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Im in the minority, but I hated it.
7 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So I walked out the cinema around 2/3rd through, unable to watch any more. I had seen the odd review, that was overwhelming positive for it. I watched the first one, it was okay but found it boring. Im a trekkie by nature so thought I would love anything sci-fi. I did notice that it's scheduled for a streaming / blu ray release in just three weeks time, essentially killing the cinema even more. In my screenings on opening week, with 241 ticket offers on, there were six people in the theatre. So how it has reported making so much money in just days of its release is "questionable".

But I went into this hoping I would like it. I didn't it. It was just so boring. Which is odd as there are action scenes, but none of it made any sense. I have not read the book but the rebels had around ten people in at the start, and I left when the main protagonist said he had 200. Even though most of them we saw die in the raids. Where did the extra people come from? Why were they joining when they were being killed off so often? None of this is explained.

There are plot holes galore, as though entire pages of the script were just emitted in editing. For example, Wonka (because I don't know his Dune characters name) was handed a backpack of food and a tent and sent to start walking across the dessert. The very next scene, Mary-Jane is sat at the top of a sand hill talking to him. The tent is never set up, no food eaten. He's just suddenly back at camp?!

There is a scene when all the guards have laser guns, and wasps with shields, but are all taken out by people with knives who can somehow see in a sandstorm and not be affected by it at the same time. It makes no sense.

Then we have the worm summoning ground-pumper. Why not use it on one of the convoys and just send a worm into it? Why risk people's lives when you have that technology? Or why not ride a worm into the convoy? And how do you get off the worm after you've finished with it? None of this is explained.

Then we have the "big" bad guy, who kills all his servants for fun. Yet more servants keep showing up? Why would anyone ever work for him? What does he do to earn his role?

Why does his nephew's fight scene turn the film to black and white? Its this a students arthouse film? It makes no sense! Not to mention the fight is pathetic. They have to drug his opponents, who have tiny daggers while he has two swords and a personal shield. And a bunch of security guards on standby as well. This is suppose to be entertainment?

You fill in the plot holes in your mind, while watching trying to make sense of the many pages omitted. Which I think is why all the other reviewers are praising the movie like its a masterpiece. But I need the story to take place on the screen, not in my mind.

I know I'm in the minority in my thinking on this film, and all my favourite Youtube reviewers are praising it. But I just had to come on here and give my thoughts to balance out all the positive. Also, it costs a lot of money to go to the cinema and walking out of a film is not fun. When it's due for streaming release in just a few more weeks, I think you would be better to wait until then and save yourself the money. It's defiantly a film you can watch while playing on your phone, as three hours of two teenagers talking and shots of sand, while a foghorn bursts in your ears is not for me at least.
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Matinee (1993)
13-14 year old kids movie
10 December 2023
At the start of the film, there is an outdoor shot of them walking home where the colour balance is an absolute mess. Everything is saturated red. This is an obvious technical error that was left in, presumably as they couldn't do a reshoot to fix it and just used the bad footage.

The plot is about a group of children, one of which is a presumably 14 year old girl whose ex-boyfriend appears to be in his twenties. Who starts dating another boy in her school class. It's all incredibly creepy and inappropriate - even for the 60s when this is set. There is another kids romance plot thats also awkward.

The "matinee" movie plot is not even a factor in the first half of the film. At which point I started to hit the fast-forward button as it was that slow.

I wanted to watch a comedy starring John Goodman. I have not laughed once. There are no jokes. This is a kids school drama. John is a side-character that makes no sense in the context of his job. He's suppose to be a film producer; not setting up practical jokes, one cinema screen at a time, at every cinema in America! Then we have the whole missile crisis which adds nothing to the plot.

It's just boring and I cannot recommend anyone watching this. Which is shocking to write knowing the films the director makes afterwards are some of my favourite ever.
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Blue Beetle (2023)
Average, Formulaic with some poor plot points
6 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So the aunt was developing weapons. The daughter did not like that but wasn't the one running the company. Her dad designed those weapons and built his own, which she used. It didn't make sense. Besides, there is nothing wrong with building enhanced suits for soldiers, that will save lives, when your being invaded by alien armies every few years!

The room with the alien tech in it, didn't have anyone guarding it. She pickpockets a pass and walks in, then walks out. Walking past the entrance to another corridor that did have a guard next to it. What was in that corridor that it warranted a guard? And this one with the advanced weapon in it did not? Then the scientist she stole the pass from, walks back into the room without his pass?

The building it put in lockdown, but the boy just walks out. So much for lock down.

The beetle suit (and OMAC) is never explained. It can seemingly do anything but how? Where do the bullets come from? How are they replenished? How is it charged?

When they drain the suit for the code, they tell us repeatedly it will kill him. They drain the code, but he lives. So what a waste of time. A plot point that went nowhere.

Blue Beetle doesn't want to kill. But the Uncle is willing to stab people with the bug mobile legs. Grandma machine guns down security guards just doing their job.

The Uncle builds a localised signal jammer, and the building he uses it on with high-tech weapons inside doesn't hit the alarm when all their feeds go dead. Besides the fact that there was zero guards in the main lobby, and the blue beetle tech is in a display cabinet which can be picked with a paperclip?

The uncle can pilot the bug mobile having never seen it before, just because he drives a truck. He knows where all the buttons are and how to do tight manoeuvres .
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It lacks an ending, and feels like a students first film. But I did watch it all which is rare.
20 March 2023
So when I pressed play, I thought it was a documentary. So I was surprised to see it was an actual movie. With some movie stars attached as well.

Sadly, the overall presentation felt very amateurish. Shot with store-bought digital cameras. However the subject matter was original and that kept me watching hoping there would be a big expose ending; which never came.

It delves into multiple storylines, some of which have nothing to do with the fast-food industry. Such as illegal immigrants. Just because some of the workers are this, its a country wide problem that even in this film, is shown in the hotel industry as well. Its not representative of the fast food problem and felt like padding to length the run time. Just like the staff member who spat in the burger and dropped the patty. That was a bad employee. If it was included to add subtext to the main story, then fine. But the main story went no-where. It was as though the writer was trying to demonise the industry and was bias in there approach. They needed to focus on the main plot more and give us an ending to it, alas it failed in that regards as well.

It ended with an entirely new storyline that also went no-where. The best way to describe the movie is as a bunch of random sketches with a couple of reappearing characters.

Which is a pity as you can feel throughout, a powerful story just waiting to burst out, but it never does so.

Then you have the celebrity Uncle scenes, which clearly had absolutely nothing to do with anything, and were there just to add another movie stars name. Even Bruce Willis's scene focused on the boss having an affair and didn't really add anything.

It should have been better but it could hopefully inspire another film-maker to remake it using this as a template and focus on the main plot line. There is a story here, its just they didn't know how to tell it.
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The Good Place (2016–2020)
Great Show, super emotional ending.
18 March 2023
There is a YouTube mini-series (6 x 2-3 minute eps) that you can find on Youtube. Its set between series 3 and 4 called " The Good Place Presents: The Selection". Worth checking out if your a fan. Its the official NBC Good Place channel and it also has the outtakes from each season.

The show itself is super funny, and has a super emotional ending. It will sit with you and affect you. Part of me wants to say don't watch the final episode.

Ive seen the entire series three times now, and it gets me each time.

Also, check out "Upload" on Amazon Prime, which is the same type of show. Practically a spin-off with a different coat of paint.

Take it Sleezy.
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Who are these people?
16 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As a lifelong Batman fan, who has read the books - I was left wondering who these characters were? The Batman we saw dead looked young, and his adopted son who we had never heard off, was a man himself. Too old to be adopted. His actual age is mysteriously missing from the imdb page.

Alfred is gone. Harvey Dent is the Police Commissioner. Not an attorney and Gordon is missing.

Bruce Wayne's death we never saw, and appeared silly with what he could do. Not to mention that putting half a mask on his corpse, does not mean he is automatically the Batman. The police need actual evidence. And that info would have been kept secret, not public.

Joker never had a daughter. The son having money put in his account does not make him a suspect, especially when they have three lead suspects already with finger prints on the gun. Handcuffs just open for the fun of it.

Then we have the "look" of the city. Clearly shot on digital cameras, in a studio. Everyone is well lit, covered in makeup. It just looks "wrong".

Robin took off her mask and gave out her real name in front of three criminals, three corrupt hurt cops (but could most likely still hear) and any cameras nearby. It was stupid. She was also not Robin and did not wear a suit.

I don't know if Bruce had an adopted daughter as well, who seems to live in the mansion. That was never explained. The woman who seemed to be the replacement Butler was just there. Made to look like a suspect in the final scene. Also The bat-cave can be found by leaning on a shelf. Clearly green screen. I doubt the show has the budget for the batmobile.

This show is unwatchable.
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Capricorn One (1977)
Watching on Blu Ray in 2023, Great Film!
9 February 2023
So after being flooded with a bunch of Superhero films with the same plot, and yet another detective murder show; I was desperate for a film with an actual original story to tell. Capricorn One may be old, but it feels very relevant for today. Also, when the antagonist is basically all-powerful, you have to wonder how our heroes will overcome them. This is a fantastic movie and has a thrilling Ariel chase ending that puts the stunts Tom Cruise does in the MI films to shame. Those actors were risking their lives to make this film. This is a great, thrilling watch, that mimics the Moon Landing conspiracies and tells a gripping story that could well be about them. Highly recommended.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
Watch at 3xspeed and fast forwards through most the rest, and its okay.
4 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So im watching episode 4 as I write this. Im doing that because it helps keep me awake. The show is slow and padded out to extreme lengths. We have irrelevant character subplots including adultery, secret lesbian relationship that the mother disapproves off, school kids being bullied, a child / teenage romance and other such nonsense. A whole subplot ripping off Lord of the Flies with kids happens in the middle of the show which is unwatchable. None of this stuff is about the actual alien invasion.

What this show fails to do is give us anyone to route for. It has far too many characters and subplots all of which are unlikeable. I would be routing for the aliens if they ever showed up. I don't know anyone's name and don't care enough to learn them.

If you think Sam Neil could save this, then think again. He doesn't last long. They even added a 40 year award presentation subplot for him which just came out off nowhere. It was just thrown into the episode to pad out his screen time for no reason.

And they do a lot of that. Finding baby pictures, locking yourself in a room to watch a cctv video that should have been analysed immediately, looking for goats. All just pointless padding which doesn't make sense.

There is drama and that drama is watchable at fast-forward speed. And it looks pretty in HD.

Then the tagline says its set in real-time? Not "24" style thats for sure. The subplots have time jumps that don't make sense with each other. This is set over several weeks if not longer.

Why are they still investigating the space shuttle explosion during a worldwide alien invasion? Do the simple math people! Your suppose to be scientist, its pretty obvious what attacked it. As well as the Russian satellite and other stuff.

When you have a sinkhole crater in the ground and no surrounding debris, that means the top soil fell into it as something went under. Obvious stuff like that is neglected in this show.

We saw a glimpse of an alien once, but nothing since. And that was for us viewers only. At this point all that has happened is the power went out in one city, and there was a house explosion;. Nothing else on Earth has been reported so why was everyone evacuating the cities? There was no reason to panic yet? There are no hovering alien ships or weird communications. Nothing.

There was a subplot involving the children in a school all getting a nosebleed. And thats it. No reason, no cause, no follow-up. Just more pointless time wasting which added nothing to the plot.

Lots of scenes of actors looking into the distance, saying nothing, feeling sorry for themselves.

Even the gun shots from the soldier look and sound fake. There is zero recoil. And don't let that last line fool anyone into thinking there is actually action in this show. He fires once at another human. Thats it.

I cant recommend this show when there are much better shows worth watching and time is precious.
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Underwater (2020)
Great sci-fi horror survival film
17 March 2022
So this was in my favourite film of 2020.

However not many people will have saw it as it was dropped in January, with a limited release. Its advertising was crippled with the Disney purchase of 20th Century Fox, it was released during the pandemic, and never received a DVD or blu-ray release in the UK. It also starred TJ Miller that was under a lot of controversy at the time, and Kirsten Stewart who is like marmite with the critics. So it had a real uphill battle to make its money back.

However as a film, you see every cent of its budget on screen. They built giant sets and suits that look the part. The aliens look great. The music is tense. All the actors do their part and it really is like a cross between the Poseidon Adventure, Aliens and the Abyss. Three of the greatest films of all time only this is made in around 2017 and has the special effects advancement to make it sparkle on its own in a whole new way.

It may be hard to find, but it was released as a all-region BluRay so I advise you track it down and enjoy this cinematic blockbuster of a movie.
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The Batman (2022)
Im a Batman fan and I hated it.
10 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
1. Its miserable. Everyone is depressed in this film.

2. Its loud. Do not sit under a speaker.

3. Its dark. Batman is in all black, its almost nighttime throughout. Street lights don't work. The camera is handheld and zoomed in so you can barely see anything.

4. Batman likes to sulk. Considering he gets shot more times than is believable, he should probably hang up his cape. He even took a shot gun round at point blank range, to his chest; With his mouth unprotected. Real Batman would use flashbangs and smoke grenades. This guy is an idiot.

5. He is a bad detective. Officer Martinez found the Riddler after interviewing witnesses. Officer Martinez Identified the carpet scraper. Officer Martinez is the hero. Batman did absolutely nothing.

6. The Riddler just gives up. Why? He could easily have joined his supporters at the stadium. There was no reason whatsoever to just give up.

7. Riddler is not "the muscle"? Yet he kills many people himself, by hand. He is an idiot.

8. How does the Riddler know about Thomas Wayne's murder plot? There was zero evidence, no witnesses, no investigation. The case was over 20 years ago. He just made up a lie and accidentally landed on the truth? There was nothing that led to that conclusion.

9. Everyone Riddler wants dead he kills in himself. He won't go after Commissioner Gordon as he's not corrupt. Yet somehow Bruce Wayne is? He had nothing to do with his father. And for him he sends a bomb in the post that the butler opens? He could have killed the postman. What did they do wrong and why were they exempt from the personal action.

10. Batman likes to stand in front of a bomb, strapped around a person neck, that blows up in his exposed face. He is an idiot. Real Batman would have frozen the mechanism, set of an emp or trace the phone signal. Not just stand there.
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Best documentaries I've watched in a LONG time!
14 July 2021
In each of the eight bio-docs, we explore a particular Wrestling superstar. Because these are written and funded by the WWE, they have interview with everyone involved at every level. This includes all the wrestlers and staff (included AEW and TNA) and celebrities like Mr. T. Vince McMahon is also interviewed. They have footage from all there matches in almost every promotion to use and this makes for a very colourful and varied story from lots of angles. Add to that the high production values, HD quality cameras and sound. Its just fun to watch.

However the flip side is that WWE can do no wrong. Certain controversial topics may be discussed; but its entirely the performers fault and WWE accept no blame. Even when we know from watching other docs like Dark Side of the Ring they had a hand in it, here they only say "nice thing" (quoting Vince McMahon from the episode about Rowdy Piper) outright admitting he was refusing to talk about the uglier stuff.

Having said that, the stories they give from the individual performers are fantastic. The journeys were well-picked for having substance to them making great documentaries.

Hopefully they will explore others that haven't had the spotlight yet in series 2 that I think have rather interesting stories to tell like: MVP, Lita, Kevin Nash, Scotty 2 Hotty, Shane Helms. Kane, Jake the Snake, Big Boss Man. Davey Boy Smith.
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Superb in Every Way!
22 November 2020
Quality in every area. I started the show ready to switch off. It was slightly depressing and went dark in tone. But that was to set the scene for later on and character development, with a revelation about the start happening at the very end. I'm not sure why I kept watching, but I did and I was hooked until the very end.
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High Life (2018)
Feels like it was filmed on Earth.
9 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The first thing I noticed while watching the blu ray, was the screen size did not fill the TV. There is a black border around it, thicker at the sides. This was in the film print itself, and should not have been there. The second thing I noticed was his space suit appeared to be made out of a cotton jumper. It looked wrong. There were also no stars in space. Then he dropped a screwdriver in space. Why was it not tethered to him? Surely someone working outside in space alone would know better? Robert Pattinson's character swore a lot, to the baby. They have gravity onboard, but didn't explain how. I suppose they must also have baby food, nappies and they had a crib. Why I have no idea. Just because they needed it for the film to happen? He wastes valuable space suits on dead corpses. But there was no reason to waste the suits. How they died was not explained. The computer monitors text screens looked like they came from the 1970s. It feels like a low-budget student film, done with just one cast member, shot in a single location studio, with a broadcast quality camera from the early 2000's, that were not upto 4k standards. Even the editing was bad, with shots hanging on a second or two longer than they should have, with us watching a wall. Black flash frames left in from splicing. Jarring Jump cuts and shots of legs which don't add anything. This 1hour 53 minute movie could easily have been 80 minutes. The pace is slow. No music, no ambient engine noise. No beeps from computers. To say there is no atmosphere in space would be an understatement. But after the opening scene, it feels like it was all shot in someones small apartment on Earth. They keep cutting away to scenes in a wood on Earth, and a dead girl, then a train ride. Just to remind you that there is something different you could be watching.
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Sea Fever (2019)
Stupid writing and lack of music makes this a tough film to recommend.
9 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
They only have one radio, thats not screwed down on a boat (?) that breaks beyond repair after falling of a table (?), find another boat where that radio has been broken (which doesn't make sense if its a virus) and they have no satellite phone. They have a smart phone, but don't even attempt to make a call. Onboard however they have a laptop, super microscopes, experienced engineer etc. Its just too much plot convenance. There is no music so it feels slow and dragging. However there is a plot and set-pieces, it just takes a while to get there. A fisherman who refuses to get in the water, suddenly is willing to get on a boat with a bad hand. Then wants to go swimming at night. Okay, sea fever might explain the swimming, but not him rowing to the other boat when he has a bad hand and cannot hold an ore. It just doesn't make sense when they have an entire crew of experienced fishermen and women. And why did the scientist girl go? Why were infected people not quarantined? The lady in charge of the boat kept saying stupid things not taking the parasite seriously, even after the death of two of her crew. If the parasite enters through cuts, then put on a wet-suit and layers of clothing immediately to cover all skin. They don't try to contact another boat, or use a torch with morse code. Instead they go straight back to land to spread the infection on purpose. Only the scientist girl tries to stop them. The husband admits to changing course secretly, so that the coast guard wont find them. For what reason I have no idea. Another fisherman admits he cant swim, yet ends up in the water with the monster. The scientist girls goes swimming in infested water with him, and somehow cuts herself and gets infected - how? Then commits suicide rather than give her immune system a chance, scientist to study the virus in a controlled environment, or give her side of the story to save the man from being blamed for everything. It was okay. Its just been done before and a lot better.
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Tenet (2020)
Bad in every possible way. But sound mixing is awful.
27 August 2020
I have only seen this once, and have no plans to see it again to 'understand' it better.

The dialogue is so muffled, I could barely understand a word anyone said. Michael Caine had one scene and he had to talk with food in his mouth for the entire scene. It was a deliberate directors choice to garble all words.

Not just in that scene, but in all of them. When they were having a conversation, they had removed all the structure words (the, and, a) and just had a "baby talk" conversation using long scientific terms that they didn't understand themselves.

If a conversation ever started to make sense, he would cover it with loud music and aeroplane noises. So loud, I literally had to cover my ears it was hurting.

The mix was dreadful. One moment it was super loud, then the very next they were mumbling in whispers. I never experienced such a bad sound mix as this.

As for the plot? Again, it makes no sense. Gunshot wounds don't "heal" in reverse time. You cant just make up nonsense stupid plot devises, that make no sense if they have three hours to get to a hospital. THREE HOURS!

There is more, but this film is so bad I have better things to do.
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Cringy 1st 20mins, but then gets better and eventually good.
19 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So the first thing you will notice is the camera. Its too clean, too sharp. Clearly shot on some 4k cameras which just looks unnatural and fake. Then the frame size is too large. It should have been shot on normal widescreen, to look more theatrical. Instead it just looks and feels wrong.

Then the dialogue is cringe worthy. They don't act like a team of Marines. We later find out why one of them is excluded, but its too late into the film for that revelation to mean anything. The exterior cgi of space and the base is what held my interest.

However once you get past the first twenty minutes, it turns into the film Aliens. A bunch of marines on an alien planet in the future, fighting off a horde of enemy aliens. Its decent for the most part and those technical flaws seemingly become less important.

It does have a few major plot flaws. How did the creatures get onboard the ship? How was the AI corrupted? If reserve power was at 2%, how did it electrocute the ship? How did the doctor survive his infestation? How do you tell the teleporters where to go? How did the aliens bypass all the level 1 to 4 security doors? Who wrote the alien language (it was most deffinetly not the creatures)? What was with the light beam from the mouth?

You do have to suspend belief for most the film. But when the action is happening, somehow it just doesn't matter.
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Batman: Hush (2019 Video)
Poor story, too many villains, and sharp-shooter skills?
22 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The animation was nice. The voice acting was good. I liked them trying to give Batman a love story, but the villain was stupid.

Hush could shoot a fast-moving piece of rope, from half a mile away. What? If he had skills like that, why didn't he ever use a gun throughout the rest of the movie?

He could even best Batman at a hand-to hand fight?

Then you learn who he really was and just check out.

Bane, Poison Ivy, Scarecrow, Superman, Clayface, Harley and others - all villains just thrown into the film for no reason. Even Mr Freeze and Penguin appeared in a freeze-frame! Did they not learn anything from the too many villain problem in the Spider-man movies? But how did Hush convince them all to join him? We saw none of that. There was no story to the villain and so we just don't care.

Nightwing, Batgirl, Damian, Lex Luthor, Amanda Waller, Lady Shivia - yet more characters who did not need to be there. None of them were involved in any of the plot, not even Nightwing who had some screen-time.

Batman is in his old underwear-on-the-outside suit. Because the headpiece has more padding. I think his more modern suit with ballistic padding would be better served, and just put the old cowel on that suit. It makes no sense.

And im fed up of the police being useless. Why did Bane while locked up, not have his Venom removed? Who even fixed it? Where were Swat or Commissioner Gordon? Batman is not a one-man police force, and the police should have taken down at least one of the villains. Alas, they are incompetent.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
A show that throws everything at the wall all at once.
27 July 2019
This show starts on Earth with the plot of the film "Arrival". Then goes into "Annihilation". Then is goes into "The Day the Earth Stood Still". Meanwhile up in Space, we have the plot of "Sunshine", then we have "Life", a bit "Lost in Space", then we get "Event Horizon", and finally "Red Planet". While taking all the plots from these films and throwing them together into a 10 episode series that jumps between Earth and the ship, it sounds like fun. But sadly the early episodes are dragged down by soap opera teens who moan constantly. These so called "Earth's ambassadors" are awful and make the most stupid decisions.

Then we have the gay love triangle, the human and AI affair, and secret relationship nonsense. These people have been in deep sleep. They have only been awake for days yet they all start behaving like hormonal sex-deprived idiots.

Then we have technology like FTL, artificial gravity etc. But there are no cameras onboard the ship, to record major incidents that would be useful. Every second of every inch of that ship would be filmed and transmitted back to Earth. But no cameras?

And they have a conversation with Earth in real-time. Thats just utter nonsense. Even faster than light messages cannot go that fast. Do the writers not know how space works?

I kept wishing that everyone would die and they open up a whole new set of sleep pods to give us the back-up crew to watch instead. Instead they teased us with that idea, click-bating us. But don't follow through.

If you can work past the stupid humans and silly AI, there is enough sci-fi to warrant watching it all. However several episodes open on dream sequences that really make it difficult to understand what your watching. I watched it all and enjoyed it. But keep your standards low and don't judge it all on the first episode.
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There powers don't work that way!!!
6 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There are enough reviews for this film already. But my main gripe and what got me shouting at the screen was the way they used their powers.

They send a team into Space, that included Mystique and Storm. Mystique can shape change and Storm controls the WEATHER. They had no reason to be there. Storm then created a wall of Ice around the shutter hole. With what water or air? She is not Iceman though - this is not one of her powers! Just like when she made the ice-cubes in Scott's drink. This is wrong, wrong, and just so wrong!

Cyclops fired his optic blast at the shuttle through a window in the spaceship. Yes, a window in the spaceship. And hits a spinning shuttle's engine and it doesn't explode?

Jean Grey can breathe in space, as can Quicksilver and not freeze to death. This is ludicrous and im only on the first scene!

Nightcrawler can teleport multiple people like a taxi. Storm and Cyclops get hit by their blasts and just shake them off like they were nothing.

Then we have the Alien threat who want to kill the Earth because? who knows. There planet was destroyed. I would imagine they need somewhere to live and Earth looks like their best option. You don't destroy it!

Jean Grey can put people to sleep. Read minds etc. She is a telekinetic. That means she moves things with her mind. Yes, she showed basic telepathy but not sleeping powers. Otherwise she would have used them on Apocalypse and Magneto in the other films. You cannot just give her new random powers.

Nightcrawler cannot teleport between cities, sight unseen. This was established in earlier films, he has to see where he wants to go and is limited on distance.

Magneto cannot fly. He stands on a metal plate and moves the plate with him stood on it. However in this film, he is actually flying.

This film was written by someone who clearly did not read the comics, or understand the other films or characters.
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Walked out at the vomit scene
28 December 2018
I was not laughing during the entire openig act. I hate the characters, the stupidness of Watson and arogance of Sherlock. How they ate the cake even after what was inside was exposed. Then when they started vomiting together, I walked out the cinema. It was that bad.
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The Fix (2018– )
Great panel show made for quick comedy - this is not a documentary!
22 December 2018
This is a UK style panel show, targeted at the US audiences, viewable worldwide on Netflix.

It covers topics such as gun control, drug taking and global warming, which are very touchy subjects in the US, so I imagine those are the reasons this show is getting bad reviews on this site. It mocks them, insults gun owners and global warming deniers. It highlights racial and sexist discrimination and makes jokes that will offend many strict opinionated people.

However it does this while not swearing, and while it does have many sexual references, it is edited to not go too far.

This is a stand-up comedy show with five comedians. All five are on one side of the argument (against) and so if you are expecting a discussion, this is not the show for that. It is about trying to make you laugh, and in that, they succeed.

However anyone with the opposite opinion to there's, will probably be more angry and amused.

For UK audiences this is a GREAT show. For American audiences, this is still a great show but they need to be able to laugh at their own society. We Brits are use to self-mocking, which happens a lot in this show. So most Americans will probably hate it. Canadians will love it though!
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
3 November 2018
Its been said by many, how great this series is. But that does not do justice to the storylines, the acting, the nostalgia, the feel of such a great show. Highly recommended.
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Hunter Killer (2018)
My favourite film of the year!
23 October 2018
Ive just got back from the cinema having watched this, and im already looking at the timetable to go watch it again. Its is fantastic. Its deffietly my favourite film of the year, beating Avengers, Ready Player One etc. Its just pure all-out thrilling action packed fun. The scenes in the sub are intense. The marines are doing there best and everyone is acting is a rational way. Even Gary Oldman who initially you are thinking is a bit crazy, makes perfect sence when he screams what he is thinking at a critical point of the film, and suddenly you understand every decision he makes. Its up against some compeition with the Oscar season starting this week, and it was already down to just one showing a day. But if you enjoy intense submarine war films, like Hunt for Red October and Crimson Tide; check this one out as its put a smile on my face from ear to ear!
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Great film
27 September 2018
Its more a 7 out of 10, but am giving it 10 to help the rating. Its X-men meets Ocean's 11. A group of teens with superpowers decide to rob a Casino. Very watchable, with good-enough acting. A charming lead, great special effects and an arch that shows how the team progress. It starts off on a high, and while you do have to suspend logic occasionally (such as how our lead found everyone), this was a very enjoyable watch which I would happily buy the blu-ray for, as the scenes in the psychic world are screen-saver beautiful!
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Captures the adventure of the book, but lacks the heart and character growth.
20 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The book is better. It always will be. I think everyone knows that you cannot take a 15 hour book and condense it to a 130 minute movie without losing a lot of what made it special.

Firstly there is no after-credit scene. So dont bother waiting.

The opening title was just white text on a black screen, which is rather disapointing given the clever 'maze' logo all the marketing had.

The film gets rid of the gates, most of the real world stuff, all the school stuff, and all character development. Our heroes just have all the weapons, cars, robots that they had to earn in the book. Even before finding the first key. Wade already owns the Delorian and Aech just happens to have Iron Giant in his garage.

They make a number of dramatic changes to the main plot, some for visual storytelling (such as adding a car chase) and others to expand the role other characters worth in the plot, such as Art3mis going to IOI instead of Parzival.

My main issue was the lack of character arcs. They all strated off strong, and ended the exact same way. The heart of the book was how this normal person rose from being one of us, to the savior of the universe. The film is missing that. Wade no-longer talks to the sweet old lady at the bottom of the stacks. He no-longer fixes people's old oasis machines, instead he steals there gloves? Those real world connections are lost and he just seems like a rich spoilt kid from the start. His reasons for not joining IOI are never explained. We as audinence members have no idea why he would not have taken the money. But on that, IOI are also made out to be idiots. They dont solve any puzzles or collect any of the keys. In the book they were far more competent.

Then there is the whole rebellion side story which was not in book, hardly touched upon, was not explained, had unexplained henchmen, and ended abruptly. But the sheer fact that they had an army to fall back on in the real world weakened our connection to them for us as an audience. They were no longer the small guy going after the big corporation, now they were a small army going after what seemed to be just one man (Nolan) who was afraid of guns, and a mercenary woman who was beaten up by an eleven year old kid. The bad guys became a joke. Not to mention so stupid in that they keep there passwords written down for the world to see.

The film captures the adventure and spectacle of the book thats for sure, but is missing its heart. And they shoehorned several side characters (Rick) into the movie which really could have been left out and there screen time devoted to more puzzle solving or building the relationship.

They could have left i-Rok, Daito and Shoto out the story and it would not have changed anything. In fact, giving Nolan all of i-R0ks jobs would have helped his character.

There is almost zero world building for the real world. They show pizza delivery drones that can fly around the city and place bombs on buildings, but somehow are unable to follow a giant delivery truck featuring the worlds most wanted down the road. Ignoring speed cameras and satellite tracking as well. Again, another example of incompetency the villains demonstrate.

Perhaps I love the book so much, that its hard for me to separate the source material for this movie adaptation. But the book was not just about 80s nostalgia, it was about growth of characters as they went on this adventure together. It was about making sacrifices when needed and learning to work as a team to open the last gate. None of which was required for this movie.

I also want to mention the lack of nostalgia music. The trailers had some great songs, with Pure imagination being outstanding. None of them however are played in the movie. With the exception of jump at the start, that felt out of place as it was too fast paced for someone just walking.

Still watch it in the cinema as its an experience you have to see. But read the book, or listen to the great Will Wheaton audiobook as well, as its a very different story with more depth and love than the film portrays.

I rate it 6.5 out of 10.
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