
816 Reviews
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Ghost Rider (2007)
It was decent
24 April 2024
When the motorcyclist Johnny Blaze finds that his father Barton Blaze has terminal cancer, he accepts a pact with Mephistopheles, giving his soul for the health of his beloved father. But the devil deceives him, and Barton dies in a motorcycle accident during an exhibition. Johnny leaves the carnival, his town, his friends, and his girlfriend Roxanne. Many years later, Johnny Blaze becomes a famous motorcyclist, who risks his life in his shows, and he meets Roxanne again, now a television reporter. However, Mephistopheles proposes Johnny to release his contract if he become the "Ghost Rider" and defeat his evil son Blackheart, who wants to possess one thousand evil souls and transform hell on Earth.

I thought the story and plot was decently done. The music was excellent. Though when it comes to Nicolas Cage as Ghost Rider I thought he was okay but not exactly my first choice.

However Blackheart was a very weak villain.

Still a decent film and far better than what came next.
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What a way to disrespect Chadwick Boseman's legacy
24 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Queen Ramonda, Shuri, M'Baku, Okoye and the Dora Milaje fight to protect the kingdom of Wakanda from intervening world powers in the wake of King T'Challa's death. As the Wakandans strive to embrace their next chapter, the heroes must band together with the help of War Dog Nakia and Everett Ross and forge a new path for their nation.

Was there anything good about this film? Alright I'll get the good out of the way and say the actors still did a good job with what they were given. The music was also really good.

Now on to the bad. Well if you don't like spoilers I suggest clicking off the review because I am not holding back.

Let's start by say this film was very boring. I get the film is nearly 3 hours but at least give a reason for it.

They immediately disrespect Chadwick Boseman's legacy by having his character die by some diseases. Look I am aware that Chadwick passed away 4 years ago but they really should have given his character a better send off like I dunno retire his character or something. I get that Marvel didn't want to recast his character with another actor but here is thing. Boseman's family actually wanted to see someone take the mantle.

Namour was a very weak and uninterested villain and what's worse is they botched his name by mispronouncing it.

This shouldn't even be called Black Panther since they literally did a bait and switch by making Shuri the protagonist instead. Also Iron Heart if these are the type of characters that the MCU is aiming for I suggest they should stop while they still can.

Also do I even need to say about the stupid decisions of having the queen be killed?

Oh and that post credits scene involving somehow T Challa all of a sudden having a son?

In the end all I will say is that while wasn't a huge fan of the first film at first I have began to appreciate it a lot more now. However, this is an embarrassment to the first film.
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A decent adaptation
18 February 2024
Trying to escape his uneventful life, Albert, the son of a renowned general from Paris, makes a journey with his friend Franz. During his travels, he meets an immensely wealthy nobleman named The Count of Monte Cristo. Living in luxurious hotels, surrounded by beautiful women and strong bodyguards, the charming but enigmatic count fascinates Albert. Albert invites the count to join the high society of Paris. However, unknown to Albert, his father had once framed the count and took the Count's fiancée as his own.

I thought this adaptation was decent. For an anime version of The Count of Monte Cristo.

My only bad quality was how it ended.
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Trinity Blood (2005)
30 November 2023
The background is in the distant future after the destruction brought about by Armageddon. The war between the vampires and the humans continue to persist. In order to protect the humans from the vampires, Vatican has to rely on other allies to counter the situation. The protagonist, a priest called Peter Abel Nightroad, travels through the countries as a representative for the Vaticans. However, he is also part of "Ax", a special operations group controlled by the Cardinal Catherina. His encounter with a young girl called Esther will determine the struggle and survival between the human race and the vampires.

The plot was good

The dub was excellent major props to Troy Baker, Aaron Dismuke and Colleen.

If you like a vampire genre in anime you will enjoy this.
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A good ending
10 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As one of the 12 Seleção that needs to save the country in order to win a game, Akira Takizawa decided to become the "King of Japan." With that in mind, after his return from the U. S. A., the remaining Seleção will also need to follow up on their own plans as they strive to outdo each other.

Saki Morimi and the other members of the "Eden of the East" are under suspicion of being terrorists, but they still do everything they can to help Takizawa reach his goal and unravel the secrets of his past, as the last fight between the Seleção begins.

If liked the series you may enjoy this second part of the film.
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A decent follow up
10 November 2023
After preventing Japan's destruction, Akira Takizawa made one final request to become the "King of Japan," before he erased his memories once again and disappeared. Leaving Saki Morimi with his cellphone, the only clue she has in regards to Akira's whereabouts is the message, "I'll be waiting where our journey started."

Six months later, rumors have spread about Akira, and Saki's search leads her to New York City. However, Saki is not the only person who goes to investigate-with several billion yen burning a hole in their pockets and a challenge to "save Japan," the remaining Seleção are not far behind. Some are willing to help Akira achieve his goals, but a few are making dangerous moves in order to eliminate him and achieve their own picture of a better Japan. With rising stakes and new revelations, the game is still on.

If you liked the series. You may like this.
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For the love of god please don't make anymore
9 November 2023
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Suffering from palpable delusions, burnt-out Thomas Anderson, the award-winning creator of The Matrix (1999) video game series, now relies on potent blue pills to keep his inner demons at bay. Then, amid inexplicable, reality-defying visions, Thomas spots Tiffany, a familiar-looking perfect stranger evoking strange emotions, and his already fragile mental state starts to deteriorate. As Mr Anderson yearns for an explanation while teetering on the brink of depression, once more, he confronts a pressing dilemma and the burden of choice. On the one hand, blissful ignorance guarantees the illusion of safety. On the other hand, the unbearable truth of reality can only mean one thing: the elaborate Matrix goes beyond the limits of imagination. But, somehow, Thomas already knows what he has to do. However, does he want to know how deep the rabbit hole goes?

This film completely ruined the franchise, Trinity and Neo. By making one into a Mary Sue and the other into a coward.

I might have not been a huge fan of the sequels at first but over time I have began to appreciate them a lot more.

The recasting of Morbius and Smith was terrible.

The only good this were Keanu Reeves still doing a good job, the music, the title sequence and seeing scenes from the previous films.

If you enjoyed the first three films, plus the Animatrix then please for the love of god avoid this movie.
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Of the east
9 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
On November 22, 2010 ten missiles strike Japan. However, this unprecedented terrorist act, later to be called as "Careless Monday," does not result in any apparent victims, and is soon forgotten by almost everyone. Then, 3 months later... Saki Morimi is a young woman currently in the United States of America on her graduation trip. But just when she is in front of the White House, Washington DC, she gets into trouble, and only the unexpected intervention of one of her fellow countrymen saves her. However, this man, who introduces himself as Akira Takizawa, is a complete mystery. He appears to have lost his memory. And he is stark naked, except for the gun he holds in one hand, and the mobile phone he's holding with the other hand. A phone that is charged with 8,200,000,000 yen in digital cash.

I really enjoyed this series from start to finish.

I will admit there were some concepts I did find weird but I thought it was good regardless.

The animation was and art style was well done.

The dub was excellent.

Akira and Saki are very likeable characters.

The intro is definitely something i listen to time and again.
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Black Cat (2005–2006)
The black cat
11 October 2023
Train Heartnet is a famous assassin known as Black Cat. He works for Chronos, an organization that secretly controls the world. However, he begins to question the morality of his actions after he befriends two bounty hunters named Saya and Sven, a thief named Rinslet, and a young girl named Eve.

I thought this was a very cool action packed anime with some really amazing fight scenes.

Train Heartnet is an example of a character who has excellent and an excellent lead of a protagonist. Sven is also a great side kick who does have some good development. Eve aside from being an adorable little girl with blonde hair definitely goes beyond just that.

The ending and into were excellent.

While I have mixed feelings about Train's actor over the years but I still thought the dub was excellent.

If want to see an action packed adventure you may like this series.
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Samurai Champloo (2004–2005)
Samurai rap
17 August 2023
Fuu, a waitress who works in a teahouse, rescues two master swordsmen, Mugen and Jin, from their execution to help her find the "samurai who smells of sunflowers."

This anime is an excellent example of a master piece from start to finish with characters that you would remember forever each with unique personalities.

The music was entertaining and it fitted the setting very well. The animation and art style was excellent. The dub was fantastic Steve Blum, Kari Wahlgren and Kirk Thornton were excellent as the three leads. The story was also well written without getting boring or uninteresting.

If you are into animes with raps and action you might enjoy this.
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Asobi ni ikuyo! (2010–2011)
Well at least the waifus are hot
17 August 2023
Kio Kakazu's life takes a space-aimed turn when Eris, a captain of an alien race, comes to Earth on a mission to establish connections between humans and her people, the Catians. Together with Kio's childhood friend Manami, teleport-capable Aoi and a team of cute capable robots, they face off against fanatical alien worshipers and a mysterious government agency, as well as the Catians' biggest enemy.

If you are into to furries specifically cat girls I guess this anime might be for you.

For what it's worth I thought the story was decent however it relied to much on fan service. The intro was great as well and the dub was excellent.
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Op Destiny
26 July 2023
One day a black meteorite fell on the world, and the world completely changed. The meteorite produced grotesque monsters called D2, which started running rampant. D2 very quickly banned all music, which was the one thing able to overcome them. But there were some people who resisted the D2. They are young women who hold the power of music, the "Musicart." These young women hold "scores" that are able to defeat the monsters. And there are also people who lead these women, the Conductor.

For what it's worth I thought the series was decent for its plot animation and characters.

If you are into music animes with action you might like this.
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Death Parade (2015)
The concept of death
26 July 2023
After death, humans are either reincarnated or sent to the void. Before this happens, they arrive at the Quindecim, a bar attended by the mysterious white-haired Decim. In order to fairly judge them, he has them play a Game, wherein they reveal their true nature. Decim himself is the arbiter of who wins and who loses.

I really enjoy watching the creative art behind the series.

Decim was a fantastic character who definitely has a lot of depth from your usual bartender. While Chiyuki was more then just a pretty face.

The music was soothing. The animation was great and the English dub was really good too.
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30 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As a group of teens go out for a night on the town, a sophomore known only as "The Girl with Black Hair" experiences a series of surreal encounters with the local nightlife - all the while unaware of the romantic longings of Senpai, a fellow student who has been creating increasingly fantastic and contrived reasons to run into her, in an effort to win her heart.

I thought this film was very creative. I will admit I don't really drink alcohol but I thought this was a very entertaining piece of art.

The animation and art style was very unique and it blended very nicely with its designs and backgrounds.

While not many of the characters had names but i thought they were very interesting,

The voice acting was good too.

If you liked The Tatami Galaxy you might enjoy this.
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Sherlock + Frankenstein's monster
30 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After breaking the law of reanimating human corpses, young Watson has to either work for the government or face punishment. He has to go on a secret mission, to find the notes of Viktor Frankenstein, who reanimated the first human corpse.

Long story short this is what happens when you combine a story about Sherlock Homes and Frankenstein's monster and have anime in the mix only for it to have a very mediocre result.

Not going to beat around the bush but yeah, I will admit I did like the old British setting of the film but overall the plot of the film was very mediocre.

I found John Watson to be a massive coward through the film to the point where I was even rooting for the side characters. His partner Friday for majority of the film was just some mindless zombie and had the most obnoxious scream to the point where there were times in the film where i felt like saying "would you just shut up! Already"

However the art style was good and I thought the dub was decent minus some of the bad accents.
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Robot Carnival (1987 Video)
Robo anthology
29 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a Fantasia-like anthology of robots. The most noble are Presence, Deprive, and Nightmare. Nightmare is the story of an evil, cybernetic overlord that rises one night and unleashes its robotic servants. Deprive is a science fiction tale of a young girl who has been abducted by an invading army of robots, and only a mysterious cyborg can help her. Presence is about a young toy-maker who makes a beautiful, female cyborg. When she becomes "a bit too real", he destroys her, only to be haunted by her spirit for the rest of his life.

I really enjoyed this film and the many short stories it had to offer. (Makes me wish we had more animes like this.)

If I had to pick which one was my favourite segment it would probably be Presence, the one with the mad scientist, the one at the theme park, Nightmare and Deprive.

What makes this unique is how majority of the segments are music only which does give the audience freedom of what the characters are thinking, feeling and saying. There are two which have talking in.

The art style and animation has definitely aged well and looks even more beautiful on blu-Ray quality.

The music was outstanding

The dub was excellent too.

If you are into anthology anime films I think you might enjoy this.
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World war
29 May 2023
Ten years after the end of World War II; anti-terror policeman Fuse gets suspended from service after the suicide by self-detonation of a young terrorist girl during an operation, as he failed to shoot her in time. When he tries to gather some information about her, he meets her sister and befriends with her. Both get dragged into the rivalries between the administration of the police and the counter terrorism commando unit 'Jin Roh' (human wolves).

This was a very good film that represented life struggles of the war.

I thought the characters were well written.

The ost was excellent

The dub was great too.
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Galerians: Rion (2002– )
PS2 cutscene the movie
29 May 2023
A boy awakes, imprisoned in a hospital without a name or memory. He is immediately attacked and discovers to his surprise that he has incredible telekinetic powers. A girl, her psychic voice calling for help inside his head, sends him on a adventure to save her: And by saving her, he will save all humanity.

While I have never played the games I actually thought this was a good film to watch for most parts anyways.

The CGI was really good and it definitely looked like it took a lot of time to make. Does make some of Netflix's CGI shows look very low in comparison.

The voice acting was very good too.
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Fine I guess
29 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A 15-year-old boy goes 1200 years back in time to find his unlikely destiny as the savior to end the war between humans and demons.

The movie's plot was fairly decent for what it's worth. The art style and ost was good as well. The voice acting was decent especially since it has names like Bryce Papenbrook, Lex Lang, Stephanie Sheh, Liam O'Brien, etc.

Jun was an alright protagonist though I have seen way better ones from other films etc. Though at least Mizuha was decent looking. Raiko the only interesting character in the film I found very mistreated however.

Also the pacing of the film can make it seem like it is longer then what it actually is.
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Brave Story (2006)
It was mediocre
29 May 2023
When eleven-year-old Wataru is told he can change his destiny by entering a magic gateway into another world, he jumps at the chance. But on his quest to find the Tower of Fortune and be granted any wish, he must conjure up all his bravery to battle a world of demons, his own friends and ultimately himself.

The animation was good as well as the art style.

The voice acting was also good, though I would've given Wataru and Mitsuri two separate actress in the dub.

The character of Wataru was as interesting as a board of cardboard and a complete knock off of ash and the protagonist of ni kun.

It's alright for an occasion if you are bored otherwise best to find something else.
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Night on the railroad
29 May 2023
Giovanni, a young village boy, is recently going through hard times: his father left on a hunting trip and has not yet returned, his mother has recently fallen ill, he must balance both school and a job at a printing press, and he is often picked on by his classmates; and he's too busy to spend time with his only friend Campanella. Exhausted from all his hardships, he decides to lie down and take a nap in the woods. And a train appears to him from out of the sky. Fascinated, he climbs aboard, and is delighted to see Campanella already inside. The train takes off, and the two friends start on a sojourn through the stars, encountering fabulous worlds filled with fantastic characters. But it's only a matter of time before Giovanni understands the true purpose of the train.

Long story short this is an excellent film for people of all ages.
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Mermaid Forest (2003–2004)
I am glad this at least adapted more of the story
14 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A young man unknowingly eats a piece of mermaid's flesh and becomes immortal. For a long time he searches for other mermaids hoping they'll grant him mortality. Finally, he finds them, but they're about to eat a girl and he can't let that happen.

The series on the hand gave the two characters thankfully more detail, and I do think the animation give how it was produced around the same time as Inuyasha was a massive step up (the previous two were good as well) not mentioning it did adapt more story then those OVA's including them.

Also the ost was excellent.

My only bad qualities was that there was still some animal cruelty (thankfully only one scene), child abuse and on top of that a SA scene. Also Masato was a lot more unlikeable here.

The dubbed version was by New Generation Pictures/Post Office Inc. While I am not trying to be LA biased in anyway or always going with the more recent, however for most parts i did find that better the latter two. The only, I didn't really like how Yuta's voice changed after 3 episodes in. I do find a massive after this Justin seem to have disappeared from anime dubbing. Overall though I do think in the end Liam ended up having more work as so yeah he is probably my favourite voice between the 4 actors for Yuta.

That being said though for Mana I am not too sure as at first I did find Megan Hollingshead's take a bit too Rangiku sounding for my liking. But she did thankfully improve.

While I will give Erika Lenhart/Weinstein some credit that it does sound unique coming from her since majority of her roles that I have heard are either teenagers or mature women, But I just think Masato being voiced by an actual kid like with the Scars OVA would've made me take them seriously.
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Similar issues but still better then the ova that came after it
14 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Legend states that eating the flesh of a mermaid will bestow immortality. Yuta and Mana do not remain dead for this reason. A chance meeting with a child named Masato leads the two of them into a mystery that spans generations and will threaten their immortal lives.

For the one that came out in 1993 it was a bit of an improvement and it did adapt the scars arc. However, much like with the previous one we barely anything about the two main characters, there was a child abuse scene (even though I despise Masato with burn passion) and some of the monsters had awful designs.


The dub is by Ocean, the dub was a lot better then the UK one thankfully and had much better translations. I particularly dig Jason Gray Stanford as Yuta and I do like how they used an actual boy (Christopher Turner) for Masato. However, like with a lot of earlier Ocean dubs it hasn't really aged well.
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Not enough depth
14 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There is a legend in Japan that if one eats the flesh of a mermaid, one will become immortal. This anime recounts the story of Yuhta and Mana, an immortal boy and girl, and their experiences with a family struggling to achieve immortality at any cost.

On the actual OVA's themselves the one that came out in 1996 for most parts it was okay however, there were problems I had with it like we barely knew much about the two main characters aside from them being immortal and the fact that there was animal cruelty involved which I am not going to go into details on.


It was dubbed by Manga UK, while the dub does have similar problems like their other dubs I.e poor translations, cheesy voice acting. However, this probably one of their better dubs.
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A decent slice of life, romance, Isekai
13 May 2023
Red was once a member of the Hero's party, a powerful group destined to save the world from the evil forces of Taraxon, the Raging Demon Lord. That is, until one of his comrades kicked him out. Hoping to live the easy life on the frontier, Red's new goal is to open an apothecary. However, keeping the secret of his former life may not be as simple as he thinks. Especially when the beautiful Rit, an adventurer from his past, shows up and asks to move in with him.

While I don't really watch a lot of Isekai nowadays but I did particularly like this series.

I thought Red and Rit are good characters with excellent chemistry with each other and are best parts of the whole series.

On to season 2.
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