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Hanna (2011)
A spy thriller with an interesting twist
12 October 2016
This is an excellent tightly paced spy thriller with an interesting plot twist. Saoirse Ronan gives an wonderful performance as the titular Hanna. Her portrayal is vulnerable, sympathetic, and also bad-ass. Eric Bana and Cate Blanchett also give decent performances, although they are nothing memorable. The soundtrack by the Chemical Brothers adds much to the film. It provides an almost surreal atmosphere to the movie. Some would say that there are glaring plot holes in Hanna. However, there are not in my opinion, worse than any other action movie - certainly no worse than mainstream Hollywood films. This film is a bit quirky, but that is what makes it charming. Hanna is definitely a film worth watching.

*FYI: I gave the film 9/10 here, but that is just to bring the score up. It's closer to 8/10 IMO.
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Haywire (2011)
A Failed Experiment
30 October 2012
I applaud Soderbergh for trying to redefine the spy thriller. It's a daring experiment along the lines of the "Bourne" series, or even "Taken". However, he didn't succeed.

The plot is a rather flimsy one, about how a military contractor Mallory Kane (Gina Carano) once betrayed by someone on the inside while on assignment. The movie then follows her around as she tries to figure out who betrayed and why, getting rid of anyone who gets in her way.

On paper it sounds like a thrilling action movie, however the poorly written dialogue doesn't give the amazing cast any good material too work with. The plot is very poorly thought out. While the movie tries to explain why the betrayal took place near the end of the film, the motive is hard to believe.

The acting is rather subpar in "Haywire", considering the big names that are involved. Again, it's more the fault of the screenwriters than the actors. The action is very focused on hand-to-hand combat. There are no big car chases or explosions. Worst of all, even the best parts of the film, the fighting, is ruined by the terrible score (soundtrack). The music takes away from the drama of the life or death fights and does not add to the film at all.

Lastly the film is shot and lit a particular way. The film ends up looking too red and orange. While sometimes this oversaturation works like in "HEAT", it doesn't work well in this case. The film ends up looking quite cartoonish, rather than more serious. It reminds viewers of hipster Instagram photos in the worst way.

Overall, it's not a terrible film. However, there are many better films to watch. Not worth the time or the money, unless a huge fan of Carano.
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A serious drama wrapped in a comedy
25 October 2012
This film is a close examination of what people would do at the end of the world. Other films like "Armageddon" and "Deep Impact" or even "Knowing" try to deal with the same themes. What I like about this film is that instead of focusing on a heroic struggle to save the world, it shows the human aspect.

The relationship between Penny (Keira Knightly) and Dodge (Steve Carrell) is sweet, although some parts of it were unbelievable for me. Neither of them are amazing actors, but are charismatic enough to for their roles.

Overall it's a sweet film, with some laughs but also forces the viewer to think about what they would do if the world was ending. It's not a laughfest, but rather a well balanced mix of drama and comedy.
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Alphas (2011–2012)
X-Men meets CSI
10 March 2012
If X-Men and CSI had sex then had a baby, that baby would be this show. Everything in this show has been done. Not only that, everything in this show has been done better. The acting is not terrible, but never rises about the mediocre script.

Alphas is a show about mutants with special powers. Only in this series, they are called - you guessed it - Alphas. Dr. Rosen leads a group of good Alphas who use their powers to stop bad Alphas, much like Xavier and his X-Men. Red Flag are the bad guys. They are the Magneto and Brotherhood of Mutants of this series. Throughout season 1 we learn more about the motives of Red Flag and of a place called Binghamton, which is supposed to help Alphas live with their powers.

Alphas is at best an average show, full of clichés and plot holes. While it is far from the worst show on TV, it's certainly not the best. You'd be much better off watching the X-Men movies or Heroes to get your mutant fix.
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Friday Night Lights (2006–2011)
Television greatness.
14 July 2011
A lot of people look down on television, a view justified in part by the stream of crappy reality shows. However, when done well television is an art form that can be as great as a painting, a poem, a novel, and much much better than a film. Friday Night Lights is one of the few shows that has done just that. While football is a big part of the show, it is so much more than just a sports show. The characters are all real. They feel like someone would meet in real life. This allows us to feel connected to them. Over five seasons we get to fall in love with the small community of Dilon; we get to see teenagers grow up; we see people fall in and out of love; we get to see how much of marriage involves give and take; we get to see people make difficult decisions; and all of it makes for a show that will stay in the hearts and minds of its viewers long after it's over.
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The New Guy (2002)
The Same Old Stuff
26 March 2006
This was by far the worst film I've seen in years. If monkeys with sever diarrhea had written and directed a film, it would still have less feces in it than "The New Guy". I believe the formula the studio used when they made this film was: Dork(DJ Qualls)+Hot Chick(Eliza Dushku)+Crap+Cliché = Waste of $$$! "The New Guy" tries to copy other teen movies you've already seen a million times before, and it even fails miserably at that. The story is very familiar: an ugly duckling/loser(DJ Qualls) tries to become popular. Things are going smoothly in the beginning and he is changed by his newfound popularity. Of course somehow his past comes back to haunt him. Cue the sentimental speech and happy ending. Blah, blah, blah. Cliché, cliché, cliché.

I can't explain why, but the movie just isn't funny. It tries too hard. Sometimes the jokes are just so obvious, you KNOW what's coming, and that ruins the humor. Minutes after finishing the movie, I can't remember a single joke. It is that bad and forgettable. Name any other teen movie and it would be better than this one. Any of them! The simple truth is that there are only two reasons you would see this film: 1)Eliza Dushku's changing scene, 2)You're in love with DJ Quall. Although there are some cool cameos by Tony Hawk, among others, it does not save the film. Honestly, if you see this film you are telling Hollywood that it is OK to make horrible, horrible movies. Which is NOT TRUE! So support PETM (People for the Ethical Treatment of Movies) and rent something else. You'll be doing everyone - including yourself - a favor.
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3 Cheers for 3 Burials: A Moving Story
9 January 2006
"The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada", hereafter referred to as "3 Burials", is a moving portrayal of life in the border towns of Mexico and America, with the very real problems of poverty and racism. It follows the friendship between Pete (Tommy Lee Jones) and Melquiades (Julio Cedillo). When Melquiades is murdered, many in the town do not care - including the sheriff. He was a nobody. Just another poor migrant worker from Mexico. To Pete, however, Mel was a great friend. He goes to extraordinary lengths to ensure that both Mel and his killer get the treatment each deserve. It is an wonderful story.

The acting in "3 Burials" is superb. Jones is authentic and excellent in his portrayal of Pete - a tough, old cowboy. Jones and Cedillo bring to life the friendship between Pete and Melquiades. Thus it is easier to understand Pete's actions later on. The supporting cast is also excellent. Barry Pepper is fantastic as Mike Norton, a border patrol agent. The ever lovely January Jones is also great in one of her first larger roles as Mrs. Norton. Theirs is a troubled marriage and like everything else in this small town - not as simple as it seems.

The cinematography of the film is stunning. The background of the Southwest adds a very real atmosphere to the film. It ranges from weed-covered hills to desert dunes, cliffs, and rivers. "3 Burials" takes place amidst a beautiful and yet lonely setting.

Everything comes together extremely well in this film, which is rare. The acting, the plot, the visual imagery - it is all nearly perfect. "3 Burials" is an instant classic and one of the best movies in recent memory.
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Jarhead (2005)
Where's the action?
9 January 2006
Short Review:

A documentary pretending to be a war movie. No action, no plot, and no moral questions. Although it offers a funny and satirical look at life in the Marines - it is for Sam Mendes/Jake Gyllenhaal fans only.

Long Review:

"Jarhead" is a war movie. At least that's how the posters and previews would have you believe. However it is as much a war movie as a porno without sex is a porno. Unlike 99.9% of the other war movies out there is almost no action. It is not "Full Metal Jacket" or "Saving Private Ryan", you won't be mesmerized by the realistic fighting scenes. The film also lacks a plot. There are no conflicts to be resolved. No climax. When the film ends, it does so abruptly.

The film is more of a documentary than a war movie. It offers insight into life in the USMC. This is where the film excels. Jake Gyllenhaal as Swoff manages to bring humor into the mind-numbing existence that they lived. Jamie Foxx (Staff Sgt. Sykes) and Peter Sarsgaard (Troy) also give excellent performances. "Jarhead" is educational - if not exceptional.

Without a doubt the best part of this movie is its soundtrack! It certainly helps the movie a lot. The cinematography is also very haunting. Many scenes like the highway of death leading out of Kuwait and burning oil wells are recreated to stunning effect.

All in all the film is worth seeing. It is not of the same caliber as Sam Mendes' last two movies: "American Beauty" and "Road to Perdition". There are still, however, memorable scenes which no other movies offers.
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King Kong (2005)
If you have a heart or a pulse you'll LOVE this film!
14 December 2005
Before actually seeing the film I was very skeptical. I thought to myself, "How good can a movie about an over-sized monkey be?" Especially since the main actress wasn't even that pretty. It also starred Jack a NON-COMEDIC role. So needless to say that countless alarm bells were going off. My friends dragged me along to see it and - for lack of anything else better to do - I went along.

Having said all that, I was completely BLOWN AWAY by the movie. It was incredible! I am not a big fan of Peter Jackson. I know a lot of you disagree, but I thought "Lord of the Rings" the trilogy although great still left a lot to be desired. The first two films were great but somehow the third film just didn't do it for me. Just like the last Matrix film. Anyway, now you know a little bit of my biases and my reserved attitude towards Jackson.

However, that all changed with this movie. All the parts which individually seemed awkward really came together to make a spectacular film: and I mean spectacular in the literal take-your-breath-away sense of the word. Jack Black was surprisingly good as the twisted movie director trying to make his film at all costs. Noami Watts was enchanting. Her beauty perfectly fit the mold of a classical 20's-30's Hollywood actress. She is gorgeous, yet flawed and believable. Adrien Brody is, as always, excellent. Although his character was not a crucial part of the film.

Then there is - of course - the stereotypical eccentric crew of the "Venture". Lumpy was a very entertaining as the wacky cook. Hayes was also a very typical stoic character in the film. You know the one who sacrifices himself with honor, etc. Much like the guy would kept saying "Get some! Get some!" while blowing himself up with the nuke in Starship Troopers or Mathew Broderick holding up the company's colors as they charged the fort in "Glory". Howevery Evan Parke did an excellent job as Hayes. There was also a terrible Chineseman, Choy. Thank goodness he died. All in all the crew was not very original but the actors did a great job in making the cookie cutter roles more realistic and human.

For you special effects and action fanatics: the movie is loaded with exciting scenes. Overflowing with them! The numerous creatures on the island, all trying to eat the cast, were amazingly well animated. The dinosaurs were even better than Jurassic Park and Kong was more detailed than the furry creatures in "Monsters Inc". There are many gunfights. Of course there is also the ridiculous but nonetheless exciting fight between King Kong and the three T-rexes. Instant classic. Everyone who's seen the film will remember that scene.

For me, the best part of "King Kong" is not just the great acting and the action. It is the depth of Kong's character and the relationship that Ann Darrow (the main actress) has with him. There is truly a sense of intelligence behind those simian eyes. Kong comes alive. He is not just an ape or a powerful wild beast on the loose. True to the film's title he is the most important character - along with Ann.

I got shivers during the last scenes when he tapped his chest, in a gesture meaning "beautiful".

If you expect an action film, a Hollywood blockbuster - you will definitely find it in this movie. What is great, however, is that it raises many interesting questions. Which I will not list here because you should think for yourself. "King Kong," like all great movies, holds you captive in its world for entire movie and when it ends - you'll wish it had not.

So stop talking how the original is always better, or how it's a mindless action flick, or how PG-13 films always suck. SHUT UP! Go see the film. NOW! What are you waiting for?
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