
53 Reviews
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Hunger (II) (2023)
Huh? Nice try I guess.
13 May 2024
What a weird movie, a very confusing movie that tries way too hard to be impressionable.

The main character is extremely one-dimensional. She pretty much has the same exact facial expression for the entire movie. It's the same deadpan stare that many Asian dramas suffer from.

The story's message is quite simple but the execution is like a hot soda can that exploded inside your car, it's all over the place.

The show is evil, demonic at some points. But for what? It's so extra and beyond that it's comical... Except that it's trying to be serious.

So the result is a bunch of drawn out scenes that do not offer any pleasurable closures. The ending scene is bizarre and the twist comes out of left field.

Give it a try if you desperately need something to try but you won't really be missing out on much if you decide to skip it.
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Too hyper-focused on fan-service and appeasing a niche audience.
7 May 2024
The show is... interesting. The show is mainly about a loser/deadbeat/incel/hikikomori (insert your term of choice). Seems interesting as I'm curious what they are, how they live in Japan, and how there's an anime about it.

I figured it might be a dark, psychological, thriller of some sort.

Turns out the show isn't really about a Hikikomori but it's almost assuming that YOU are the Hikikomori. There's a ton of sexual, perverted, and just weird fetish-ish scenes that are extremely cringy and even downright concerning.

It seems to be a fan service, incel male fantasy, softcore adult show. Most of the story is just random banter and weird scenarios that isn't natural or believable. It's one-dimensional. There aren't a lot of interesting characters. There's no suspense, no buildup, no drama.

I wish they dove more into the psychology of the main characters. Instead, we're put into their head but without any prior context or character building so we don't really feel we care about the characters as they live out a plain fantasy.
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Not for everyone, not for me.
18 April 2024
The show started decently with good suspense and mystery but quickly falls apart. I instantly realize the dialogue in this show is a lot better than others. It flows better and a lot of it makes sense and is easy to follow.

The show quickly became extremely obvious it was targeted to young lonely boys. Subaru is not only the typical overly optimistic, extremely naive, and in-your-face stubborn, but he's also a big simp.

The show quickly became a weird fan service type pandering where most of the scenes have awkward and unnatural tension between each other. The story turns in on itself and the story grinds to a halt.

I guess I thought the show would be more mystery, thriller, and action but it's more like a reverse harem where young boys get to fantasize about a bunch of random girls, mages, and a furry cat swooning over them for no reason.
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X (II) (2022)
Casual roller coaster ride, nothing too deep
6 February 2024
Way more brutal than I expected. Decent horror elements although it is a bit bizarre and farfetched and requires some suspension of disbelief to follow.

The characters are mostly unlikeable. They're the typical fame-chasing people that binge alcohol and drugs and live 'free spirited' with a holier-than-thou demeanor. They lie to themselves to cope by blurring the lines between what they call 'work' and real life but they're mainly making a virtue out of necessity.

The movie is mainly a laidback experience. Not much to follow or dissect. I do enjoy the retro style cinematography.

In summary just sit back and enjoy. Watch a bunch of dumb people doing dumb things and getting dumb results.
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Rich & Shameless: Girls Gone Wild Exposed (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
Do not believe everything they feed you
30 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
There is nothing to 'expose' here. This is simply a bunch of party animals that love alcohol, drugs, partying, attention, and clout all hanging out with each other.

No one is really innocent and everyone is complicit and partially responsible. It's important to not look the other way just because someone has money and status.

100% of the time this is the case here. Most of the people KNOW they don't like the guy or the parties but they sold themselves out for free attention, alcohol, drugs, fun, and clout.

A simple 'no' and leaving would have not allowed anything here to happen. It was simply allowed to happen. The dude is definitely not innocent, he's an extremely active predator, a very effective one.

He knew how to hunt and he know what worked. Again, drugs, alcohol, money, attention. He used it as bait and it works. He took things too far by monetizing it without proper consent. It's pretty douchey to do so but I can also see why.

From his point of view he says a bunch of degenerates, men AND women both, that have no humanity and are easily swayed by drugs, money, alcohol, and attention. They're all the same in his eyes. But it's not like he's going into good neighborhoods and coercing people to do what he wants, he's hanging out in the scene and trying to monopolizing off of it.

The part that goes too far is when he intentionally and knowingly messed with minors. That's a whole different issue entirely that has overlap with "girls gone wild" but isn't really that.

Here's something to take. Aside from knowingly messing with minors, everything else he did is everything everyone is literally doing. Spring break, Miami, or wherever you take the party, everyone is the same as him, he was just very aggressive with monetizing it.
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Absolute absurdity
29 January 2024
I'll start by saying I love cast in the movie and it's just fun seeing them on screen. But what the hell is going on?

This movie requires John Wick's level of suspension of disbelief without being anything like it.

It just makes no sense. A bunch of underage girls walking around in a bikini all week binging drugs, alcohol, doing crime, being rowdy, loud, obnoxious, with guns, and nothing happens to them.

That's pretty much it for the whole entire movie. Most scenes is just them acting like a toddler or doing more drugs. Then laying around. Then more drinking. Then driving around. Then more drugs. Then talking about how "this is life" and how they're tired of everyday life.

Huh? Tired of everyday life? Why are they talking like they're 50 years old that just got a divorce working the same job for 30 years? These are literally kids barely able to drink. They don't know anything.

In summary this movie is an over-glorification of degeneracy. This is not how Spring Break is or how it should be. It's over-the-top exaggerated. It wants you to believe that this is what everyone is like and what you're supposed to do if you go on Spring Break.
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Anna (2022)
Lazy writing and uninteresting characters
25 January 2024
The show doesn't know what it wants to do. It has no real direction or motive. After S1 I'm left wondering, "what's going on? What's the point to any of this?"

Basically it's a story about a bad person but by the power of Unicorns or elves everything just coincidently works out for her. There's a TON of plot armor, and I mean a lot. You'll need near John Wick's level of suspension of disbelief to sort of follow the plot...

Which is that she wants a better life... yup, like everyone else in the world. That's pretty much her only motive. No real problems, issues, passions, or growth. She's not relatable at all.

The characters in the show are quite one-dimensional. Each character, except for the main one, is very extreme and overly exaggerated. They're not a human with a wide range of emotions and complexities. They're just more bad people but they make sure everyone knows that they are.

Some of the few problems that are presented in the show aren't unfortunate or inconveniences. It's all a direct result of the characters choosing for it to happen and then acting surprised when it does. It makes it extremely hard to sympathize with or relate to the characters.

It's like watching a scary movie where the person decides to wander off alone into the woods after hearing a monster roar and seeing body parts along the way but they refuse to get on the SUV and leave. Like what else do you expect to happen?
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Warrior: A Window of F*cking Opportunity (2023)
Season 3, Episode 10
Great series with great potential but...
5 September 2023
S1 and S2 are great. S3 started well but lost steam towards the end. It's hard to review all seasons and all episodes in one short review because there are many points throughout the entire series that was done extremely well.

In general there are many great arks and characters. S1 and S2 did a great job setting them up. The pacing is actually pretty good and it created a great path for S3 to come in and explore.

Albeit S3 kept many of the great elements that made the first two seasons great, it felt like a lost child in a candy store that isn't quite sure what he wanted so he tried a little bit of everything and never really quite got a real liking to anything because eventually they all tasted the same.

In short many of the characters started acting 'out of character' in S3. Doing rash and random things that made almost no sense. Some characters had absolutely no role the entire season. Others popped up and and instantly outshined previous characters that were around since the beginning.

The first half felt like they bit off a lot and the second half felt like they decided to spit it all out and glue it all together into one rushed contrived spectacle. Overall still a decent watch.
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Undercover Underage (2021– )
Real issues but is a bit overly dramatized.
3 September 2023
The severity of predators is 100% a real concern. This isn't about that but about the show in it's entirety. Overall it's still very much a show and many of the editing and shots are done to be as dramatic, shocking, and as enticing as possible.

It's almost like a glorification of it in some sense but wrapped around a very creepy and serious issue. It's 'based on true events' of some sorts. Many times through the show I get the sense that it's all fake and scripted. I don't know if it's the bad acting or obviously rehearsed scenes they had to redo a few times.

Overall it's somewhat informative as it made me more aware of the issue at hand and why it's very important to protect our children from the dangers of the world. I do believe the 'SOSA' group is doing more good than harm so it's an overall net positive.
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Love & Death (2023)
A bunch of adults with mental issues and no boudaries
25 June 2023
The show started very and ended very slow. The middle was pretty interesting. Slowly getting to see how the situation got deeper and deeper and seeing how it got more complicated was intriguing.

Olsen's acting is superb. Every scene with her in it is entertaining. You really get to see a wide range of acting and emotions on display. She's not a one-dimensional actress.

The story is a bit weak, however. It's another story where you put a bunch of incompetent people together and wait until something bad happens. In this case there are mental issues, trauma, and selfish adults with lack of boundaries.

It sort of makes sense what would happen given the premise. It's just a matter of time before something catastrophic happens. I didn't like the direction of the second half of the series. Olsen sort of takes a back seat and a few new characters take the spotlight.

In summary I think it's a decent watch that play a lot with our human psyche and it shows what can happen if we don't live with certain boundaries in place. Rules exist for a reason. Boundaries exist for a reason. It's not always about our pleasures and temptations and it's about learning to appreciate what we do have instead of what we do not.
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Love & Death: Do No Evil (2023)
Season 1, Episode 4
I cannot stand people like Betty
25 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
You cheat on your spouse but now you feel some type of way that you get cheated on? You get what you deserve.

Not only that but she somehow act all possessive about Allan like she really loves him and care for him when she talks down on him and nags him all the time. All of a sudden we're supposed to believe she loves him? No, she's selfish, controlling, and crazy.

She doesn't care about anyone but herself and she cares more about Candy taking something that 'belongs' to her. Even though Betty cheated on her husband but it's not about that, is it.

Perhaps Betty should look at why she got cheated on and at the very least hold both parties accountable. But no, she takes her childish anger all out on Candy and absolves Allan of all and any responsibilities.
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Love & Death: The Huntress (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
I'm divided.
25 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Olsen's acting is insanely good. Every scene I find myself paying extra attention to her expressions. It's very entertaining and interesting to observe. I wanted to rate the episode higher for her alone but unfortunately the premise of the story has a lot of unforgivable weak points.

To get straight to the point this 'affair' is almost impossible to believe. They all live in a small town where everyone knows each other. There's no way in hell they can meet anywhere in public without someone instantly catching on. So watching them constantly talk on the phone with each other and meeting up in person felt a bit fake and made it hard to believe.

I do see how the two got into the situation they did and I'm curious about what's going to happen next. There were some parts where Candy made being a mom and housewife sound like some horrible thing. She said something like, "men get to have their careers" or something along those lines as if having to work a career is such a perfect picnic on a beautiful summer evening.
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Beautifully absurd.
17 April 2023
I can see why people love it and I can see why people hate it. People want different things out of a movie and John Wick 4 delivers exceptionally well in certain areas while being mediocre in others.

A quick summary is I had a fking great time watching it at some points and a little bored during others. The action scenes are fantastic. It's a TON of fun and really cool to watch. A little towards the middle of the film it did feel a bit slow and dragged out. Cutting out 15 mins would be perfect.

Held up by good action and decent laughs is the weak story. I absolutely LOVE the idea of the underground black market, the continentals, and the high table. I wish we got to see more of that world. I wanted more backstory, more exposure, more display of how they ran behind the scenes. Hopefully I'll get to see that in the Ballerina and Continental.

The other thing I think hindered the movie was that the idea of the high table got watered down. They started off as some serious group that mean business that you don't want to mess with. In John Wick 4 I felt like they were kind of a joke and not really as big as mean as people made them out to be. John Wick was just so broken in the 4th chapter. I know it's the whole appeal of John Wick but it does take away from the story and suspense when, even with suspension of disbelief, is just pure absolute absurdity. But that's also why I love it!

I swear John Wick can take more hits than some Avengers. He's like a tank with the body of Wolverine.

But regardless of what you're looking for you have to give it to the crew for how much work and dedication they put in to this movie. The quality really shows here. It's just really fun and exciting to watch. I rate it higher than the other John Wick films even though it's not my favorite just because in 9 out of 10 ways it's bigger and better.

But I love the other John Wick films because we got more backstory, more Continental, and more focus on story.
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Beef (2023– )
Hard to love or relate to any of the characters.
9 April 2023
I want to start by saying that I love the cast. I've seen their other work and I think they're great actors and actresses. This review is not about them but strictly about the show. I will not let bias affect my opinion on the show.

It was a hard show to enjoy because the characters are very weak. They're fully grown adults that act worse than children. They're degenerate, impulsive, mentally unstable, and live without any sense of principles and lack any moral compass.

They're just not good people. They're entitled and delusional as well. This is not to say that there are some shock value and funny moments. But ultimately that isn't enough to carry. To truly make a great show we need characters that we like, can somewhat relate to, and want to root for. You don't get that here.

The other sad thing is that this show actually show how many people are in our society today. I think if it were a documentary I would rate it higher.
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Shame on you.
5 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So for over a season Cal was a weird, creepy, 'pedophile.' Then out of nowhere we are pulled into Cal's life, someone who don't really care about, and are just forced to watch a bunch of boring, weird, drawn-out scenes about him.

There is literally ZERO point aside from shock value and adding more run-time. And then the episode made an attempt to shame or guilt-trip the viewers? I'm not sure what the hell the speech Cal gave was about.

No one did anything but mind their own business and he randomly busts into the home and started yelling and screaming at everyone and this pissed all over the home?

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Euphoria (2019– )
A show about kids that need a LOT of help and therapy.
4 April 2023
Another show that glorifies degeneracy. The show is filled with the most mentally unstable, impulsive, and undisciplined kids and just follows them and their pursuit of hedonistic pleasures.

They're all supposed 'minors' that binge alcohol, drug, sex, and crime almost daily. None of them have a decent moral compass, a sense of rationality, or any brains. Most of the time they just lash out in anger, from pressure, and just to "YOLO" and be cool because that's what ALL students are supposed to do, right?

The show's cinematography is actually very artistic and cool to look at. It gives off an eerie but fun energy to the scenes.

The acting is probably the best thing about the show. Most of the cast does an awesome job in their roles.

Unfortunately most of the characters are not likeable and I don't really see myself rooting for any of them. They sort of deserve chaos and hardship. I guess that's what makes it 'fun' to watch, right?

Overall the story is okay. They do build up tension and suspense reasonably well and I am slightly curious about what's going to happen next. But also the tension is built around a base of extremism and isn't quite relatable to most people. In a sense it relies too much on shock value.

An example of this is a whole scene about how to send a dick picture properly... Actually. With pictures and everything. Like what? It really does nothing for the show but add shock value and the show does a lot of things like that.
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The Fallout (2021)
3 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A very empty show with a nihilistic and 'doomer' outlook on life. Yes, life isn't fair and life is hard. But to center a whole movie about how hard life can be for one person it is directionless and ultimately achieves nothing.

There are no character building, no world building, no overcoming, no redemption, nothing. It's mainly just a daily life of a sad person. The show

Shoutout to Jenna, she did great. Many of her scenes were hilarious. This review isn't about her, this is about the movie and the direction the producers decided to take.

Vada is pretty much depressed and living with trauma on the daily and pretty much the only time you see her smiling is when she decided to do drugs during school.
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Euphoria: Pilot (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
Degeneracy all around.
3 April 2023
What the hell is going on? The first episode just shows the worst of everything.

Unhinged, no discipline, drugs, lies, cheat, promiscuity, and extreme perversion. It's portrayed like it's normal and expected when life really does not work this way at all.

It gives a false sense of reality and will probably influence young adults in a negative way.

I'll continue to watch to see which direction the show wants to go but right now it's dorectionless. Shows need balance so people don't get stuck in a nihilistic attitude (which is what the show tries very hard to portray).

The show is also very biased and unaware of a few social dynamics but I'll hold out on commenting on that to see if it's deliberate or not.
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Absolute degeneracy.
2 April 2023
Not really sure what the real point of the show is because it doesn't excel in any particular thing. The show is pretty much a play on how immature and degenerate the average college kid is but it seems to glorify it instead of being concerned.

It's a weird show with no clear demographic. It's not appropriate for kids because it's not funny, educational, and contain adult themes. But it's also too boring, petty, and degenerate for adults.

The pacing of the show is also very slow. I can watch a few episodes in a row without laughing at all. I wanted to quit on episode 1 but I wanted to give the show a chance so I kept watching.

If I had to pinpoint ONE reason why this show exist I believe it panders to the 'nerd' and unpopular kids that want to live the delusional life of party and drugs and it's glorification and degeneracy. I really hope the influence of the show doesn't go too far.
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Somebody (2022– )
You must be kidding me...
30 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing makes any sense in this abomination. Tons of plot armor, gimmicks, conveniences, shock value, fillers, and plot holes.

First and foremost all the characters are one-dimensional, boring, and lack character. There isn't really a character with any real motivation or struggle. They just exist and then things just happen and they go along with it.

Second - the show is filled with degenerate and incompetent people. A paralyzed cop in a wheel chair? Really? A degenerate friend with mental issues and horrible impulse control? A shaman? (the shaman is surprisingly the most normal).

The 'villain' is also boring and lack any appeal. He's not smart or trained in any way. He's just a dude with too much time creeping on girls using an app and steals their phones yet no one can figure out who or where he is.

The pacing is atrocious. At least 75% of the show feels too long. The sex scenes are dragged out way too long and it doesn't accomplish anything. Weird awkward dialogue and meetings between characters don't feel natural at all.

And did they have a budget of $20 for lighting? Half the show feels like Gotham city with the lights out. Hard to see anything.
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The Glory (2022– )
When it's good, it's good. When it's bad, it's BAD.
27 March 2023
There are a lot of great scenes and execution in this show. I loved that the show, for the most part, departed from the typical overly dramatic cheesy romance like many other dramas.

That's where the show shines the most, when it's focused on the crime and suspense. The show starts off really well and pace really well past the midpoint where it becomes really sloppy.

While I completely understand the motive of the lead woman, she's extremely boring, stone-faced, one-dimensional, and not very enjoyable to watch. Surprisingly all of the best moments are moments showing other characters. The dullest moments are those with her and her depressing obsessed doctor follower.

Seriously? Even as cringy, annoying, whiny, and obsessed so many people are in most Korean dramas are, Joo Yeo-Jung takes the cake. His obsession and 'love' for Moon feels soo unnatural, out of place, and unwarranted it really waters down the rest of the show.

I'd score the show two points higher if they removed him (or the weird awkward chemistry) from the main plot. He's like a real manifestation of plot armor for the main character in the form of a 'lover.'
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Crash Landing on You (2019–2020)
Just another generic drama
27 March 2023
The show is just another generic drama. There's nothing special about it. The setup is very contrived and 'convenient.' The main lead are both bland and not very exciting to watch.

Their relationship feels unnatural. I don't understand why they need to make the main leads as slow, stone-faced, bored-looking, and as emotionless as possible.

My favorite part of the show is the 'side' couple. They have way more soul but of course they're misunderstood and get left in the dust. The show is obviously geared towards emotionally immature or young teens, middle school (maybe early high school) teens.

Don't expect anything great.
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It's ok.
17 March 2023
I'll start with saying I love the animation and art style of this anime. It's very flashy, eye-catching, and fun to look at. The music is also pretty cool. It's unique but also has a slight nostalgic "Naruto" feel to it which is cool.

The anime pacing, however, is a bit slow. More often than not I feel like things get dragged out and it feels a bit tedious. I find myself wishing they would just get to the point or move on with the main storyline.

Even the seasons are getting released at an excruciatingly slow rate. We've gotten 2 seasons and Demon Slayer came out in 2016.

The last issue is plot armor. There's just too many. Yea, I get that the main characters largely never die. I mean, they can, they just never stay dead (98% of the time). This take away from the severity of the scenes. When the element of loss and sorrow is cut short because in the end they're always ok it really waters down the effectiveness of the show.
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Goblin Slayer (2018–2023)
Feels like a directionless show
16 March 2023
The show is weak. There's really not much to it. The story is weak, the characters are average or feels unnatural. The banter usually doesn't lead anywhere. A lot of random scenes that drag out runtime without adding much to the story. Not much suspense or sense of danger.

I do like how dark the anime can be but you really don't get too much of it. Goblins are easily killed and generally aren't dangerous unless you're dumb and run into a cave full of them without light or experience... sounds like common sense but that's what they do.

The goblin slayer randomly showing up and staying with them for years is weird. It's interesting that they speak as if it's a dungeon-based video game. I guess gamers might like it a bit because it's got that nerd element to it.

The show doesn't have much comedy or light-hearted scenes. It's mainly just gloomy and doomy.
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Made in Abyss (2017– )
Not what you think at all.
3 March 2023
How the hell is this not rated 17 and up?! There's mentioning and brief showing of naked kid being tied up as torture (bondage style), there's sexual themes like lines about penis and anus, there's blood and gore, there's death. There's a lot of mature themes.

Don't be fooled by the beautiful design and art style. I LOVE the way the show looks. It's fun, refreshing, catchy, and just overall a good experience. It makes me want to see the rest of the show just to see how everything is done.

The world is also pretty cool. The concept of a giant hole with varying levels of treasure, monsters, and environment is pretty cool. It's like a huge dungeon in video games. Unfortunately we don't really get to see too much of it.

The story is also a bit weak. The village has horrible security and really no guards. The pit has tons of dangerous monsters that can kill you but kids can easily just come and go. Also this one character was quickly assimilated into the town it was a bit weird.

Overall a really slow s1 but it has just enough for me to want to see what else is coming up. Who and what is down deeper in the abyss?!
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