
29 Reviews
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Idiocracy (2006)
Hilarious and thought provoking movie
26 September 2023
Honestly, it's probably one of the best dystopian movies I've ever seen. It's not just the government that sucks, but the people suck too, which is the reason why they vote against their own interests, don't follow science, and don't stop to wonder how certain things aren't working for them and try to change. Sound familiar?

I like that it showed that we the public are part of the problem when we allow ourselves to be easily manipulated and refuse to think critically. When I watched this movie, while I was laughing nonstop at the jokes, there was a depressing feeling and a sense of hopelessness I felt for the people in this movie, as well as this sadness of knowing that this movie is an exaggerated take on the US government and how many of us Americans act (the same probably goes for most of the world, actually), but I guess that's the point anyway.

The movie is a commentary on capitalism, anti-intellectualism, anti-science, and consumerism. The movie is just as relevant now in 2023 as it was in 2006, when the movie first came out. It's a reflection of how adults were screwing themselves and their children over by voting and fighting against their own interests at the time, and it's still a problem now. People act like this only became an issue in 2020 or when Trump got elected in 2016, but honestly, though I agree that the movie is still very much relevant, the movie isn't as ahead of its time as many seem to think, because the things that the movie criticizes have been around long before the movie even came out, and they were all DEFINITELY an issue in the 2000s. That's why the movie was made in the first place. It's an exaggerated portrayal of the modern state of the US.

Also, as I said before, social commentary aside, the movie is also very funny. I've watched twice (once in, I think, 2018, and the other time in 2022), and I've laughed both times.

I think a ton of people, even the people with a self proclaimed "high IQs", are kind of guilty of contributing to the mass consumerism and toxic capitalism without thinking about their actions, some more than others, and a lot of people unfortunately dig themselves a deeper grave by supporting the very things that are slowing killing them or refusing the things that are meant to help them. Some people are trying to do better, but not enough.
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Better than I expected it to be
26 September 2023
Initially, I wasn't really interested in this movie, as I'm not really a huge fan of most of Adam Sandler's work, but my parents like him a lot and wanted to watch. I was actually a bit surprised of how much I enjoyed the movie. It's not Oscar worthy, but I did enjoy it. I'd say that even if you don't like most Adam Sandler movies, you might still like this one. I think that Adam is really good at making family movies with heartfelt messages, like this movie. The Bedtime Stories movie that he made years ago and the ones he was in back when he was really young were some of his better movies too. The edgier movies that he's been doing over the recent years aren't as good, from what I've seen. I could be wrong though, as I haven't seen all his movies.

Not all the jokes landed well in this movie, but some did. His daughters and the other child actors in this movie did really well. I know a lot of directors put their kids in their movies, even if their acting skills is mediocre at best (which is understandable, since they are children), but I don't think his kids are mediocre at acting at all. His daughters actually did a great job.
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A fun film
27 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
David Harbour's performance was probably the best part of this film (obviously). The other characters were fine, but not that interesting, aside from maybe Kevin, the boy who became friends with Earnest/David Harbour's character, which is at no fault of the actors, but rather the writing. I had a lot of fun watching this, and it was funny too at some parts. Some were okay and some were very good. It had a great ending too.

I guess the biggest issue with the movie is that some parts of the plot don't really make a lot of sense to me, like how the dad tells his sons not to tell the mom about the ghost living in their attic, but then posts it on YouTube, and the mom doesn't find out for a WHILE, despite how viral the video became. Also, the fact that the video came out as viral as it did crazy considering how many ghost video there are. And it's not just supernatural geeks who ogle over this video, but literally everyone. People are holding up signs for the ghost on the haunted house's front yard and shouting his name. Also, Tig Notaro's character helps the CIA, and even bugs them to, capture the ghost, and once they do and she realizes that want to use him as a weapon, suddenly she feels bad and sets him free. What did she expect to happen? It seems out of character for her, but whatever. I guess I'm glad she did it.

Still, it was a good movie. 7/10 overall.
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Bad Moms (2016)
Hollywood doesn't know how to write about mothers
2 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The actresses from this movie hyping this movie for being "relatable" is a bit laughable to me. I love Kristen Bell and Mila Kunis, and maybe this movie is relatable for rich celebrity moms like them, but for regular Americans? I don't think so.

First of all, can Hollywood stop pretending that millennial moms don't spank their kids (and they portray it as a bad thing, even though it's been proven almost a century ago that kids who weren't spanked behave better in the long run and are healthier as adults)? Or that they're all sweet and perfect all the time as moms? Or that they were the first generation to feel pressured to be perfect mothers all the time? Any time a new generation grows up and are old enough to take over the movie industry, they act like the pressure of being a perfect mom is a new concept, and try to make their generation look like martyrs for the next generation, always portrayed in this, "Oh, poor us. We all do so much for our kids and have to be perfect all the time! We're the nicest generation of parents ever! Our parents didn't have societal pressure to be perfect! Only we do!" I don't know. It just seems...self indulgent, portraying themselves as martyrs and as being the only victims in the world. The movie just feels like a circle jerk of moms who want to feel like their generation has it harder than everyone else and have this "I sacrifice so much. I'm such an angel." Mentality.

I also wish they had incorporated actual problems that modern middle class moms deal with, rather than just say, "Oh, you shouldn't have to do your son's science project." Huh? They act like that's a normal thing that most moms are doing. Do they actually think this is relatable?

Or, "OMG. The worst thing about being a mom is dropping your kids off at school or attending bake sales. So relatable! Am I right?" Aw. These poor women! Too bad school buses don't exist, right? And too bad all moms in the world are apparently legally required to participate in every school event ever, and they can't just reign from PTA. My mom is only slightly older than most of the women in the cast, and she never volunteered for all these school events. Did anyone care? No. Did someone throw a temper tantrum about it? No. Why? Because most moms don't do it in the first place, which is fine. Most moms are busy or simply don't want to. But the movie acts like doing something that's literally so normal is something revolutionary and rare. It's really not that deep.

Mommy shaming is real, and I know that being a good mom is hard, but the way the movie portrays it feels so tone deaf and stupid, it almost seems to invalidate the legitimate complaints that normal and real moms have.

The only thing this movie has going for it are the lead actresses. All are great, but this movie was trashy and failed at being relatable.
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Bridesmaids (I) (2011)
One of the funniest comedies of the 2010s
2 March 2023
This movie, along with movies like Mean Girls and Legally Blonde, is one of my favorite chick-flicks. It's one of those films that are funny no matter how many times you watch them. It's got a solid cast, all of which are hilarious. The protagonist is over the top but also relatable at the same time, to some extent, of course. I empathize with Kristen Wiig's character. Feeling like a loser, being afraid to take a risk at following your passions because of past failures, feeling left out, seeing your friend by pulled away from you by someone who's seemingly "better" than you in any way, feeling inferior to other women, being afraid of growth, being afraid of commitment, staying with toxic people who use you, having little respect for yourself. I think a lot of us can relate to some of the things I listed. And of course, this character is funny as hell. Kristen Wiig put in her all, and I'd also like to give credit to the writers for allowing her comedic talent to shine in this role (unlike the writers for the Ghostbusters reboot, which was full of talented actors and actresses who were completely screwed over due to bad writing). Her character was written so well, as were the others. 10/10.
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Kid-E-Cats (2015– )
Kind of cringy
2 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Kid-E-Cats tries to teach life lessons to children, but the execution is really not that great, in my opinion. The three main characters, Cookie, Candy, and Pudding, are extremely stupid. Kids make stupid decisions all the time, but these three felines are on a whole new level. Though Pudding might be the least annoying, and that's saying a lot. The parents are also pretty stupid.

They also face zero consequences for their actions. Their parents make the parents from Caillou look authoritative and reasonable. I'm dead serious. In one episode, the dad bakes a cake for the whole family, and his son, Cookie, eats the entire cake in seconds, and when the parents find out, they're just like, "Oh that's fine. Was the cake yummy? Let's make another one." EXCUSE ME? They didn't even scold him, ground him, nothing. They didn't even look upset. They were literally smiling the whole time.

Then there was another episode where the three main kittens make a "Good Deeds Agency" where they try to help other people out, and do you know what they did? They ran to their neighbor's house and flooded their garden beds, then when they saw a guy painting outside, when he left to get more flowers to draw, they TRIED TO PAINT THE REST OF HIS PAINTING. Who does that? Where is the logic? No child in the world would think, "Hey, that painter left his canvas and paints for one second. I think he wants me to paint the rest of his picture." No. And what happens to the kittens? Nothing. They were just told that they should ask before doing something for them to make sure that they're helping correctly, which is a good moral, but...come on.

There was also another episode where they made a huge mess at a fancy restaurant by ripping napkins and making the waiter trip by turning the lights off, but faced no consequence. Then another one where Cookie pretends to be injured so he doesn't have to clean, and he makes Candy and Pudding take care of him (so much so that they don't have time to finish cleaning), and the dad trips over their toys and hurts his ankle, and Cookie faces no consequence and gets to go to an aquarium. All of this would be fine if the characters at least faced realistic consequences for their actions, or if the show wasn't meant to teach moral lessons. Peppa Pig sort of has a similar issue, but Peppa really isn't as bad as bad as the characters from Kid-E-Cats. She's bossy and sometimes teases her dad about his big tummy, but she's sort of okay, I guess. Plus I kind of get the idea that the characters from Peppa Pig are meant to be over the top and ridiculous, and a lot of the episodes aren't meant to teach moral lessons, but rather make you laugh and be brainless entertainment.
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Bad Words (2013)
Very funny film
2 March 2023
Though parts of the movie were a bit predictable, I enjoyed it a lot. I also love the concept of the movie. I like that someone thought to themselves, "Hey, what if a grown man decided to participate in the spelling bee? Wouldn't that be hilarious?" And made it into a movie. The premise alone is outrageously funny and also original, and the script really works for this film. The acting and comedic timing from the actors were exceptional, and there was some pretty solid jokes. The movie was crazy in the best way, but also heartwarming at some parts, surprisingly enough. The humor in this movie can be very edgy, but it's not too offensive, and I think even those who normally take too kindly to edgy or dark humor might like it, because it's not meant to be taken seriously. I think it still holds up, even ten years later.
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Bullet Train (2022)
Anyone who dislikes this movie is a Diesel
30 January 2023
This movie was hilarious and highly entertaining. I like action-comedy films in general, but this one is especially awesome, in my opinion. I find that a lot of them nowadays feel like the same movie, with the same kind of jokes and cliches, and they always have either Dwayne Johnson or Kevin Hart (or both) in them for some reason (they're good actors, but it is weird that it feels like they're in every action-comedy nowadays). I still enjoy them, but they feel a bit repetitive after a while.

However, I don't feel this way about this movie. Some might disagree with me, but this movie feels more fresh and definitely more memorable than a lot of the action-comedy films I've seen in the recent years. All the actors were great in this movie, even the ones who had very little screen time. Obviously Brad Pitt nailed this role flawlessly. Brian Tyree Henry's character, Lemon, was fun to watch. He was maybe the funniest character, though a lot of the characters in this movie are pretty funny, and seeing him interact with Tangerine was a delight. Joey King's portrayal as the villain was great, and she nailed the British accent. Some said she didn't really look enough like a "kid" in the movie, but, I mean, this isn't the first time we've had an actress in their early 20s playing a teenager. None of the actors on Riverdale or Euphoria look like teens either. I think she was a good pick as Prince, if I'm being honest, and I think she pulls it off here.
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Bratz (2007)
Definitely cringy, but watchable and funny
30 January 2023
This is definitely a very over-hated movie. The movie isn't Oscar worthy, and it's not trying to be, but I think it can be enjoyable and fun. The acting is a bit rough, the plot is very much all over the place, the movie isn't really a loyal or accurate adaptation of the Bratz franchise, and the movie's portrayal of the life high schoolers is obviously very unrealistic (especially its portrayal of Hispanic or deaf-ed high schoolers. Lol if you've seen this movie, you know what I'm talking about.), but man, was it fun to watch. I'm sorry, but it's hard for me to hate this movie. I'm gonna be honest, most of the time, the movie is funny in moments that aren't really supposed to be funny, like The Room. If you like watching those "so bad it's good" kind of movies, this is a good choice regardless of your age. It's one of those movies you can watch with your friends and laugh at.

I wouldn't give it a high rating though, because I don't think giving a movie credit for being campy or ironically funny is fair if that wasn't their intention, if that makes sense, but I'm not gonna rate it one star either, because I think the movie was enjoyable. I'm not gonna give a movie ten stars because they made a movie that's enjoyable BECAUSE of the lack of work or thought they put into it.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
A mixture of Doctor Strangelove and Idiocracy
2 January 2022
It's one thing to not like a movie, that's one thing, but these snooty critics in the media saying that this movie is exaggerated and "completely inaccurate" to how the media treats real threats to the lives of the common people 1) do not know how satire works, 2) are either trying to cover up the real issues that this movie puts to light and therefore hate the message or are the people blindly fooled by said folks of the elite who are doing the covering up and 3) further prove the point of the message of the film. These people are the type to say, "Quit shoving it down our throats!" "They're trying to incite fear!" "They're just distracting us from the fact that they'll take our guns!" "They're blowing this issue way out of proportion (but have no problem with issues being blown out of proportion when it goes in favor of their own views, such as when the media tried to make sense of the US military killing innocent brown people, but somehow anything merely mentioning climate change is when they draw the line?)!" These people are the ones saying, "Don't look up." They prove everything the movie was trying to tell us.

Also, this movie had some solid humor and a talented cast. The humor isn't for everyone, though from what I've seen, even viewers who said that they didn't laugh still liked the movie overall, so the movie still stands even without the comedy factor. Personally, I thought it was funny though. That's just me. Also, I'm happy to see that Jennifer Lawrence is back after her three year break with acting. She, Leonardo DiCaprio, Rob Morgan, Meryl Streep, Timothee C., Ariana Grande, Jonah Hill, Care Blanchet, Tyler Perry, and everyone else did a fantastic job. I think this movie said what a lot of us were thinking, and I think the best part about this film isn't the funny jokes, the talented actors, the exciting plot, the strong message of the film, or even the way it satirizes the way the government, large cooperations, and the media treat scientists who are trying to protect people while also exposing them to the truth, but it's the fact that a lot of the people getting angry over the message of this film further prove the movie's point in such a beautifully ironic way.
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Mr. Right (I) (2015)
A great absurdist film
15 November 2021
This movie was so fun to watch. Sam Rockwell and Anna Kendrick have done a great job, as usual, and the chemistry they have in this movie is fantastic. The plot is pretty dumb, but that's kind of the point. This movie was very funny. Well done, folks.
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Squid Game (2021– )
Very insightful and interesting
7 November 2021
There is a lot of gore, of course, and you will definitely cry at some point of the show, probably twice at least. Still, it's a fantastic show that I highly recommend watching (not with the English dub though, because it sounds very goofy).
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Spaghettiman (2016)
15 October 2021
The premise of this movie is goofy, and the movie embraces that all the way and doesn't take itself one bit seriously. It's fun to watch with the family or with friends. The main protagonist is funny, and they don't try to write him as likable. The movie even has a fun twist in the end.

The movie is highly underrated and deserves more appreciation. I'm honestly surprised at the lack of attention it gets.
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Knives Out (2019)
One of the best mystery movies I've seen in a while
6 July 2020
The plot was well thought out and had many unexpected twists, the characters were interesting and all fun to watch, and the actors were amazing. I loved the aesthetic of the movie as well, especially the mansion in this movie.
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Those who didn't understand the moral weren't paying attention
28 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie, in my opinion, was better than the first one. My siblings liked it, and even I thought it was decent. At first, Poppy preaches about how every troll from every kingdom is all in all "the same" until she meets the funk king and queen, who explains that denying their differences is part of the problem. They say that what they need to do is accept each other's differences (for their case, music genres) rather than act as though we're exactly, because it only strips people of their identity. Everyone should listen to each other and learn to be more open minded and tolerant towards each other. I read a review that said that the moral was "confusing" due to what Poppy was preaching at the beginning about everyone being the same, despite funk kind and queen clearly changing her mind. I don't understand how, because it was quite obvious to me. It had a meaningful moral, and I feel that it can apply to real life. I do have some complaints. The representation of each genre kingdom and their music was highly disproportionate, even with the major genre kingdoms who had their strings. The rock kingdom only had like 3 songs (and were old 70s songs that most young kids watching this won't recognize), country had 2, techno had one, funk had I think two, classical had one, and pop had more than I can count. It just comes off as a bit bias. Also, for a movie that's supposed to have a meaning, there was too much/many glitter, colors, random in your face humor, etc. which can turn people off and make them want to turn away.
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Sausage Party (2016)
Terribly nauseating film, and not just from the gross-out humor
15 July 2017
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Even for a movie called "sausage party," it is incredibly nasty. I knew, with no doubt, that this would be, even for a rated-R film, a risqué showing, for obvious reasons, but my god...this is our comedy today? Seth Rogan did okay in "The Interview" and from what I know, that's about it. I do not know where to start, it's just wrong in every single way, the moral (and the way they taught it), the sex scene in the end, the rape scene with the douche and juice box, the lack of logic in the plot, the abundance of (extremely) boring and repetitive sex jokes, most of these jokes in general, the random weed smoking scene, the highly extreme liberal bias (I'm a liberal myself, and I do not appreciate Rogan giving us such a bad rep with this propaganda, nor the one-sided "lesson" that "religion sucks, lets just f*** each other" with this terrible comparison with this plot and actual religion, nor do I like you over-generalizing religious people as all being these brainwashed and ignorant bigots, who you just so happen to not agree with.)

I love offensive humor (guilty pleasure lol), I believe that non-pc humor can be fun to watch or listen to, for there are ways of taking a very sensitive topic and bring the humor out of it, however, in most cases, this movie doesn't do that. There were a few clever jokes I liked ("exterminate the juice" "72 extra virgin olive oil (quoted from the lavash, who of course represents the Muslim/Arab community, I just hope the people who had written that joke is aware that the '72 virgins in paradise is an Islamic belief' myth isn't even mentioned in the Qur'an anywhere. I'd like to hope that they were just making fun of a common stereotype/misconception of Muslims and their belief, but from the movie's message exclaiming that, 'religions are bullcrap' I feel as though these gullible and misinformed writer actually legitimately thought that this is actually a thing that they believe in. Idiots. At least it was funny though, would be more clever if it actually true.)" "baby carrots" "bath salts exposing the fact that the food can talk" and a few others I can't think of) But the rest is predictable, unoriginal, and immature. So instead of laughing, it only pisses you off. Just because a comedy is edgy doesn't mean it's good.
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Frozen (I) (2013)
Super overrated
6 July 2017
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Until Zootopia had finally come into the picture, everyone questionably not only went head over heels for this film, but would not get over it after TWO whole years. At the beginning of 2015, it felt as though the the film had just come out, even though it was released 2 years prior to that, because it was still fresh in everyone's minds due to all of the ridiculous praising on the internet.

The first time that I watched it, I actually didn't hate it. My favorite character was Kristof personally, for he seemed like a genuine and sweet dude. Olaf was alright, however after a while his presence was starting to get really annoying due to his ignorance and stupidity. Everyone else in the movie seemed to lack common sense. Ana is whiny and spoiled (even for princess standards) and is oblivious towards everything. I get her vulnerability due to, I guess, basically being alone for all these years, but come on, wanting to marry a guy you've just met? Yes, it's clearly pointing the obvious fact that something is fishy with this Hans guy suddenly showing up in her life, singing about finishing each other's sandwiches, and proposing to her. A prince, who is desperate to marry into the throne, way. Then once she finds out that Hans is actually evil, she then suddenly realizes that, "Oh wow, I guess Kristof loves me lol duh" after having a chat with a stupid snowman standing next to a fire. Because in Disney movies, if a guy is trying to keep you from getting killed, you must have some sort of romantic connection with him, and it obviously means that it's because he thinks that you're cute. She's got a nice singing voice though, so thanks Kristen Bell. Elsa is even worse. Elsa's musical number sucks, she treats her sister like crap instead of conversing with her and explaining her issues so that at least Ana could understand (yes the took Ana's memory of Elsa's powers away, for some stupid reason, I don't think that was any bit necessary for that to happen in order for her to unfreeze her head or whatever. Even if it did make sense at that time, when Ana had finally found out about her powers, she didn't suddenly disappear or anything stupid like that, meaning that Elsa and her idiotic parents could've told her what was going on with her sister a long time ago. But whatever. And then the worst part, the end, when she finally discovers how to control her powers, "Love. Haha the answer is love" LOVE GUYS. Because love conquers all guys! And she had only realized this, all of the sudden, after all of the disaster that she had caused, that she could've learned to control her powers of she had used freaking "Love" whatever the hell THAT means. The trolls also suck
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Riverdale (2017–2023)
Hilariously bad attempt to appeal towards Gen-Z
3 July 2017
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I will simply judge this from the point of view as one who has never read The Archie Comics as a child, or ever for that matter, and someone who has attempted to give this show a shot, but has called it quits after one episode (however from what I've heard, it doesn't get better from there). This show is cringeworthy in every way possible, I have no idea where to start. None of the characters are one bit likable, if I had to choose, I'd say the person I hate the least is Betty, she basically has it pretty rough in the first episode due to, well every other character in the show. She is rather mediocre but I'm sure as the show progresses, she'll be just as awful as the rest, who knows? Archie is oblivious and just vain, the actor obviously didn't have to put in much effort into his character since half of it consists of him either making out with women or lifting up his shirt for no apparent reason. We get it, you have abs, now have some dignity. The first shot we have of the actor is literally of Betty and her gay friend staring into his window, at night, as he's exposing his stomach as he's putting his shirt on, while holding up his phone as though he is taking a picture of his and or something. Because I guess people like to get dressed like that? If that doesn't seem the slightest bit vain, don't know what is anymore. It was possibly the lamest, cheesiest, and laughably (not in a good way) stupidest attempt for the camera to show, "Hey, are you guys bored? Here's a handsome redheaded white dude with muscles!" Also, he is supposedly 15 years old, younger than me by 2 years, yet oddly enough he appears at least 5 years older. Also, having an older guy play the part of a teen doesn't make the teacher-student- love-affair acceptable. What the hell? Yes, there is a teacher, in possible at least in her late 20s, making love to a fifteen year old, yay? If the genders were switched in this situation, you guys know damn well this wouldn't air, but this is fine. A female teacher committing what is legally considered rape, how does this not disgust anyone. The kid probably had just hit his growth spurt, and whatever, that's just creepy, we're moving on. And then there's Veronica...ughhh. Her character is aggravating, anytime I hear her speak, my brain cries. Half of what she says just sounds idiotic and unlike how any teenager, that I know personally, speaks today, or any reasonable human for that matter. She's extremely unloyal, snooty, narcissistic, apparently has the inability to control herself, and just makes the stupidest decisions. When she tries to help Betty try out for the cheer squad, she has this amazing tactic of in the end making out with Betty (oh wow, so taboo and controversial) as if the straight and female cheer captain (I guess the coach doesn't exist here) holding up the try outs is..whatever, this show, again, tries way too hard to be edgy and sexy to where it's eyerolling. Wait, there's more, she helps Betty by encouraging her to ask Archie to the dance, he says yes. Then Betty asks him out, he says no. That's fine, however things go downhill from there. Basically they go to this after party and they play spin the bottle and long story short, Veronica and Archie are making out in the closet without even considering Betty's feelings. Then the next day V has the audacity to expect her friend to forgive her because she gave her cupcakes. Thanks for the cupcakes, but screw you lady! Then of course you have the stereotypical token gay friend with no personality other than, I guess lusting for every dude in the show, because that's realistic. Yes, gay people are attracted to every person of their same sex, that's called teen-high- school- drama-logic my people.
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Turbo (2013)
Awesomely hilarious animated movie
21 May 2017
I though the plot line was interesting and different, a snail wanting to compete in the Indy 500? I love how ridiculous the story is, I mean it's such an impossible dream, that somehow comes to life. The characters are lovable, both the snail and human characters, the jokes were clever, and the animation was fantastic. I liked it, as do my siblings, it was hopeful and lighthearted, and their theme was great as well.
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Home (II) (2015)
It was mehh
21 May 2017
The plot, animation,and connection between the characters were cute, but honestly, it wasn't Dreamworks's best work. The movie was decent,and I want to love it, but Rihanna's role pretty much ruined it for me. I felt like Tip's age and persona didn't match with the Rihanna's voice too well in my opinion, and her character in general seemed so basic. "Oh", the other protagonist, was adorable, and I think had more character development than Tip's, and he seemed much more interesting. The film wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either, they tried, you can tell, but they didn't pull it off all too well in my opinion, DreamWorks could've done better. However I do like their Netflix original series (same name), the humor is much more fluid, the characters are much more developed, and in each episode they have such an original plot, so at least they've had a positive outcome from the movie.
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Holloywood needs to quit remaking classics and start something fresh
24 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When I heard that they were remaking the movie Ghostbusters with female cast members, I admit that I was actually looking forward to it, specially considering the four particular actresses they had chosen for the part. I understood that movie remakes are typically the greatest, but considering the fact that 3 out of the four cast members are currently or were once members of SNL, I had some hope. Unfortunately, Wigg's comedic talent wasn't able to shine with her boring character with a lack of personality, McKinnon's character was just upright stupid and unrealistic, Jones's character was just a black stereotype, and McCarthy's role lacked character as well. Many of the jokes just fell flat (Steve Higgins small role and joke with the middle finger, the won tons, Kevin's (aka. Chris Hemsworth's) logo scene, the thing with the hair dye at the end, and so on). Also, the had many references to the original ghost busters throughout the film, and yet I suppose the setting takes place in a universe where the original squad had never existed, it's like a slap to the face to the original cast. Sure they had Bill Murry and few other actors for the older version show up in a few small parts, but they play such tiny roles, and as different characters..

And what's the deal with remaking older movies with female actresses or poc as the main characters. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with Hollywood wanting a bit of diversity in their work, but they're doing it all wrong. While this movie has good intentions when trying to cast female members, I guess either to have more representation for younger girls to look up to or show that women are equal to men or whatever, but when they try to do with a remake of a movie that was already amazing, it only makes matters worse. This movie will be forgotten within a few years from now, unlike the 1988 version, which most people had at least heard of reguardless of age before this one. On second thought, this movie isn't trying to create diversity, they're doing this for profit. They know that with the adults and their nostalgia these days, and with the younger now being obsessed with the classics due to them being conditioned to think that everything from their own generation sucks (which is clearly saying a lot about the older generation ironically, they're the ones whom produce our movies, not us), they can get some quick and lazy bucks by bringing back a film that should've been left alone in the first place instead of thinking up of a new script and story (that of which could also have female and/or poc leading characters), because they know people are more drawn to things that they are familiar with (as was I obviously). Whatever, I'm so done with remakes. There are many movies out there in today's time (yeah they exist) with original plot lines that are currently or were recently successful in the last year or so, so why watch a crappier version of a movie you've already seen before?
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Classic action movie, and one of the best of all time
23 April 2017
This movie, it's got well timed humor, engaging action scenes, likable main characters, thorough character development, and a plot that's actually interesting. This excellent film will forever be in my heart. It's got everything every action movie should have that many of this particular genre in today's time are missing, character development, relationships (whether friendship,family, or romance), witty jokes that are pulled out at the time, suspense, human weaknesses, and guts. Hollywood needs to learn from the classics (and I don't mean we should re make the stinking film, which has become a trend in the industry lately, i suppose for some fast bucks)
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A fun movie for the whole family to enjoy
23 April 2017
It's not perfect, but it's not meant to be anything groundbreaking. I first watched the movie when I was in 5th grade (and loved it), and even as an adult, I'd still watch it. Greg, the protagonist isn't very likable, but he does face his consequences (unlike in the Long Haul movie) and is very entertaining to watch. The actor who played Greg did a pretty great job portraying his character. The same would go for all the actors. It's also very funny. It's an iconic kids' movie of the early 2010s. It gives me a lot of nostalgia for this era. Also, for the most part, it stays loyal to the book. If you enjoyed the book, you'll probably like this movie too.

(Ps: Who the hell is Angie? Not only is she not mentioned in the book, but I feel like she has no purpose in the plot either. She's nice and all, and the actress did a good job with the role she got, but I guess she had no purpose for being in this film aside for being filler.)
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Arrival (II) (2016)
One of the best movies of 2016
23 April 2017
I cannot get over how fantastic this wonderfully intelligent masterpiece was, in fact, this may be my new favorite movie. The emotion, the plot, the intellectual dialogue, the plot twist, the aesthetics, the acting, the moral, everything about this movie was just perfect in my opinion.The pathos are strong in this movie, ten minutes into the movie, my eyes were already tearing up. I also loved the original plot line, it's not you're typical "aliens invade the planet and we all try to exterminate them while they try to exterminate us" bull crap. Do not even get me started with the complete twist to the story, it's honestly a bit mindblowing. Anyways, please watch the movie, you surely will not regret it.
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Mean Girls (2004)
One of the best teen flicks of all time
23 April 2017
I feel as though any comedy written by Tina Fey is gonna be perfect. Thetiming of the humor is flawless, the moral is heartwarming, and the characters are to die for. Even those whom aren't into "chick flicks" like these will probably have a marvelous time watching this, whether male or female, and whether young or old. I've heard guys admittedly ogle over this film. I mean, even my grandpa thought it was hilarious, which says a lot considering he is more of the serious type who rarely laughs at what most would consider funny. Therefore meaning, if my grandpa can enjoy it, then it's highly likely that anyone else could as well.
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