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Big Little Lies (2017–2019)
Must watch mystery full of suspense and thrills
14 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Breathtaking Montgomery views and amazing soundtracks to keep the murder mystery alive are not the only things to hook you onto this web series. Casting a lot of leads, Big Little Lies has excellent story-telling. The first episode starts with a regular day mom dropping kids to school, cat-pulling, power struggles and a rebellious teenager. But episode after episode, as the series unravels you marvel the way secrets of different characters are revealed. It's hard not to binge watch this show.

The last two episodes wherein the big lies start exposing were the most theatrical. Ziggy, a naive kid who has been shown very suspicious at times esp. with the sleep walking scenes combined with Jane's PTSD reveals that he is not the one to be blamed for Anabella's bullying, choking and biting. Zane's astonishment as she tells Celeste that Max could be the one actually doing this deed since Celeste always covered her relationship to be the most perfect loving marriage and Celeste knowing her son did indeed have bad genes and a very exposed upbringing.

Madeleine's role kept the different flying threads connected but I couldn't stop wondering Reese Witherspoon should have an actual part in the story instead of just supporting one woman or the other from time to time. It was sad to see her struggle to be a good mom, wife and friend turning into a facade each time. Her daughter Abigail felt more comfortable with her step-mom Bonnie than her overbearing mom and her stubbornness to help Jane fit-in definitely caused more trouble than help.

Regardless, of what the parents tell the cops in their teeny-tiny interview clips, can't stop sympathizing with Jane, a rape victim and a newcomer in town struggling hard to gel-in the society full of powerful people ready to pounce on each other. It does get a little dark when Jane decided to drive out of town, gun-armored to find her rapist.

Celeste had the most significant role. Makes you wonder there can be so much being covered under the affluent lifestyle. Everything comes with a price and the struggle she goes through in her relationship definitely brings it through. The role of her therapist is worth noting here, she went across her job boundaries, provoking Celeste to think of separation. Maybe she had a case in the past that went wrong which made her all the more empathetic towards Celeste's condition. A man like Perry, rapist, violent husband who had absolutely no respect for women had so much of fear over the loss of his wife. Loved the insinuation, how a bad person also knows that he is not perfect and has so mane insecurities. Wonderful acting by both the actors in here, a reality of lot of modern homes where the shrieks, wounds and blood remains confined to the bedroom walls. It is usually assumed the kids are oblivious to the proceedings, but they do pick up on the vibes and the noises in the house, as does Max in the episode.

All in all, it is an excellent series. The cinematography, sound effects and the wave music adds on to the thrill and suspense. One of the rare series which targets all the aspects of feminism : rape, infidelity, marital violence and the eternal silence to tolerate all for the sake of kids.
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No Strings Attached (I) (2011)
Feel good movie in a world of lost commitments and heartbreaks
13 July 2019
If you are looking for a cute romcom on a dull weekend afternoon, this will be it. There are parts of the movie that could have definitely got better acting like the one of Adam's dad and his girlfriend Vanessa. All in all, the movie rotates around friends with benefits, both Adam and Eve finding ways to explore sex in all the weird locations possible, and as predicted the movie end up going into a "fall in love" twist.
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No-glam humble attitude Trumps!!
30 September 2018
This is definitely one of the best movies of 2018. Varun and Anushka in their humble, no-glam roles will win every heart. Anyone in India can easily relate to the story. Even if not directly, we have always seen the pain of our helpers : the cycling in scorching heat, walking with bruised and the excessive medical bills. A large part of the society is crushed under the clutches of the riches who see no harm in stealing the items donated for the poor, considering them as animals ( though this movie was a little extreme) or keeping far more in their own pockets before it reaches the right talent. No wonder despite whatever, the government does we are still struggling the vast economic disparity.

Anyways, back to the movie presentation, on one hand where you can't help but be impressed with the dedication of the wife (anoushka), despite her only getting responsibilities post-marriage; on the other hand Varun brings a soft touch to their relationship. The seemingly "Sab badiya hai" attitude guy was also struggling to make himself prove worthy to his wife. The gestures, cute smiles show a different level of relationship that is much needed in this age where love has got so cheap and easy.

The small wins will keep you glued to the journey of this cute couple, even though the end is pretty much predictable. I wish they spoke up against the hospitals black money and the non-ethical practices at the factory, but oh well, maybe that is asking too much from the movie. Although, the music and the whole brother part was definitely unneeded for this story.

All in all, wonderful work done throughout the movie : real talent and hard work does pay off and so does the sweet obedient wife's dream to see her husband live a respectful and successful life.
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Black Mirror: Nosedive (2016)
Season 3, Episode 1
Great storyline, very relevant to modern society
19 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
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Black Mirror: Be Right Back (2013)
Season 2, Episode 1
It really might not be that tough to have our multiple digital clones walking around
23 February 2018
As much as the episode kept me connected throughout the whole story, feeling Martha's pain and jitters with every scene of the episode; it was also a revelation how much we are allowing the technology and different technical giants to control us. Every single movement, every single browsing history is captured somewhere. In this case clone was created for a loved one and the reason, howsoever illogical was genuine ... but doesn't it allow for digital clones that can be created and misused for any person possible. Texture mapping and tons of data floating around definitely make it very much feasible.

Yes, the idea of being connected even after death was very touching and I am sure it pulled in the audience, because only at the moment you lose someone you want them all the much more, you understand their importance in your life. But at the same time i felt really bad for Martha, she was stuck with a robot for life whom she cannot get rid of out of the respect for Ash memories but that will never ever let her move on with life as well. She will keep clinging to the memories and never be able to make new ones.

Also, the part where she yells at the robot to hit her brings out a very interesting aspect of human psychology. As much as we all want perfect and serving people in our lives, what makes them real and lovable is their imperfections. The imperfections in humans is what makes them different from algorithmically programmed robots; by the time we realize this difference it shouldn't be too late that we are living our lives more in control of the robots than ourselves.
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Black Mirror: USS Callister (2017)
Season 4, Episode 1
Great imagination and direction
23 February 2018
Similar to all other episodes in Black Mirror, this episode takes the impact of technology on humans to a totally different level. Humans are growing more and more sadistic, because we have the square box, maybe the television or the laptop that fulfills all our fantasies. Robert as well, rather than dealing with real life situations and making things better with his peer and coworkers, couldn't care less for their rude attitudes because he was taking his revenge with them in the virtual world. Some things did seem off like the clones being able to see their reallife counterparts and not having genitals; loved the line where Nanette says it is a software code and there can't be any without excepptions or bugs.Howsoever, we advance in technology we shall always remain slaves to the idea that it needs to work exactly the way we want it to.
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Hindi Medium (2017)
Direction could have been much better
19 February 2018
The storyline was great; aiming right at the upper middle class and how despite the great measures put forward by the government; the poor still stay void of their rights. The direction could have been better; I had a hard time connectging with most of the scenes in the movie.
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Black Mirror: The Entire History of You (2011)
Season 1, Episode 3
Do we really want those memories
19 February 2018
Loved this episode because it looks too true to not believe. With the revolution that started with cameras and selfies, there are security cameras and drones flying everywhere. Gradually there would be cars and tons and tons of data flying everywhere. There will absolutely be no movement or activity that will be hidden but do we really want to keep rewinding and living the past activities.

Liam hardly seems to be living in the present. all his activities be it sex, drinking viewing or work are carried out by looking towards the past ... thereby no new experience. The grain chip technology is no doubt a great resource for goverment and crime agencies; classic example will be where the security guy allows him to board by looking at his past but I wonder if a human needs access to his history all the time. It will only make a person live his traumas and virtual pleasures over and over again.
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