when we limit others. Together we comprise a nation of individuals whose diverse genetic heritage is a treasure when viewed in the context of an constitutional culture that celebrates our humanity and the rights and responsibilities of all citizens. It is an excellent film for anyone.
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