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The first Jack Ryan film
20 September 2019
The first movie in the Jack Ryan series is also considered one of the very best. Directed by the underrated John Mctiernen(Die Hard, Predator) and starring Sean Connery and Alec Baldwin this is a worthy film to put into your submarine movies collection. The Hunt for Red October has a much different feel from any of the other Jack Ryan films (to date, there have been five plus a web series). This is because John McTiernan's directorial style is substantially different than those of his successors. McTiernan is a master of escalating tension, although The Hunt for Red October doesn't show it as well as Die Hard. The movie personalizes the global crisis sufficiently for the audience to have a deeper rooting interest than in whether or not World War III breaks out. Aside from some gunplay in the third act the film is also short on action but makes up for it in relentless pacing and fine execution.
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Wolf (1994)
Nichols and Nicholson unite to make horror artsy
12 August 2019
Jack Nicholson stars in this update on the werewolf theme with Michele Pfieffer in tow. Directed by Mike Nichols this mid 90s film has everything you'd expect from such a film- high budget set pieces and special effects, the raw power of the star wattage on display and a top director's heft. Some scenes stick out and Nicholson's transformation is great from a visual perspective. Wolf should not be considered a horror film. Although not multilayered or deep from any perspective the film isn't just a werewolf on a rampage episode either. An actor of Nicholson's heft adds to the proceedings and with the good cinematography, score and look Mike Nichol's Wolf rises above its monster roots. Unheard of by many, this is a good moody film with some great factors that are sadly lost in today's high tech world. Wolf is a reminder of artistic cinema- get reminded.
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The Tourist (I) (2010)
Passable entertainment; nothing more
9 January 2019
As preposterous wannabe Hitchcockian thrillers go, this one is adequate. After a slow start, things move along at a clip sufficient to keep most viewers interested, if not completely engaged. My level of disappointment has more to do with wasted potential than with what's on screen. The behind-the-scenes talent, from the director and screenwriters to the cinematographer, is top-notch. The protagonists are played by two of the most appealing actors of this generation. The supporting cast draws from a deep pool of accomplished British thespians. Yet, despite all it has going for it, The Tourist never escapes from the web of mediocrity that ensnares it. As pointless diversions go, it has some things going for it, but not enough for a wholehearted recommendation. Those who want Hitchcock are better with the real thing - pale substitutes like this one merely italicize how special the legendary director was.
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More relevant than ever before
13 November 2018
With its curious mix of Time Bandits-like enchantment and plain sense of fun, The Pagemaster represents the least-annoying and most enjoyable contribution Culkin has made to the industry since Home Alone. This won't be the monster hit that movie was, but children venturing into The Pagemaster should be no less beguiled. Grownups who often feel insulted by the too-juvenile tone of most so-called "family features" will likely find this movie long enough to catch their attention, but short enough not to lose it -- in essence, a surprisingly affable (and occasionally even sophisticated) movie-going experience. Most importantly though- This film is even more relevant today 25 years on.
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The Doors (1991)
Oliver Stone tackles a nonpolitical subject for once
10 October 2018
The Doors were a huge sensation back in the day and Jim Morrison- the lanky, good looking man was their mainstay. Oliver Stone's The Door's is a biographical take on Jim Morrison and you'd be hard pressed to find a lot of faults here- Kilmer is literally the photo copy of the real Jim and Meg Ryan is adorable as his girlfriend. The film itself wasn't such a hit because, well to be frank it is vague and goes off on many tangents but this is a valiant effort to show a true rock star in all his glory. Even if you aren't a fan of the Doors I suggest you check this one out.
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Perfect Blue (1997)
Psychological thriller anime
2 August 2018
This anime concerns a pop star who wishes to be an actor, but she also becomes a victim of stalking which leads to some serious consequences. The thin line between reality and hallucination are crossed and soon we are question what is real and what isn't. The material is strictly for adults and the artwork, as expected from the multimillion dollar anime business is stupendous. If you wish to get into anime watch this film.
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Fight Club (1999)
Fight Club is the stamp of anti-authority and the underground culture's identity
19 July 2018
Fight Club is perhaps David Fincher's most famous work. Why is it so popular? Of course the anarchist in your face plot and the anti-hero's cool demeanor make this a hugely popular film, especially among young disillusioned men. The film itself is brilliantly paced, reeking of humor and brilliantly shot. The acting is top notch. Ed Norton is relatable as the narrator and Brad Pitt shows why he was so popular back in the 90s- he owns the scenes. Ladies get a strong character in Helena Bonham Carter's Marla Singer, though quirky and psychotic. But then everyone is that way to some extent in this stylish film. One of Fincher's best and that's a tough call to make.
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Con Air (1997)
A decent one time watch of an action movie
11 July 2018
Con- Air is a decent big budget film starring everyone from Nicholas Cage to John Malkovich and John Cusack. The synopsis is basic: A ranger tows aboard a transport plane full of convicts led by John Malkovich. They soon take over the plane and all hell ensues. This was a decent film and Malkovich is really good playing against type but seeing this film now where 100 million dollar pyrotechnique are common in every other film Con Air lacks the punch.
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A visually haunting film from France
5 July 2018
This is an artsy horror film from France made in 1960. A surgeon and his apprentice abduct women off the streets and then perform a facial surgery to graft their skin on a woman they have kept imprisoned. Saying anything more would be doing disservice to the film but here is what I can say: This is a haunting film full of intense atmosphere right from the location and setting to the method by which most actors enact their characters. The music also adds to the surreal nature and if such films with surrealistic images and intense atmosphere (which take preceding over plot or character) than this should be a must watch on your list.
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Groundhog Day (1993)
It had a heart and a good story
21 June 2018
Groundhog day may seem tame by today's standards- but remember this was the film that started the whole time relapse continuum in the first place. However, just a concept cannot carry a film and this is where Groundhog succeeded and many others failed- It had a heart and a good story. Bill murray plays a weather reporter who must relive the same day- groundhog day every day. Featuring great performances from Murray and Mcdonald, and fantastic direction from Harold Ramis Groundhog Day is a movie that will still be watched a hundred years from now. (Great comedy-philosophical drama).
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