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The revival falls short of the Gilmore girls greatness fans have come to expect
29 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Overall it was good, but not great. I hated the ending. I understand what many are saying about it being perfect, coming full circle, Rory is twice as old as Lorelei when she got pregnant, Jess is her Luke, Logan is her Christopher, blah blah blah but see, none of that makes sense because Rory is not Lorelei! What used to make the show so interesting was their personality differences and how they complement each other. Rory was always the more responsible, realistic, bookish, grounded, peacemaker one, who was a little spoiled and Loralai was always the free spirited, somewhat irresponsible, passionate, spontaneous one with a temper who worked for every single thing she had. It just doesn't compute that they'd end up the same place.

Rory is my number one beef with this revival. She barely resembles the Rory that we've come to know and love. Sure, a lot of 30 somethings are lost, but not Rory Gilmore! Not for 10 years at least! I could see her going through a phase for a year, maybe two. But it's not believable that the book loving, planning, list maker has just been floundering for the past ten years with nothing to show for her career in journalism other than a couple of moderately successful freelance pieces. And is her moral compass so off that she virtually ignores and is completely apathetic towards a boyfriend that she has been dating for two years? Not to mention she sleeps with a random guy she meets on the street and has an ongoing affair with (engaged) Logan while she's dating Paul? I honestly felt sorry for Alexis Bledel because her role didn't make sense. It didn't click with the original Rory who yes made mistakes but always tried to do the right thing. Did Amy really have us watch Rory as a teenage prodigy and Ivy League graduate just to see her flounder until she was 32 with no end in sight and then get pregnant? That's the big crescendo? A lost 30- something with no money, no paying job and a baby on the way? Such a disappointment. I really believe that Rory deserved a better story line than that.

Emily was the star of this show. She really came into her own and became content, more loving and independent. She was the only one we saw really grow through the revival. Her newfound love for her maid and her entire extended family after years of notorious hostility toward the help was a welcome illustration of how grief and loss can sometimes change people in beautiful ways.

Kirk's video and the whole bit with the pig was awesome. And I loved meeting Mr. Kim!

The Life and Death Grigade musical was painfully long and dramatic. A short burst of it would have been fun, but were Collin and Finn really such important characters that they needed so much screen time? Give us Luke instead!!

The stars hollow musical was ghastly. Horrifying. The only redeeming moment of it was Loralai's amazing emotional response to the last song but couldn't we have gotten that without the full 20 minutes of cruel and unusual punishment?

The scene when Sookie returns and bakes a dozen wedding cakes for Lorelai was fun, light hear ted and sweet. It brought back some of the innocence of the early show that I missed. Would have loved to see more of Sookie.

A few too many annoyingly long and pointless scenes of packing and unpacking and then useless filler with friends from the Wild adventure. It is seriously frustrating to see new characters introduced when all you want to see is the old ones. And please stop it with all the cameos.

I loved Lorelai's phone call to Emily. So, so good. Her acting is always spot on.

Loralai's epiphany that she wants to marry Luke was fine, but she looked so derived of joy when she was telling him. My main beef with Gilmore girls at this point was the lackluster Loralai/Luke relationship. We never really got to see the middle of the relationship with Luke and Loralai-the really good stuff. By the time the revival picked up they were already in that bored phase when they were taking each other for granted. They had/have such great chemistry and we just didn't get to see it in the revival. When we left Luke and Lorelai nine years ago, they were together at last and we had every reason to believe that they would add to their family. But then, once we meet them again, they are not only not married (why??) but still childless (double why??). Seemingly the only explanation to this is that they have some communication problems, but seriously? How can we believe that they just let the biological clock run out without some serious thought. This plot line was crap.

I cannot leave out that Luke however, was fantastic in his monologue when Loralai returned from Wild. Best part of the show, hands down was that rant. "You can't leave. You just can't leave!" He's always amazing.

More theme song! Why did you make us wait so long!

Paris fertility clinic felt forced. She did all that school and now she's doing that? I know the show is quirky but that was too far fetched. Always a joy to see Paris though.

Christopher was so miserable and there was a hopelessness about that scene that he and Rory did together. I like Christopher despite all of his many flaws, and I hoped for a little better for him. I would have liked to see things with Lorelei and Christopher resolved beyond just avoiding each other.

Need. more. Jess. much more Jess!!!

Just seeing Lauren Graham act is heaven. Her expressions, her lines, her emotion- it's all golden. Give that girl an Emmy!
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