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Unbelievable and so overrated.
5 July 2023
So many other games do what these last two "Zelda" games do and better. The witcher 3 has a lone warrior who fights a world ending threat and tries to save a princess in a messed up world with different climates while fighting monsters. The difference is the witcher 3 has a better story, combat, characters, world, climates that don;t turn Geralt into a wimp that needs hot or cold food, breaking weapons you can actually fix. Different monsters are weak to different things so you have to use different weapons. Instead of the piss poor changing weapons because they break. No annoying cooking mechanic that would be laughed at in any other game non food related. Assassins creed had climbing towers to unlock maps too only that was fun without enemies attacking you while doing it. Zero Horizion Dawn was a big open world with a wild style and looks better. Cooking Mama games have cooking done better. The newest one was 6 years after the last game and looks the same. What do people see in these overrated things now?
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Smallville (2001–2017)
I wish there were more shows like this.
31 December 2022
Superheroes like animated shows, are for everyone. This show starts off slow and even if you hate superheroes you will like this. It starts with a couple desperately wanting children who find one from a spaceship. Other than rocks falling to earth and this ship there is very little scifi at the start. Martha and Jonathan are the nice farming couple looking for a child. They have no idea what else to do and raise the boy as theirs. Years later he goes to school, being a teenager named Clark. He thinks he's a normal human until some slightly weird things happen. Clark has three friends his age who go to school with him. Together they investigate weird murders. Some get connected to meteors. This is all to show he cares about saving people, one of Supermans most unique personality traits. The show focuses a lot on Clark saving people and one future villain for Superman.
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Arrested Development (2003–2019)
Is the "humor" awkwardness and a lack of awareness?
28 December 2022
Any other show does that then it's awful. This does it all the time so it's "brilliant." What exactly is brilliant? That idiot painting himself blue and saying a pun? You know, that thing everyone hates with a fiery passion today? Why? An insane family that does whatever they want with no consequences doesnt sound fun. Their poor brother does anything to keep them together. Why? They are better off separate. Have some sanity despite this being fiction. At a certain point you have to dump terrible family. Constant awkwardness isn't funny. Everyone went through that in high school and it wasn't funny then either. I hope there are better ideas out there.
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Tis show is an insult to decency.
4 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Jennifer gets powers in the most lazy way possible and after her cousin Bruce tells her not to go near his blood. Somehow she opens the car door despite not having powers yet. Bruce has a convenient device that stops him from being Hulk at all but can't make another. Later in this show she gets something to stop her from being She Hulk and Abomination gets one to stop him from transforming. His ends up not working and he transforms anyway. Jennifer hates being She Hulk or anything to do with heroes. They saved the world. Why does she hate them and treat them like garbage Jennifer wants to go back to being a lawyer and yet she barely knows anything about this profession that she is supposed to like. Why doesn't she know basic things like Thor and dr strange are actual names? Why arent people impressed by super people? Not everyone has witnessed every power or hero Why doesn't Jennifer get a lawyer related job instead of accept one where she has to be She Hulk, who she hates? This show makes men almost all seem stupid, sexist or lazy and women as being full of themselves.
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Darkwing Duck (1991–1992)
One of the best shows ever.
21 November 2022
Darkwing Duck is a show that has fun with superheroes. Darkwing is a crime fighting duck, ha ha, in a world where people are ducklike. His regular duck name is Drake Mallard. This is animation and tv so it can do things like that. He gets helpfighting evil from Launchpad McQuack, a pilot and good friend. Drake Mallard meets Gosslin on the first episode while hes after some criminals. She has no family and he adopts her. They go out most nights looking for crime to stop and Darkwing usually tries to keep Gosslin from going to keep her from getting into danger. Animation and music in this show is absolutely beautiful even if it's "old." The show takes inspiration from classic heroes like Flash and Batman If you like humor, animation, superheroes and great tv in general it is worth watching.
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NCIS (2003– )
overrated garbage
4 November 2022
If you've seen one crime show then you have seen all of them. Every crime show is a murder happens, people find it and report it, police show up to look over the body while making awful jokes or eating food mostly doughnuts or hotdogs for some reason, police find the wrong suspect, look over the evidence again, find the right one and get him to confess or give away some clue that puts it all together. Why cant people be more creative? Where are new ideas? These shows are all lazy and cheap, People should come up with new ideas for tv. Even a "ripoff" would be better than endless variations of solving crimes.
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People hate fun
12 July 2022
This movie is about an alien who thinks gods in Thor's world have let him down but it's also about the main character. Gorr is the main villain who wants to kill all gods and Thor wants to stop that from happening. Gorr doesn't need a lot of movie time to be creepy and threatening to gods. We hear about his destruction and see the aftermath. Thor looks for other gods to help fight Gorr because he is has a sword that makes him as strong or more than the gods he's killed. Jane is back and has the same comic story but she isn't taking over for Thor believe that or not. Valkyrie is back and ruling Asgard but it's not a big part of the movie. Thor gets Jane and Valkyrie to help fight this powerful enemy. The Guardians of the Galaxy have a small part at the beginning and Peter gives Thor some advice Thor really tries to use. Korg the rock alien is part of this. If you like him you should like the movie. If not then it will probably make you think it's worse than Hitler. I don't know why some people really hate this. There is a good mix of serious and funny. The funny stuff doesn't overwhelm anything dramatic. This is a great and entertaining movie without "too many jokes" although if you are a very serious person you will probably not think so.
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great until the college years
29 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It was a nice show with magic and a teen tryng to stop people from being badly affected by it. Then for some reason they gave Sabrina college "friends" who really suck.
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Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth (2015 Video Game)
Get ready to unlock keywords to advance talking
22 April 2022
This game is horribly overrated. You accept a detective case to solve, go to a real world location to find where the problem comes from enter the Digimon world fight endless enemies who show u and won't let you escape then talk to people and unlock keywords to advance the boring story.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Wish (1998)
Season 3, Episode 9
20 April 2022
Just when you think Cordelia who isn't even part of Buffy's group could get more selfish and stupid. She decides to wish for a world without Buffy the girl who has been keeping Cordelia alive! Anyanka is a demon who can give people a wish and Cordelia has her wish come true. The world is terrible with a past villain who Buffy barely managed to kill in the first season is back. He is doing something very awful to people. Xander and Willow are vampires and luckily this is just a what if story because they are terrible acting as vampires. Cordelia really shows off her lack of intelligence. Buffy has saved her life at least 4 times not including saving the whole world 2 times now so really stupid. The main villain from the first season, who people didn't think was that interesting is back and taken over since Buffy wasn't there to stop him. She finds a group of students trying to fight off the villain and gets attacked. This is a what if episode so it doesn't stick, unfortunately.
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Daredevil (2015–2018)
Utterly boring
21 December 2021
Slow and dull show that drags on despite being very short. Everything looks so bleak. The characters are so slow to do anything. Saw every episode from the first two seasons. What a waste of time.
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Hawkeye: Never Meet Your Heroes (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Great show I'm sure people will hate
2 December 2021
It's a great show with Hawkeye being an Avenger and hero despite not wanting to. Hawkeye finds a girl that was saved by him in the Avengers movie battle. She is enthusiastic about helping him stop some mafia goons but he just wants to get home for Christmas.
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Glee (2009–2015)
Utter trash
25 September 2021
I don't know why anyone likes this trash. It's a typical high school show with annoying teens and stereotypical problems. Then music.
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Great underrated episode.
19 September 2021
First of all They did start with the First Avenger with a Captain America twist. Second of all they got back most of the actors from that movie which is great. It looks beautiful like Borderlands and it stands out from other shows because of this. Not every variation on a Marvel story has to be so different from something else. This is fun. Steve still gets to be like Ironman which I would love to see in modern day. We see a little more of Howard Stark and didn't get a lot of him in the movies.
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What If...?: What If... Zombies?! (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
Lazy and overrated
8 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The laziest idea for anything. Add monsters to your story. People turn into monsters and kill people or turn them into monsters. Like that hasn't been done a million times. It's overrated and doesnt go beyond everything is destroyed and everyone is dead. There are a hundred shows and games like this already.
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The Simpsons: You Only Move Twice (1996)
Season 8, Episode 2
What is this?
1 September 2021
Lame James Bond parody and boring family life. This is so overrated. The family moves to a city. Marge is bored by not doing housework. Lisa is allergic to every animal. Bart is in a slow class. Homer likes his job and gives it up for his family. It's so dull.
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Loki (2021–2023)
18 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show is supposed to be about Loki and it turns into the Slyvie show Slyvie is al variant so Loki is used by the tva to find her. He meets her and she beats him. He doesn't trick or lie to anyone. She has a plan to destroy the tva and timeline. Loki falls in love with her and spills his guts. The tva tries to stop them. Everything and everyone on this show is boring.
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What If...? (2021– )
16 August 2021
This show is all about changes to the main Marvel movie and tv universe so far. Like the comics from Marvel it's inspired by it is what if scenarios. If you don't like that you won't like this. This is cool. They have a comic book style animation similar to a video game which looks beautiful. They have some actors from the original movies. They can literally do almost anything so 10 episodes is a drop in the bucket.
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Loki (2021–2023)
Loki feels like second fiddle to slyvie
22 July 2021
Loki is a tricking, scheming God of mischief. In this show he doesn't scheme. The thing he's known for. He's easily caught by tva time police. B 15 is a tva agent who catches him in the desert from the beginning. Loki starts preaching his goal instead of escaping these tva people. Loki is told his future and forced to help Owen Wilson or die. It's a boring place where no one is amazed at time travel. Loki finds his variant and escapes with her to learn about her. She wants to destroy the tva. She is being hunted by them and kills them. Loki becomes a second character to her story about trying to destroy the tva and figure out who's behind it. She never faces a problem she can't handle. Loki falls in love with her and tries to get her to trust him blabbing personal history to her. The guy that doesn't like giving away anything personal. We find out anything is possible in marvel as if we didn't know anything was possible before.
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Superman & Lois: Through the Valley of Death (2021)
Season 1, Episode 12
The power of family stops mind control
14 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Superman is about to become evil and John Irons wants to do it like he has been so of course Lois calls him. He says he needs to kill Superman and Lois doesn't want that. So why did she call him when she already has her dad and apparently Argus to help stop Morgan Edge and Superman? Why doesn't John know Clark is Superman until Lois tells him? He's the same basic person, John. So now Irons gets that Superman isn't evil. Something he should have realized when our Superman wasn't trying to kill him from the beginning of this show. Why is John Diggle only there to tell John Irons not to kill a hero who's saved our world many times? John Diggle leaves after giving the military some technology to fight Superman. Lois dad assumes he will be evil and wants to kill him. Superman is fighting mind control the whole time and tells (Jordan, Morgan Edge is in the badlands. As if that helps narrow down where they are in a massive desert but of course Sam Lane has some convent technology to find him. Irons goes to fight superman wearing clunky armor suit that looks like a small version of Ironman first armor. He somehow has a chance fighting Superman who's being evil now but Superman doesn't just use heat vision to murder him. Irons has a communication device and Lois tells him not to kill Superman but her dad wants him to. John Irons decides to talk Superman down from MIND Control And because Superman has memories of his family he is no longer mind controlled. Unbelievable. This show does every cliche from other arrow verse shows and no one has a problem with this show doing that.
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Superman & Lois (2021–2024)
Unbelievably boring
13 June 2021
First of all I do like Superman. This show is just very little of him. The Superman part is very small. He's always conviently weakened for an enemy to hurt him. Lois doesn't seem to care about him even when he almost dies twice in this. She is so boring and obsessed with a business man. Then he's revealed to be evil. Somehow putting Kryptonian power into humans. It doesn't make sense. Superman sons are typical kids in high school struggling to make it through. It has desaturated color everywhere and poor light. It's harder to see things and it constantly reminds you how fake it is.
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Seinfeld (1989–1998)
3 June 2021
Its unbelievable how many people like this. The four characters were supposed to relate to somehow are terrible wether they're supposed to be or not. I don't laugh at people who are so annoying and whiny. I've seen twenty episodes believe it or not. Jerry can't shut up about how his car smells for example. What was that? Someone says something, someone else can't believe it and we're supposed to laugh. Yes, double dipping, fluffy shirt, no soup, blah blah blah. Since when are catchphrases and asking questions hilarious?
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M.O.D.O.K. (2021)
What is this trash?
29 May 2021
This is rock and morty which I know were all supposed to love just watered down. An evil genius is disgusting, creepy, loud, annoying, etc. He does normal things like taking out garbage for some reason. We're supposed to find everything he does funny. What is funny about dragging a trash can? Utter garbage.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 13: The Jedi (2020)
Season 2, Episode 5
Unbelievably overrated
28 November 2020
This show is great but this episode makes that difficult to see. Most of it is ugly brown and gray making it difficult to see what's happening in any part of the episode. The Mandolorian and the young Yoda like child land on a planet where they're supposed to find someone who could know more about this Yoda like alien. They come to town nearby and get offered a rod made out of the same metal as Mandolorians armor. They leave town looking for this person who turns out to be a major Star Wars character from another show. She knows some things about him. They agree to defeat the episodes villain and her small army inside the town. The little music it does have is very quiet and short. There is a fight with two characters that is almost completely gray so you only know who won by seeing the end. The Star Wars character we get to meet in this is completely lifeless and emotionless even when seeing the child Mandolorian travels with. He's a rare alien and Yoda might be the only other one. The villain this episode is lifeless and speaks in a strange way. Some people like the strangest thing.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
It's a wonderful adventure
28 November 2020
The Mandolorian is a mysterious guy you slowly learn more about as the show goes on. He gets a bond with a Yoda like child who travels with him. They look for people like Yoda or even just jedi to find out more about this young Yoda like alien. It's full of scenery from many Star Wars planets. Western inspired music. Few main characters but most are interesting to watch. It takes place after the Empire from the Star Wars movies collapsed. If you want a smaller focused story set in Star Wars and like loners you might like this.
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