
82 Reviews
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Hi it's your nostalgia talking
3 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
You guys gotta lay off the nostalgia for real.

This was a mind numbingly boring film that you've talked yourselves into believing was something amazing for no other reason than eye candy and nostalgia.

Don't get me wrong, some of my favorite films are around 3 hours long and some of them are nothing but talking. It's not about a lack of action, it's about a bunch of cardboard cutout characters looking like roided up smurfs acting out the most tired tropes you've ever seen in movies (although I guess this assumes you've actually seen more than 10 movies).

The plot and character decisions make zero sense if you spend a single brain cells worth of effort on them, which you'd think you'd have more than enough time to do with how much water treading downtime there is here. Not that it really even matters anyway, because the final insult is the ending basically just openly being "lol nothing you just saw really mattered and we're just gonna do the EXACT same again next time too"

I can sort of understand why kids went nuts for Avatar back in the day and formed a nostalgic attachment to it, even though it's not that good of a movie, but why are we still pretending this is impressive again 20 years later? This one is even worse and we all know the only reasons you're pretending it's not.
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Ehhh...not quite
14 December 2021
Take many of these exaggerative reviews with a big grain of salt. The animation is perfectly fine. It's a cartoon on CARTOON NETWORK. I don't know why people seemed to be expecting some Disney-level production.

That said though, it's unfortunately a bit of a bland show. It suffers from typical anime cliches like painfully slow plot progression and an unnecessary amount of melodramatic monologuing and brooding.

The plot is pretty simple and it's very obvious what's going on from the first episode, but the show still insists on wasting half the season pretending things aren't exactly as simple as they seem and it just kind of feels like its wasting your time.

There are just too many great shows on these days to keep giving time to something this unexceptional.
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Average and forgettable thriller
17 September 2021
LOL at people here acting like they're clever for sitting through an utterly average thriller with predictable twists and nothing remotely original or complex about it.

It feels a lot like a NetFlix original movie. Competently produced and acted, but underdeveloped to the point where none of it ever comes together into anything memorable or above average.

People will forget all about this movie in a month and it'll be like it never happened.
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3 September 2021
Just watch the trailer on this page if you want to see the level of quality you can expect with this movie.

Every single one of these 9-10 reviews are shill accounts that made them all in the same week of May, 2021. And EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM has done nothing (or almost nothing) but reviews for the exact same handful of movies for this same trashy knockoff bootleg movie company.

Don't be a sucker, people.
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Pig (I) (2021)
Anyone trying to tell you this is a 10/10 is 100% a shill
17 July 2021
This is an utterly mediocre film and no one should be pretending otherwise. The problem isn't simply a lack of action, it's a complete lack of compelling characters and story. It's a completely uninteresting script full of uninteresting dialogue that occasionally tries to make some points about various facets of society, but never actually tries to do any deep exploration of them or say anything remotely new or insightful about them (yes, the upper class is out of touch with humanity and treat people and animals like objects, how observant). Mostly it's just dry, droning dialogue, particularly when Cage is speaking in a surprisingly quiet, monotone, almost comically pause-filled voice that evokes thoughts of some kind of ASMR sleep aid video.

Also I think it's a little silly to be dismissive of people that were expecting this movie to be "John Wick with a pig" when the trailer for it leaned heavily into presenting it as such. They clearly wanted people to think this would be another Nicholas Cage memefest to help the marketing. You can't be mad at people for being disappointed that it wasn't what the trailers made it out to be.
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The 8th Night (2021)
Big fat meh
11 July 2021
The fact that the most helpful review right now describes this as one of the best horror movies of 2021 right between A Quiet Place 2 and The Conjuring 3 should pretty much let you know what you're in for here.

I don't see the appeal myself. Just a lot of filler and drawn out melodrama with characters I don't care about one bit, all set to overdramatic music that does more to tell you how you're supposed to be feeling about each scene than anything actually happening before your eyes does.

Hooray it's on NetFlix for "free" though so 9/10! (Just kidding this is a 4 or 5 at best).
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Waste of time and potential
5 June 2021
So...we're just supposed to pretend this was a good movie just because Nicholas Cage is in it, even though they couldn't even afford to have him talk? Nah.

This is one of the worst written, most brain dead horror movies I've ever seen. Cage's nonverbal screaming isn't remotely interesting. We've seen it 100 times before in movies that were actually good. Why sit through 90 minutes of lazy filler garbage just to see it again here?

The obvious thing to do with a concept this basic and stupid would have been to play it as a comedy, but they couldn't even be bothered to make that effort, because that would have required competent writing. Complete waste of time and I don't understand why so many people are giving it a pass "because Cage" when he doesn't even do anything interesting here (how can he when he can't even talk?)
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Spiral (2021)
5 June 2021
Just to put this in perspective, I've liked every Saw movie, even the last two. This is finally the first one I dislike. Oh, it's not a terrible movie. Competently produced and all, but it's underwhelming and average at a generous best. Let me just list the three big flaws in this movie.

1. Chris Rock isn't convincing at all as a tough guy cop and his character is an absolute moron. It's frustrating seeing him miss things that are sometimes literally right in front of his face.

2. The traps are mostly mediocre and unimaginative (final one was the only decent one if you ask me).

3. And worst of all? Every single aspect of the story is incredibly predictable. It's obvious who the killer is extremely early on. Same goes for the other big "twist" that comes later.

What's left without interesting characters, good traps, and good twists? Just a generic cop drama with a weak lead and a weak villain. I really hope this movie hasn't just put the final nail in the coffin of this series.
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Oxygen (2021)
I give up on Alexandre Aja
31 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After the disappointing Crawl and 9th Life of Louis Drax , I wasn't going to bother watching any more of his films, but I was bored and it's free on NetFlix so what the hell, right? My mistake.

What clearly wanted to be the next Cube type of movie, ended up just being a cold, clinical parceling out of small bits of information and plot contrivances that existed only to fill the run time of an otherwise super basic concept.

Wow, you're in space? Did anyone not immediately guess that from the trailer (or like...reading the name of the movie)? Like where else was she going to be? Either space or at the bottom of the ocean or there wouldn't even be a threat here. But ok, let's drop this near the end like a huge reveal that we're supposed to be blown away by. Sure.

And wow, it took you almost the entire movie to try to look outside the box? Really?? Gee that sure is convenient. Not as convenient as that magic AI though. That thing can make autonomous decisions to protect the occupant (except when it can't), can make phone calls (to other planets?), perform medical procedures automatically or on demand, and all sorts of other advanced futuristic functions, yet it randomly can't understand simple questions (whenever it's convenient to drag things out more) and I guess was programmed to be as obtuse and unhelpful as possible, and not willing to give vital information it possesses about the occupant because occupant either didn't phrase their question in the exact right way (even though they asked similar questions that would have resulted in the same answer earlier) or just "bEcAuSe YoU DiDnT aSk!"

We don't know anything about the character, so why are we supposed to care about them? We don't know anything about the situation except "AIR LOW", so beyond that why are we supposed to care? It's just a time wasting linear series of: INFO DROP -> ASK QUESTIONS UNTIL CORRECT QUESTION -> INFO DROP -> ASK QUESTIONS UNTIL CORRECT QUESTION -> INFO DROP and in the end none of the final reveal even really matters because with the convenient mystery box + amnesia setup, literally anything could be plugged into the end and it wouldn't have made any difference to the other 95% of the movie. It's not really a twist when there isn't any previous conflicting situation to be twisted away from expectations. It's just another INFO DROP in a pile of INFO DROPs that ultimately mean nothing.
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Come True (2020)
The sleep theme is fitting
15 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't have a whole lot to say that others haven't already covered here. Cool looking dream sequences, underwhelming everything else.

Not sure why so many reviews are praising the lead actress. Sorry, but I found her pretty unpleasant. I get the feeling the movie was expecting me to find her likable and attractive too and....nah, not seeing it. The sex scene with a character that looks like a homeless child was easily the most disturbing part of the movie.
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Hellstone (2017)
9/10 review is flat out lying and this is a pile of plagiaristic garbage
10 April 2021
I don't know if this guy is the director or a friend of the director or what, but that review is nonsense.

There are mostly practical effects in here, yes, (though there actually IS some bad CG in here too, and it's quite bad) but they're nothing to write home about. It looks like someone was trying hard to do Evil Dead 2, but with less budget and skills involved than even Evil Dead 1. Wow, dudes in robes and rubber masks running around and a creature that is very blatantly a cheap homemade copy of the granny from Evil Dead 2. Super exciting. (and no, it's not even remotely on the same level of effects as Dead Alive, another movie that came out almost 30 years ago either)

The camera work was acceptable at the best of times and clumsily shaky at the worst (even in static standing still scenes), and the shoddy editing doesn't do it any favors either. It's hard enough to take a scene seriously in as low budget of a movie as this as it is, but when you have student film level crap like "character is in the woods, sees some bad guys, turns around to run away, then hard cut to a separate scene of car keys landing on ground even though the guy was very clearly not holding his keys before". It's just sloppy and makes you feel like they didn't care about the production, and if even the people making it don't care why the hell should I?

The audio is as generic as it gets. It's just utterly generic spooky music. The bad guys and creatures didn't make a single memorable noise. Absolute BS.

Look, I'm willing to give low budget horror movies a lot of slack. There are many horror movies with ratings as low as this one that I actually enjoy, but this movie just feels like a cheap and blatant ripoff of Evil Dead and a few other low budget 80's horror films. You can try to dress it up as "paying homage", but when you steal creature designs right out of the movie you're "paying tribute to" and keep piling it on by having dude go into a cabin in the woods and listen to a spooky message from an old man on an old reel to reel tape player while thumbing through a crusty old grimoire full of spooky monster drawings and arcane scribblings while playing with a ritual dagger until totally-not-granny-from-Evil-Dead-2 comes in and HE FIGHTS IT WITH A CHAINSAW....screw you this is just plain damn plagiarism.
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Great concept, awkward execution
12 December 2020
Nice things to say about this movie: Interesting core plot concept, good cinematography, cool bot design, and decent effects.

Unfortunately, those aren't enough to carry this film through its awful script. The characters and dialogue are often clunky and downright unpleasant and there's a severe lack of editing on display. There are sooooooo many absolutely unnecessary scenes and scenes that just drag on repeating the same thing over and over.

There's no reason whatsoever for a movie like this, where it's just a group of people being chased through the jungle by robots, to be over 2 hours long. This movie said everything it had to say in the first hour and should have started wrapping up after that point, but it just keeps going and going and going, despite the fact that it never explores its concept beyond "ROBOTS BAD" (a tone it sets immediately with the opening text crawl describing how there are over 200 companies in the world designing robots and AI and they're ALL chasing big military contracts, which is a weirdly ignorant claim).

Go check out Kill Command if you want to see basically the same story, but done much, much better.
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Intersect (I) (2020)
17 September 2020
Oh, look. It's another low scoring indie horror film where all the overly positive reviews say essentially the exact same thing.

tHiS mOviE iS sO sMarT! iF yOu DoNt LiKe iT yOu MuSt OnLy WaTcH dUmB aCtiOn MoViEs, UnLiKe Me WhO aM tOo SmArT fOr ThAt! ThiS mOviE sOoOoOoO sMaRt AnD tHoUgHt PrOvOkiNg BuT i CaNt ArTiCuLaTe HoW oR wHy CuZ yOr ToO dUmB tO uNdErStAnD!

and nevermind that 99% of them are new accounts with no other reviews. That's probably not important.
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22 August 2020
It's almost funny, because this movie is clearly clumsily trying to say something about how people waste their lives living in fear and how they should really stop with all their boring vapid hipster nonsense and go out and really live.

and is this boring vapid hipster excuse for a movie trying to waste part of my life with its cheap stoned high school kid philosophy, when I could be doing something more fulfilling.

Well, congratulations movie, you win. I'm turning this off to do something else. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED?
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They Reach (2020)
"I wAs iN tHe MoViE!"
10 August 2020
Weird that there are multiple reviews claiming that the negative reviews can't possibly be true because the movie isn't out until October, which is maybe true for the US release, I'm not sure, released on VOD services like Amazon internationally months ago. You were in the movie but you don't know that? Ok, bud.

Notice they're fine with all the blatantly fake 10/10 reviews from the same month though...

This is a Hi-Octane Pictures movie though, so honestly all of this and the low quality of the film itself is to be expected...
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Wounds (2019)
Weak start, but finds its footing and finishes strong
9 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have to admit, I was tempted to turn this one off around half way through too. The pacing is not great in the first half and it seems to just keep lingering on the not particularly interesting personal life of the not particularly likable main character and you start wondering if this is going to be one of those Open House type movies where it just endlessly hints at a climax that never arrives or another generic haunting/curse movie that's just 80 minutes of filler and 10 minutes of CG jump scares.

Eventually it does turn a corner into something much more interesting though. More pieces start falling into place and the almost painfully vague shape of the mysterious threat finally starts to become more clear, though you do have to pay very close attention to see all those pieces as some of them fly by so subtly or so quickly that you can easily miss them. The ending in particular ties it all together in a pretty powerful way that's going to have you thinking about it for a while.

Ultimately, to me, Wounds isn't really even a story about supernatural evil. It's a story about being hopelessly lost, hitting rock bottom, and looking to desperately fill that void with anything no matter how harmful it might be to yourself and others. In Will's case it was a supernatural entity that chose to take advantage of his emptiness, but he could have just as easily fallen into drugs, a cult, crime, a hate group, etc. I know because I used to be just like him. I was lucky enough to meet someone that snapped me out of it and helped me turn my life around, but I often think about how much further I could have fallen if things had been different, and it's a pretty scary thought, so you can see why this story could really hit home with me, and I can understand why someone who hasn't been through this (or is still in denial that they're currently going through it) wouldn't feel the same impact.

While I feel that Wounds stumbles a few times along the way, in the end it really had something to say. Something that you may find yourself turning around like a little puzzle box in your mind for some time after it concludes, and that's the mark of a story that's more effective than not to me. 8/10.
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The Beach House (II) (2019)
Means well, but is ultimately a waste of time
7 August 2020
Yet another indie horror where if you've seen the trailer, you've basically seen the movie. Almost every single creature or body horror scene in the movie in in the trailer. The entire plot is in the trailer. The only parts you're not seeing in the trailer is the massive amount of character introduction and buildup for about 45 minutes until the story really starts moving and then most of the rest is the main characters randomly running around saying WHAT'S HAPPENING?

The actors were fine, the cinematography was fine, and some of the effects were decent, but there's really nothing here for any of it to work with. The characters are thin, the plot barely exists, the threat is vague and barely present. Maybe with a better script and a little more budget this director could do something more impressive, but this just isn't it. I think some of the other reviews here have summed it up best already: this is just Color Out of Space except the budget is smaller, the cast is weaker, and not much actually happens.

4/10 at best.
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Doesn't live up to its potential, but its not all bad
6 August 2020
This was so close to working. The premise seems good, at least before you start thinking about it (more on that in a sec). The acting and effects are decent for such a low budget. I actually rather liked the dynamic and chemistry of the main family, and I liked how take charge the mom became once trouble started. It's pretty promising for the first half or so, but then it just kind of fizzles out in the end, being not quite sure where to go with the situation it created. I wish they would have gone all out with the ridiculousness of it all and done more stuff like the first encounter with Lewis.

I also wish I could not keep thinking about how painfully thin the main premise is. After a minute you stop and ask yourself "Wait, why is everyone playing along with this?". There's no actual incentive for anyone to participate in what these random letters suggest. There's no real threat aside from "they'll get you first", but why would anyone believe that and feel compelled to start killing? This isn't Saw or something where they have some bomb locked on them that'll blow if they don't play the game. And why does everyone act like there won't be any consequences for all their actions? This isn't The Purge. One character even tries to stream their murder of someone for internet fame. WHY? WHO CARES ABOUT INTERNET FAME WHEN YOU'RE IN PRISON FOR LIFE? I get that this is a social commentary, but man, even with how messed up things are today we're not THAT crazy in America that we'd all become murderers because of an anonymous letter. Sure there'd be some tiny percentage of nuts who'd go for it, but most people would just throw it in the trash and ignore it, because it's ridiculous.

That said...I don't know. I still kind of enjoyed it a bit. It's a flawed movie that doesn't quite live up to its potential, but it does have some good in it. I laughed a few times and enjoyed a few of the gore effects. Maybe with a better budget and a little more time the director can bring something a little more impressive to the table next time.

I'd give it a 5 or 6 out of 10.
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Game of Death (I) (2017)
Nice try, but no
4 August 2020
Interesting premise and I liked the retro design of the game itself, but they just didn't have the budget or the writing to pull this off effectively. The characters are painfully unlikable in the beginning, but get more tolerable once the story actually starts. There are some acceptable effects occasionally, but nothing particularly noteworthy.

Mostly it just seems like they didn't know what to do past the premise. It gets repetitive, starts to drag on, and really falls apart at the end. I've seen much, much worse, and I don't think this is so bad that I'd say "avoid it at all costs", but I wouldn't recommend that anyone go out of their way to see it either. It's a 4 or 5 out of 10 at best.

Also, you'd think at least one person involved in this production would have known that shotguns don't shoot rifle bullets. Who the hell doesn't know how shotguns work??
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Just because they look like G1 again, doesn't mean this is good
31 July 2020
Obviously the visual design is great, but that's really the only nice thing I have to say about it. This is some of the most lethargic voice acting I've ever heard. A lot of the characters sound almost identical. Almost all of them sound like they're about to fall asleep. Characters have a tendency to speak very slowly too, sometimes leaving huge awkward pauses between words for dramatic effect I guess, but they do it sooooo often, most of the time when there isn't anything particularly dramatic being said, that it's just unpleasant.

For that matter, the dialogue itself feels off sometimes too, disjointed and awkward as if there's been some kind of poor translation from another language, but...there hasn't. This was made in America. The guy doing the voice of Starscream was the only one that seemed to be giving it any effort. The guy doing the voice of Optimus is kind of painful to listen to because he starts out trying to play the part with a Peter Cullen impression, but he can't seem to hold it for more than a few seconds at a time and just keeps slipping into a normal voice most of the time. It's pretty bad.

The pacing also has a kind of Dragon Ball Z feel to it (not a compliment). There's a lot of standing around very slowly talking about what's going on and what they're going to do, but not much actual doing. Mostly just a bunch of melodramatic posturing. When there is action it feels pretty clunky, which isn't all that surprising considering the big blocky designs of the characters. They're nice to look at when they're standing still, but they have a pretty low range of articulation in motion, which leads to some weird robo fist fights that feel like you're watching a game of Rockem Sockem Robots.

Honestly I haven't been excited by a new Transformers show since Beast Wars so I don't know why I had any expectations for this, but the trailers made it look like this could be something special, but sorry, just having the characters look like the good old G1 days isn't enough for me when everything else about it is so disappointing. I'd give it a 4 or 5 out of 10 at best.
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Yikes. Awful waste of time.
30 July 2020
Acting and cinematography are passable, but once the creatures appear it's all downhill from there. The barge people are literally just wearing rubber masks and it's VERY noticeable. One of them even has eye holes that aren't quite the right size and you can see a bit of their face underneath. It looks awful. These are the cheap Halloween kind of rubber masks too where the mouths don't really function, which again, is very noticeable, especially when you can easily see that when the barge people are supposed to be eating people, they're actually clearly just rubbing their mouth against them. Again, looks awful.

Other effects like gore/death scenes are equally embarrassing. The creatures shoot geyers of water out instead of blood, which is already silly, but there was one part where two characters are hitting one of the creatures with frying pans and it inexplicably made water blood shoot out in spray bursts as if they were being stabbed? They're hitting it in the back with frying pans, one of them using stabbing motions for some reason, and it's wearing a thick rain coat, and somehow that fills them with holes and makes water shoot out? This is not a comedy movie either, so I really don't know what they were thinking with scenes like that. It's just terrible.

Big mistake to make these things talk too. They're supposed to be rabid mutant cannibals, and yet they can apparently speak English well enough to spout awful cliched comic book villain one-liners (through a very cheap sounding voice filter). It's supposed to be sinister, but it's just laughable.

They clearly had no idea what to actually do in terms of story once the creatures showed up either. Characters just ramble and pointlessly repeat themselves to fill up the run time.

Overall just a big waste of time. Clearly someone was looking to cash in with as little effort as possible here. I've seen worse, but The Barge People is pretty far down there near the bottom of the barrel. 2/10.
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Blood Vessel (2019)
Simple and dated, but fun for what it is
30 July 2020
A very basic, even formulaic horror movie that feels like something you'd have seen back in the 80's or early 90's. It's even got such classic character cliches as "arrogant upper class coward who tries to sell out the group to save himself" and "shady troublemaker who ruins it for everyone by trying to steal the treasure for himself". You've seen it all before, but this movie knows what it is. It doesn't try to be overly clever or ironic about it, it's just an old-timey creature feature and it does that well.

The actors are decent and the script is solid enough that even though the creatures don't fully appear until the last third of the movie, it never felt like it was just killing time. The conversations and actions leading up to that point felt natural and relevant to the situation and weren't just nonsense thrown in the pad out the time. The setting and creature effects were pretty good for a low budget movie.

Just keep your expectations realistic. Don't expect to be scared or have any deep thoughts provoked. It's just a simple story of some people on a boat vs some "vampires" that has a natural retro feel to it, and if you like that kind of thing you'll have fun here.

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Open 24 Hours (2018)
Another one for the gas station bargain bin
30 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This has some of the most obnoxious sound design I've heard in a while. Typical generic horror movie where they massively overuse the emotional music cues and constantly beat you over the head with cheap overly loud jumpscare sounds and music. Honestly, if you didn't have the music telling you how you were supposed to feel, the lead actresses attempts at looking scared would probably make you think this was a parody. She goes full on Italian Spider-Man sometimes.

They also try to take the easy way out of explaining all the absolutely insane characters decisions and plotholes by slapping on what was very clearly a thrown together at the last minute "ambiguous" ending. Not sure what the point is because there are only two possibilities, the killer was real (but also had unexplained magic powers) or it was all in her head and she was the killer. Neither are original enough that dropping an ambiguous ending suddenly makes it clever and neither makes much sense because why is she not back in prison again either way and etc. Judging by some of the reviews it looks like it tricked some people into thinking it really was deep though, because apparently it really is that easy...

I've seen much, much worse, but it's still not a good movie. Just another forgettable bargain bin horror that's not even worth sitting through once. 4/10
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Amulet (2020)
Nice try, but no
29 July 2020
Guys...stop. Having a bunch of well-shot footage of forests and obnoxious experimental music doesn't make something a high quality horror film on par with things like Hereditary and The Lighthouse. If that surface level stuff is all you think it takes to make a movie intelligent and masterfully crafted, sorry, but you're not as clever as you're trying to make yourselves sound.

There are many things that directors like Aster and Eggers do that make their movies rise far above ones like this, but let me just pick one, and arguably the most important one, THE PERFORMANCES OF THE CHARACTERS. You have to be absolutely kidding me if you're going to sit there trying to tell me that the actors in Amulet were anywhere close to well-directed, maximum effort performances from people like Willem Dafoe and Toni Collette. They aren't just on different floors, they're not even in the same building.

I've seen much, much worse than Amulet, and I wouldn't even go as far as to call it a bad film, but I can't think of a single moment where Tomas or Magda made me think "wow, what a great performance". Hell, I can't even think of one that made me care about either of them. They're dreary characters in a dreary setting acting out dreary motions to fill up time until the entire effects budget is blown in the last 10 minutes, and yes, the director is obviously TRYING to convey something poignant with this unconventional story, but they just aren't selling it.

"Weird + good cinematography" does not automatically equal a great film.

"Having an artistic vision + good intentions" does not automatically equal a great film.

It's a great effort, but it's not a great film. Wait five years to see if anyone's still talking about it, or even remembers that it existed, if you're still unsure about that.
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The Rental (2020)
Big fat meh
25 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This barely even qualifies as a horror movie, as the majority is just plain old drama between the four characters, which veers into a few short bursts of thriller, and then jumps into full-on, but very weak, horror only in the last 15 minutes or so. Good cinematography and good performances from Dan Stevens and the rest can't save this film from its own lack of content. It's just these four people on vacation with some slight drama mixed in by two of them having an affair, a "twist" that's telegraphed hard from the very first scene, and that's pretty much the whole movie. Then faceless mystery man shows up to dispatch the main characters in as quick, clean, and unceremonious fashion as humanly possible in the very end. That's really all there is to it.

It doesn't do anything new or interesting as a drama or a thriller and it fails miserably as a horror, so...what's there to like about this movie? It definitely felt like it was trying to be a bit like The Strangers (because wow no face, no motive = super scary for some people apparently?) except aimed specifically at what I'd imagine is a pretty small group of people with irrational fears of home-sharing. I guess the one nice thing I can say is that it at least it wasn't as vapid and braindead as The Strangers and the characters were more developed, but that's not saying much.

This is a watchable, but very forgettable movie that deserves somewhere in the 4-6 range at best. Believe me or don't, but I think it's pretty telling that most of the gushing reviews here don't seem to be able to offer any insight on the film beyond "don't listen to HATERS it's great! The end."
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