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The Patient (2022)
Solid show
3 July 2023
The show was good, I was worried with something like this taking place 90% within one room would feel so slow but if anything each episode was paced very well and by the end of them I wanted to watch the next one straight away.

The show is about a psychologist Alan who is kidnapped by one of his patients who has the urge to kill people who have annoyed him through this life. Alan must try and stop him from killing them and most importantly killing him.

There are some good episodes, I wasn't to gone on how they decided to end the show, it wasn't bad it just felt a little anticlimactic for me.

Overall a good and easy watch I do recommend, 8/10.
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Worth the watch
2 July 2023
This is another that has been on my radar for some time and I sat down and gave it a go, I think it has been 3 days is what it took me to watch it.

The story is about 2 detectives but Detective pyre played by Garfield is out main man, he is part of the Mormon church, he is put on a case in his home town where a woman and her 15 month old baby were murdered, they must find out who did it will struggling with his faith as he questions the methods of his church, was the murder from within ??

The show has some very strong episodes, it's a slow burn, not a hell of a lot of action but it doesn't feel to slow, the acting is superb from everyone, one of my favourite Andrew roles 100%

The whole story is good, there is a LOT of religion and diving into their beliefs, I say 80% of the show is that but for me it was done in a way that made me curious and wanting to know more and to see if anyone would question the extremity of what they were believing.

The end is also nice, some actions brushed over and questions not really answered BUT say if I'm wrong, I think this is a true story ? Overall a nice show and only one season which is nice, 8/10.
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Whiplash (2014)
Worth it for the ending alone !
1 July 2023
This movie was fantastic start to finish, grit and determination, sheer self sacrifice still isn't good enough for some !!!

The movie is about a student in college playing drums who is in some class band and is picked by another teacher to be in his band, he is a bit more extreme than other teachers.

I will say nothing more but the intensity of the movie swells and moves with every scene, my heart was in my mouth hoping he wouldn't mess up at any time as he would have been demolished by JK Simmons who is playing arguably his best role !

Miles Teller was also fantastic, he must have learned to play the drums as some of the scenes felt so real, the blood he poured just for any bit of appreciation, he wants to be one of the greats.

The ending is FANTASTIC I didn't see it coming at all!!! A great watch, 8.5/10.
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Not what I thought but I enjoyed what was
27 June 2023
I expected something totally different to what was given but in saying that I enjoyed what I got.

The story is about a lady who loves litterateur I think she is some scholar I'm not sure, she comes across a vase that lets a genie or Gin lose, she must make 3 wishes to set him free, he explains his story and how he came to be here and why she needs to wish as she does not want to.

It's a slow but soft movie, a tale of heartbreak and consequences, some of the visuals are absolutely fantastic and I think all the acting was great.

A movie to watch, not needing action or a fast pace just a nice silky story from start to end, 7/10.
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The Nice Guys (2016)
Buddy Comedy
27 June 2023
I had heard about this for a long time and I'm not sure why it has taken me this long to watch it and I'm ashamed because I loved it.

The story is about 2 private investigators who are on the case looking for the location of a girl, I don't want to say more than that as the further into the story goes it uncovers more clues and different twists.

The comedy was great and both Russel and Ryan were hilarious and I must say I haven't seen Ryan in many goofy roles but my god it was funny.

There are some good action scenes, some good little twists and overall a funny feel good movie ! Definitely recommend, 8.5/10.
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Asteroid City (2023)
I'm still figuring it out
26 June 2023
This is my first Wes Andersen movie besides Fantastic Mr Fox YEARS ago, and it was quite daunting having no idea what to expect.

The story I am still wrapping my head around, what we see is a screen play movie based on a play on a script. A family are going to their grandpas house and the car breaks down, taken to asteroid city where the son is taking place in a science competition.

The visuals and colour is really nice, many movies are quite dull and if not have a bland colour palette so this was good, the comedy was dry and I did laugh out loud a handful of times, the cast was honestly impeccable! There are THINGS I'd love to say but they are spoilers but to say it was so random, I'm still figuring it out hahaha

I think the messages and style of this movie is lost upon me, maybe I should watch more of his work, revisit this down the line, not my typical movie but one I got enjoyment from, 7/10.
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Hypnotic (2023)
Better than a damn 5
26 June 2023
So again I put this off a while but I found myself guessing so I fired it on and I was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed it especially after seeing the SHOCKING reviews.

So it's about a detective who wants to find his daughter, he encounters a man who can do hypnosis and seems to have information on her whereabouts, he must follow this thread which leads him down a spiral of mystery.

The movie is grand, nothing amazing but it's a decent and easy watch, there were times when it lost me a little and I found parts a bit cheesy but that's okay, it's not a bad movie, don't be expecting Prisoners level of story and drama.

It is around a 6.5 for me as it was pretty good, I probably wouldn't watch again but it's an enjoyable 1 watch for something to throw on. 6.5/10.
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Vampires (1998)
A long sunrise
26 June 2023
With older movies I never do " oh well for back then it was great" I'm not watching it back then so I review them for how they are right now.

I had absolutely no clue what this movie was about other than vampires and vampire hunters. It's story is decent, a team of vampire hunters take down a nest and are then perused by a master vampire who is much stronger than the rest, they are looking for something and it's up to Jack to find out what.

The actual hunting and massacre scenes were good, the vampires looked really good too, classic fangs, discoloured eyes and blood, lots of blood.

The dialogue at times was a bit ridiculous and Jack started to annoy me by the end hahaha there are one or two lines that had me like "are you serious, what are you thinking" but overall good, an enjoyable vampire flick, 7/10.
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The Gray Man (2022)
26 June 2023
It has taken me ages to get around to watching this film, I was never super excited about it but the cast is what drew me in and it was decent.

The story is about an agent basically who needs to rescue an old employers daughter taken by an agent on another team, basically good guy Vs bad guy. Ryan Gosling is the good one and Chris Evans is the bad agent who takes things to far, no rules in his book.

The action scenes are good they could be better, a little too much just mindless shooting, the one on one fights were definitely the best, some good humour and also a decent story, pretty basic but a movie like this what do you expect for story?

200 million is a big budget, why it cost that I'm not sure as some CG was not great, also a problem with ALL action movies not just this, the amount of times the camera chops when they fight, it can get annoying, something like John Wick has a flow of action and feels real and smooth while this is annoying, I think all action movies need to follow the JW formula in that sense. 7/10.
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Have a laugh and cringe
24 June 2023
I was looking forward to this movie and it's exactly what you would expect if you had seen the trailer, I enjoyed it.

The movie is about Maddie who owes Tax to the government and in order to pay it she needs more money as her car was towed and she's an Uber, she sees an add to try and coax a boy out of his shell and get him ready for college life in Princeton after Summer break.

The movie is actually quite funny, of course there are some cringe moments all these movies have them but it's been a while since a silly comedy came out, it has a decent story and a nice little bit of heart but it's sole focus is to make you laugh and with some funny scenes and one liners I did laugh.

I thought Jennifer Lawrence was great in this, the whole cast was good, I recommend, 8/10.
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Extraction II (2023)
Good action flick
23 June 2023
Yea I think this movie is what you want from something like this, it has some good action throughout, a nice story and a good cast but we are all here to see Chris absolutely destroy some poor soul hahaha

There is one scene that I believe is a one shot for about 15 to 20 minutes my god it was magnificent fair play to all, not only that but it held the BEST action sequences in the movie so it's impressive to say the least.

There were some times I thought it was a bit slow or there wasn't much going on, and what was happening on screen wasn't contributing to what would happen but not much of that.

Overall good action movie, 7/10.
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The Bear: Fishes (2023)
Season 2, Episode 6
Wow, simply wow
22 June 2023
I think this is one of the best family dinner or Christmas episodes of television I have ever, EVER witnessed. The acting was absolutely phenomenal.

The episode is about Carms family coming together for the holidays a few years ago, we get an absolutely STELLAR cast to fill the roles, all of them were great but dear god hats off to Jamie Lee Curtis for one of the best performances on tv that I have seen in years, she was incredible !!!

The episode is on a spiral and there is no getting off until it's finished, and by the way we are treated to AN HOUR compared to the normal 25 ish minutes.

The sheer chaos that consumes this episode is gripping, i felt like this is what it's like being inside Carms mind, how everything everywhere is going a mile a minute and there is no time for rest.

I have not finished yet, I came here straight after the episode but I doubt this one can be topped, hats off to all, ALSO Jon Berntal was incredible when going up against Bob Odenkirk. So damn good ! 10/10 ep.
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Secret Invasion: Resurrection (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
Finally !
21 June 2023
This, this is what has been missing in marvels formula for so so long.

The episode is good, it's about Nick Fury needing to come back to earth as the Scrolls are starting to plot a plan to wipe out the human race and claim earth as their own, we see some familiar faces and some new and all are really welcome additions as they aren't mindless marvel robots.

Definitely an espionage spy thriller, the colour and tone even music at times gives me winter soldier vibes and I can't love that enough,

A little slow at times but the action and suspense does make up for it, I think having our Guardians for comedy and other characters like them, it wouldn't work with a show like this and I'm SO happy with its tone and direction, 1 ep in and now it has standards. A solid 8/10 ep, gives me hope for Daredevil and movies like Blade.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
14 June 2023
I must say I am pleasantly impressed with the movie.

The story is about Barry who runs back in time to try and change the events of his childhood where his mom died and dad went to jail, He alters the timeline which has many ripple effects, he must team up with a younger version of himself and create a justice league to stop Zod who is back on earth.

There is a lot of humour but the scenes that are heartfelt are really good, the premise is sad and the further we get into the movie the more we feel that.

Keaton Batman wasn't just a cameo he has some great scenes in this, he hasn't lost it.

Not a fan of the Batfleck scenes, not sure why they just felt really weird.

The younger Barry I wanted to choke at times, he does grow on you but the start he was a LOT.

Super-girl was actually really good and I'd love more.

Ezra was good playing both Barry, I don't know what will happen in the future with his personal life and his actions. Gunn said this set the timeline for the new DC but that I can't understand, there is one scene at the very end of the credits and I was expecting much more it was meh, disappointing. The end to the movie also is leaving us in open air so that bothered me some bit but overall I enjoyed it, 8/10.
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The Idol: Double Fantasy (2023)
Season 1, Episode 2
Rated a 4 ??
12 June 2023
Okay, firstly I can see why the show wouldn't be for a lot of people but I don't mind it at all, and it is definitely nowhere near a 4.

In this episode we see Joce struggle to record a music video, she is battling with the music she is singing as she doesn't feel it is her, she wants to put out a song by her and Tedros but the question I ask is that her or is it him?

She is struggling without her mom and this is when her team must fill that void to help her through.

What I am seeing is the whole premise of the show is about a singer who is pushed and pushed and showing the hard truths of Hollyweird, The Weeknd scenes are extremely strange but I feel they are there by no mistake, there are slimeballs like this in the industry.

It's not a bad show, it's weird and messed up but not to the lengths people make out, the sexual dominance tedros shows is the problem and his kinks or is it all a plan? Better than ep 1 and looking forward to the rest.
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8 June 2023
Overall I laughed and had an enjoyable time, no I don't think the movie was amazing but it was a decent watch.

I think Transformers has been extremely hit or miss since the first one and this one is okay.

The story is about Noah Diaz as he must find a key to help the autobots get home, meanwhile a planet sized transformer called Omnicron is out to destroy all worlds as they feed him.

The movie has some decent action scenes, Noah and Elena are good in this their chemistry is enjoyable and Pete Davison as Merage is a good autobot, he is the comedic relief which is non stop, it can get a bit much at times but there are some funny one liners.

I feel for the serious tone they went for was undermined a bit at times with all the jokes, the new design is good, I do prefer the bay look to most transformers but I prefer this bee.

The CGI is okay overall, some not good moments which take me out a bit of the movie. The score was good, one thing that bothers me is that their blasters chose when they inflict damage as sometimes they do nothing while others is it's a devastating blow.

I don't know if I'd watch it again, not the worst in the series but not near the best, 6.5/10.
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Yellowstone: A Knife and No Coin (2022)
Season 5, Episode 8
Season 5 A
7 June 2023
Right So this season has been split into 2 parts so for the mid season finale or like Breaking bad season 5 A I will review ep 1- 9

This season has definitely been the weakest so far, call it a season break or a separate season whatever, it has been poor for the standards that the show has set.

Beth is becoming quite annoying, angry speech's and aggressive attacks at Jamie can only last for so long before it feels repetitive, and now for me it's repetitive.

The story of the season so far is all about protecting the ranch and John is governor, Jamie is seduced by an opposing faction and she has him fooled, Beth tries convincing John they need to move to a better business model and Kasey and his family are met with a big event.

Not much stands out, I do think we have good moments and maybe 2 solid episodes or there than that I'm a bit disappointed.

Rip and Kasey are the only ones I have an interest in, they are pulling the show at the moment, it's like we are used to episodes that are packed and full start to end but this season they are deflated, maybe one or two things happen and the rest is all filler.

Overall a fine first half/ Season A, 7/10.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
2 June 2023
So Ted Lasso has come to a close after season 3, I was quite shocked to find out that this was going to be the final season as the first two were so successful and loved and I believed there was a lot of room for story.

As this is an overall series review I'll do a taste for each season. S1 we are introduced to Ted who is an American football coach that has been hired to manage the English football team called Richmond. Ted has only been hired as the owner Rebeca got it from her husband in the divorce as he is a horrible man and she wants to ruin the club. The friendships and heart ship kicks off from the get go.

Season 2 picks up with a reformed team and Ted who has quickly learned the ins and out of his English side, not quite won the fans over yet but this year they are battling for promotion to the premier league. Ted has some things to work out as he seeks council, his coaching staff are great with the addition of Roy Kent !! Probably one of the best characters, this is the strongest season and ends on a major cliffhanger.

S3 was a bit disappointing honestly, it started okay and had a massive dip in story, it became too much of a drama, the sports were pushed to the side while previous seasons had a perfect balance, it seemed the acting was too much, overacted and a bit too cheesy, it ended on a good note, some decisions I would not have made myself and bothered me but the last 3-4 episodes were good.

Overall the show is definitely worth the watch, 3 seasons. 10-12 episodes and it is for all, 8.5/10.
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Wow just wow
1 June 2023
I had tried to stay away from trailers to avoid as much as I can and wow, I am blown away.

The story is good, it's a follow up to the previous where Miles is still struggling to balance the spider life and being a kid, he is missing his multiverse friends and especially Gwen. The movie really gets going when a new villain called spot who can travel through holes to anywhere is demolished by miles and insulted. He plans to grow his powers, creating the ability to multiverse travel. The story goes on and it's hard to say as it continues after spoilers but things MUST happen but Miles can't accept it.

The animation was AMAZING, it goes along with a pitch perfect score, there was once or twice the voices were quite low behind the music but that could have been the cinema.

Obviously it's around Miles but this movie is equally Gwens movie, she has gone through and is going through a lot. The supporting characters were all great and this movie is genuinely funny.

This is not a spoiler but the movie ends on a cliffhanger and the third movie is scheduled for next year. This doesn't take away from the movie, it leaves me wanting more in a good way.
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Succession: With Open Eyes (2023)
Season 4, Episode 10
The finale
29 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, firstly to mention the finale was really good, it definitely didn't end up where I was guessing it would go.

The golden trio back again to try and gear votes in their directions are meet with a conundrum as a spanner is thrown into the works in good old succession fashion. This pushes them closer together to try and weather the storm and reform a plan to bring the company back to the right member of the family.

I think Roman wasn't too involved directly in the episode, but his actions for the past few seasons left him where he ended.

Shiv also had a key role in what she decided and the people closest to her all affected.

Kendal, the main man, just when even I was being convinced of him he shows again he fumbles, he has no direct speech, none of them do, Logan could cut straight through concrete with a blunt knife while these kids couldn't cut straight through butter without taking turns and backtracking.

Having it end with all of them in disarray, nobody actually deserved it, Tom as CEO, if Gregg had held on another day he may have been taken care of, but the kids, they have nothing now, yes I am sure lots of money but they deserve to be where they are.

Great finale and I do think they could have even made another season.
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Sisu (2022)
Kill Nazis
26 May 2023
The movie is decent, I was expecting a little more based off the trailers, but I did enjoy it, it's one of those movies where you just enjoy what you get and don't ponder much.

The story is of a man who mines gold and he finds a lot of it, being in 1944 the Nazis that he stumbles upon wouldn't just let him leave with it all, the whole movie takes shape after a showdown.

The action was all good, I think it could have done with more honestly especially these movies the people are here for action and not much else and I think the movie lacked it. The lake scene was probably the best.

I would like to know what he said at the end as it was Finnish with no English subs, good not great.
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Ted Lasso: Mom City (2023)
Season 3, Episode 11
25 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The episode was everything you want in an episode of Ted Lasso You have the heart felt speeches that can relate to many people in different situations, you have some awful cgi football, you have stakes, you have a laugh and a cry, you have good dynamics with the coaching staff and the players, a look into someone's life, this honestly was a fantastic episode BUT there is 1 thing I can't agree with, the snake.

I understand the message I do, brining back Nate is a sign of forgiveness and second chances, but I feel what he said when he left, how he left, it wasn't just hurting Ted, he hurt the team, he hurt all the staff over nothing, feeling undermined from the one person who gave him a chance, a job, a title, respect and he threw it away on vanity and a crap attitude, I think forgiving him is fine, but the snake should never set foot back in that dressing room again.
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A gripping bond
10 May 2023
Yea this movie was very good.

The movie isn't at all what I had been expecting it was honestly much better and it was real, I also didn't know it was based off a true story !

The movie is about a general who is in Afghanistan looking for the location of IUD creation buildings and their team is ambushed, it all rolls on from there.

There is very good action, even the main characters are at risk nobody is safe in this story.

Jake is one of the best actors in the past decade and having him lead was a brilliant choice as he has the movie and brings it with him and does it well. The supporting cast was great especially Dar who played Ahmed.

A great movie and I definitely think it's worth the watch, 8/10.
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Some men just wanna watch the world burn
9 May 2023

I have seen this movie many many times in the past few years but this week was the first time I was able to experience it in the Cinema!

As crazy as it sounds, I was even more impressed than normal and the one thing that stood out as a difference is getting to experience the soundtrack in the cinema, oh my god it's perfection.

I'm pretty sure a movie 15 years old everyone knows what it's about but I have to say Heath Ledger is rightly known as one of the best villains if not best cinematic performances ever, every single time he was on screen I was immersed, all these years later I still am blower away by him.

This movie is truly one of the best out there, lately being compared to The Batman 2022 and they are both so different, you just can't compare as they are both in a calibre of their own ! 9/10.
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Loss and Love
3 May 2023
Wow !

By far the best entry into the Guardians movies and up there with some of the best Marvel movies in general. The story isn't at all what I guessed from the trailers but as spoiler free as I can, a guardian gets injured and the rest of the guardians must band together to help save their life.

We get the backstory of Rocket and it's heartbreaking, the high evolutionary is one of the meanest we have seen in the movies. He is cruelty with no bounds, no justification just evil.

The action is great and the CG is the best it has been in a long while, the music is perfect such a perfected list that suits the movie to the ground.

Stand outs are Drax, Mantis, flashback rocket and I must say Nebulas arc in her MCU journey is great !!

The stakes are high, the heart is felt, tears swelled and overall I had a fantastic time, the perfect ending to one of Marvels best trilogy.
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