
45 Reviews
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Immaculate (2024)
One of the stupidest films this year.
26 April 2024
Because I am forced to leave 600 characters, where do I start? I will start by saying this movie is stupid. It started out dumb and just progressed into foolishness. There is nothing positive to say about this film except that the actors are way better than this stupid story line and ridiculous directing. It was not interesting. It was not entertaining. The music is idiotic. Not sure why anyone would give this a rating above one star. It is perhaps best as a made for TV Lifetime film instead of something released in theaters because it is stupid. Very very stupid and a huge waste of time. Just like having to leave 600 character reviews.
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Sense & Sensibility (2024 TV Movie)
Great rendition of a Georgian period classic
1 March 2024
I absolutely loved this movie. The storyline had me thoroughly engaged. The set was beautiful; the costumes amazing; and the acting was top notch. It is quite obvious what lies behind the intent and bias displayed in the poor ratings and negative comments left here. Hallmark did a wonderful job bringing this retelling of a classic with boldness and grace. To truly enjoy art, you don't look at the cast or judge the cast based on the color or their skin, but on the content of their skills and talents. One reviewer asked about casting Martin Luther King Jr. As a "middle age white man" as if that would be a horror. What would Martin say? Probably that the actor was judge on the "content of his character" and not the color of his skin - DREAM REALIZED. Deborah Ayorinde is British-Nigerian and did a amazing job as Elinor. Canadian actor Dan Jeannotte was adorable and endearing as Edward. Bethany Antonia is an English actor and was a gorgeous Marianne. The casting director did a fantastic job. I applaud everyone involved.
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Betty's Bad Luck in Love (2024 TV Movie)
Absolutely Ridiculous
27 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
From start to finish, this movie is a disaster (no pun intended). The interaction between the high school characters was bizarre and not realistic. The messages in the storyline are disturbing especially the stalking aspect. There is nothing romantic or justifiable in stalking. It's just weird and disturbing behavior for anyone. The paying for a jinx cure - bad human behavior. The "my wedding is falling apart I'll take my bff's money." Bad behavior. The rescue scene made no sense at all. The main character just showing up was looney. Did she have a teleportation machine? First she's in the office. Then magically she's at the scene of the fire. Then miraculously she's back in the office. The dancing down the hall to falling down the stairs scene. Foolish. The realization conversation about the curse with the adult version of the teen who hexed the main character. Really? Either Hallmark is just trying to churn out as many new movies as possible or that vetting team needs to be fired because they are sleeping on the job. Even the wedding scene was beyond silly and childish. Who wrote this - a thirteen year old?
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A Season for Family (2023 TV Movie)
Probably one of the worse premises in a Hallmark movie
18 December 2023
Being adopted is one of the kindest shows of selfishness a person can show, but denying that adopted child the truth and even worse family is selfish, insensitive and abominable. Trying to tie deception to a flimsy excuse of a promise to wait for some magic number 10 indicates incompetence and immaturity as a parent. Zero empathy or loyalty to his child but blind loyalty to a person who is deceased? What?!! I'm just so disappointed that Hallmark thought that this behavior would make for a charming character that we are supposed to relate to. Not at all. What if his wife was actually alive and, say, his sister knew and hid that from him because she promised to protect the secret until he turned 50. How stupid is that? Come on. Do better...
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Christmas Time Is Here (2021 TV Movie)
Such a sweet lovely movie
10 December 2023
The cast is fantastic. I just love Rukiya Bernard and Dewshane Williams as a onscreen couple. Jill Morrison is amazing as the partner/friend. The reviews that condemn this "deception" are being hypocritical. What Hallmark movie doesn't involve hiding a truth or concealment of a goal. Give me a break. These reviewers need to dig deep into their unconscious/conscious bias. When the story line involves a leading character who is a person of color, she's being "deceptive" "sneaky" or "unacceptable". Give me a break! If this was not a black or brown woman, these harsh negative characterization of the totally endearing sweet Nia would never been ascribed. Ordinarily, the Pine Valley town would be cliche, but here it works. It feels real and authentic without losing the down-home Christmas vibe. There is a magic in this film that I absolutely love. Nia and Julian meet by chance over a string of Santa lights. Even though they are at odds over their separate real estate ambitions, they cannot ignore what fate has in store for them in this charming romantic comedy. Both have a lot to learn from each other in about each other so that they can see the bigger picture. Love, history, and tradition. Great movie!
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Field Day (2023 TV Movie)
Very juvenile but great actors
19 October 2023
All the actors are phenomenal and charming but the storyline that should have been incredible falls short on screen. The dialogue and situations are so incredibly juvenile and seems more like it was written by and for middle school aged kids. This is not an adult rom com. From the pajama pants, to the "you like me," to the kicked out of the clique, to the eavesdropping moms. It's just one childish situation after another. The actors are great and I was so looked forward to this movie, but I caught myself on several occasions checking to make sure I hadn't wandered onto the Disney channel. This one is not a golden star.
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Truth or Dare (I) (2018)
Childish and inane
2 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Just because it's based on a child's game, does not mean it has to be written as it by a teenage boy. The premise is foolish. The situations are laughable. The dares are simply middle school. If you're over the age of 17, this dumb movie is not for you. Throwing in a meaningless sex scene was what - to sell tickets? Serves absolutely no purpose but to satisfy some childish need to show sex on the screen. It's obvious that the unnecessary characters are going to die and you can guess whi and the order of death. The main character acts brainless and her moron friends are not any better. I would not waste my time or money on this rag. So stupid.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
Mess of a movie
23 July 2023
Anyone who gives this movie above a 1 star has a vested financial interest in its success. This was basically just a mess of a movie. All over the place plot with nonsense scenes and situations. There were some funny scenes but at its core, it just had no depth, logic or meaning other than Barbie v. Ken. Let's present a fake world where either men rule and women are puppets or women rule and men are puppets. This reads like someone's thesis on the state of feminism in modern society. I feel bad for the families that took their children to see this expecting something lighthearted and fun. This was not it. Just silly...
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A Royal Christmas Crush (2023 TV Movie)
Terribly miscast same old same old
16 July 2023
Same old story line with new cast. Been there, seen that. The cast is terribly miscast. The leading man looks line he's on the fast slope to 50 and the royal parents would better have been cast as his siblings. The cast seems more suited to down home setting as opposed to pretending to be royalty. This is not more evident than at the"royal ball." Looked more like the local middle school Winter dance than a ball full of monarchs. I actually laughed out loud. And the dinner with the missing prince... why was the hired help at the table with the queen and king? The whole scene was a miss and a mess. Overall, the story was not much better than the execution of it.
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FBI (2018– )
The writing is starting to be lame
17 January 2023
Needs better writing and and editing. Fresh eyes will help relieve groupthink and weed out bad dialogue and unrealistic situations. Storylines are starting to be nonsensical, lame. Directing also going downhill. Actors cannot overcome some of the silliness of the writing. Needs better writing and and editing. Fresh eyes will help relieve groupthink and weed out bad dialogue and unrealistic situations. Storylines are starting to be nonsensical, lame. Directing also going downhill. Needs better writing and and editing. Fresh eyes will help relieve groupthink and weed out bad dialogue and unrealistic situations. Storylines are starting to be nonsensical, lame. Directing also going downhill.
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Very weak...
25 August 2022
Julia Stiles is slumming it appearing in this rag. First, the "orphan" looks like a thirty-seven year old. Anyone who would believe this actress is suffering from a rare disorder that makes her look perpetually young is either blind or off their rocker. Second, the story line is weak. So weak. Finally, the music is just silly. Horror movie? Yeah, right. The only thing scary is the time I lost watching this mess of a movie.
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Too divergent for me...
28 June 2022
This film just seemed too much of a divergent from the previous storylines that it left me feeling let down. The whole multiverse aspect is a nice plot but it was not well executed in my opinion in terms of story development. A likable character was made into the ultimate villain and the main character came off as a sentimental sap. Not my cup of Marvel tea. Once the End Game ended, so did my desire to see subsequent Marvel movies.
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Like lukewarm leftovers
20 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Michael Crichton would be appalled. He wrote Jurassic Park with such a level of intelligence that has yet to be duplicated on film but once. I feel I have to go back and re-watch Jurassic Park (the first one) to wash to stink of this one off of me. Ugh... Scenes that don't make sense run as rampant as the CGI dinosaurs. Locust gone wild? What is this? Shameless use of original cast and later cast to try and create an old meets new convergence. Silly characters like the pilot and smugglers. Bad guy that is just foolish. The whole premise is just dumb. How does a clone inherit a British accent? Why are characters running in circles while apex predators fight? And we're supposed to be fine with a Velociraptor roaming the woods free as a lark? Last unanswered question - so do the clones clone themselves and those clones clone and so on and so on? Please stop with this franchise if you can't stay with Crichton's vision.
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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Spock Amok (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
Plot variation doesn't work for me...
5 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really didn't enjoy this episode. Spock Amok is essentially Freaky Friday in a celestial setting but it is a lot less entertaining. IMO Star Trek is just not the venue for this type of veer. I was bored, not convinced and uncommitted to watching to the end. This is the first episode I didn't thoroughly enjoy. And what's up with the aliens that look like a zebra and a tegu lizard had babies? Not very inventive. Not sure what is behind the 9 and 10 ratings.
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Recipe for disaster...
7 May 2022
What do you get when you mix a really stellar cast with an abysmal script and subpar directing? The Curious Caterer: Dying for Chocolate. Compared to the awesome lineup of sleuth mysteries and lead pairings on the Hallmark Channel, this one falls so flat. And I love Andrew Walker. I love love Nikki DeLoach. I LOVE Antonio Cayonne. But this movie... woefully underserved these incredible actors. Someone should have said, " Uh, no. Let's take this back to the writing desk and tighten some things up." Please, no more like this...
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The Batman (2022)
25 April 2022
Very long and drawn out movie. Could have been shortened to under 2 hours if the filler scenes were cut. It's as though the editors didn't want to take any shots out; really, way too long...
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Whispers (III) (2015)
Acting is bad, really bad
23 April 2022
I can overlook some of the acting, but the nanny ( Emma Julia Jacobs) - my god, her acting is awful... no wait, atrocious... still not right, um abominable! Yes, abominable! The casting agent needs a new line of work...
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The Outer Limits: Double Helix (1997)
Season 3, Episode 12
Convoluted and contrite
15 April 2022
The story would have potential if the writers used actual scientific information. The subject matter is too convoluted with illogical sequences of events. The chosen lot serve as a contrite metaphor for how certain populations of people wreak havoc by using advancements for destruction only to then turn from it to make a better world; as if they weren't the creators of the havoc. "Oh, we're so perfect. We just need to start over." (rolling my eyes...) It's also an allegory for advocating eugenics; the chosen lot are homogeneous resulting from the only diverse candidates allowing modesty and morality to disqualify them (didn't think we'd notice?). It's disappointing to see by them, for them in entertainment. The entertainment industry now, like the show, has more evolved writers to tell a story we all can appreciate.
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What is with the host harassment? Geez...
23 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this show in the past. But this year, I like the contestants. I like the competitions. I love the judges and adding Ms. Brown was a great choice. But the host, Molly Yeh, has got to go!!! She wanders the kitchen harassing the heck out of the bakers while they're trying to work - on a time limit - with crazy ingredients - and decorating to boot. I am literally screaming at the television, "Leave them ALONE!!!" Dang! And her expressions make me think she forgot she's an adult and thinks she's a kindergartener. Annoying! And what the sandusky was that stupid invite two random bakers in and then kick them both off in two shows? STUPID! Really, Food Network... Do better...
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27 February 2022
Too dark. Too silly. Not frightening or thrilling. The main characters are a juvenile boyfriend and whiny girlfriend making adventure videos. Makes you recall the questioning phrase, " What do you call someone who follows a fool?" I do not recommend.
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Blending Christmas (2021 TV Movie)
Not as fun to watch as it could have been...
27 February 2022
The movie was almost as painful to watch as it looked like it was for Haylie Duff to make. She seemed miserable in this movie. While it is great to see a star studded cast, the writing and dialogue were not good and the scenes were disjointed. Not adding this one to my list of holiday favorites.
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The Dead Room (2015)
Pretty good horror movie...
23 January 2022
Reading some of the reviews, I expected this movie to be a boring dud. It actually was pretty good. I found it entertaining. Jed Brophy and Jeffrey Thomas gave stellar performances. Laura Petersen was meh; the role could have been better cast. The set was a single home with limited outside scenes. Despite that, it didn't feel claustrophobic; it was well directed and executed. The ending was climatic and not predictable. The characters did not do stupid things like most horror movies. The authorities called in did not represent some blah figures completely untouched by the entity, like in most horror movies. Overall, I found this an enjoyable ride of a horror movie. Like Scott said, "It's like a rollercoaster."
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Eternals (2021)
Not the best next installment to the Marvel franchise...
18 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am a semi-"die hard" fan of Marvel films as well as the new limited series (Loki, WandaVision, etc.). This latest installment, The Eternals, was highly anticipated. I have to admit that I watched it on Disney+, whatever difference that made. I found the story slow, disjointed and disappointing. I felt something was missing. Angelina Jolie was definitely casted wrong and not used at all to the level of her talent. The characters "abilities" were silly; the monsters were annoying. The lead Deviant was a missed opportunity and underdeveloped. Other underused characters or missed opportunities? Lauren Ridloff as Makkari, the mute Eternal. There is so much more that could have been done with this character other than putting her in a ship for thousands of years with a bunch of books. What??? The real "villian" of the movie was Ikaris, but that was transparently apparent early on. To cap off a "meh" movie, the end credits was not intriguing at all. To see Harry Styles - I won't be watching the next film in the series is my prediction. Overall: Disappointing, disjointed, dismissed.
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Made me appreciate the Octopus movie...
12 January 2022
This was bad; really bad. The director should go hide under a rock for his work on this movie. If you can get bad the bad CGI, there is still no excuse for the bad acting, Tim Abell's horrendous fake Russian accent, and the amateur-ish storyline. This one deserves a big fat zero.
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Mr. 365 (2018 TV Movie)
Pretty bad spoof on reality show
7 December 2021
The writing is bad, the directing is bad and the acting is strained. The situations are stupid and unbelievable. Quite possibly one of the worse Christmas movies I've seen and I've seen quite a few.
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