
5 Reviews
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Book of Love (2004)
Starts well, ends wanting
4 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
An engaging movie with excellent acting on the part of all the leads. The story, for the most part, unfolded wonderfully, deftly depicting the range and subtleties of the characters' emotions as the plot conflict developed. A lot was portrayed here that gives the viewer plenty to ponder. And then the end came...and the movie falls apart. It's not what happened at the that is necessarily bad; it's just that the movie, after carefully leading us through the drama, jumps to a conclusion so quickly (house sold, the character Dave parenting, Chet in Cambodia, etc.) that the resolution is very unconvincing, and left the end of the movie feeling like it had little significance with any of the rest of the story. Should have added another 30 minutes of credible storyline to make the ending fit.

I like a number of indie films, and this one started out with a lot to offer. It was headed for 8 or 9 star status in my book until the disconnected ending came along and diminished its otherwise fine story telling.
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The Bride (1985)
A pleasant surprise
10 April 2006
I love it when I find a movie in the bargain bin, watch it, and it turns out to be really good. Such is the case with The Bride. The cinematography is beautifully done, creating a rich atmosphere and setting for the story. Filmed in England and France, the locations add some real authenticity to the story; this is no Hollywood back lot. Some may criticize the acting skills of the leads or the degree of depth in the story line, but one thing is sure, the movie is consistent in story, direction, mood, and content from beginning to end, a well delivered package. I also enjoyed this spin on the Frankenstein monster; he's got personality and character. Instead of being only an object of horror as in other films, the viewer gets to know and identify with him as the movie progresses, coming to care for his success and well being. As another viewer stated previously, approach this movie as a Gothic novel instead of a horror story, and you're sure to find some enjoyment from it.
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don't look for standard story here
9 April 2006
Though rich in atmosphere and mood, with excellent cinematography both indoors and out, and a decent musical score that helps contribute to the movie's eerie feel, the Ninth Gate falls apart in all other regards. I appreciate all the users' comments that attempted to explain this movie to me, but in the end I have to agree with the protests of those who found fault with the ending (or really, the lack thereof), thin plot, tediously slow story development, and some pretty glaring gaps in the logic. Some strange and esoteric movies have captivated me in the past, but this one either went over my head or died crossing the street. I appreciate Johnny Depp's skill as an actor, so I'll give an extra point for that, but the end result for me was an unsatisfying movie experience.
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Skeleton Man (2004 TV Movie)
8 April 2006
As of this writing, Skeleton Man takes on the distinction of being the WORST movie I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot of bad ones. Watched it with a friend looking for some cheesy Friday night entertainment, it managed to generate about 10 minutes of laughter, sarcasm, and disparaging remarks before sinking into unbelievable boredom. There is no character development, no character endearment, changes in the plot that are nonsensical, and attack scenes that are completely fake in their construction. It is explained that the skeleton man appears close to dusk, but almost the entire film is shot under a wooded canopy with the sun shining high in the sky (easily discerned by the angle of the shadows). And what gives with the "forest" setting? It's nothing more than oak chaparral (i.e. Hollywood back lot), spliced with a few brief shots of high mountain forest, and almost Hawaii-like waterfalls. Unbelievable mix. And what about the skeleton man's outfit (which looks like it was bought straight off the shelf of K-Mart)? It is tattered in one scene, then smooth & untorn in another, and sometimes both in the same attack. Really, what an insult to the viewer's intelligence!

After the movie finished I decided to check out the special features and the "making of" featurette, and after hearing all the enthusiasm of the actors and production team, I was astonished when I heard the director say it was the most challenging movie he had ever made. How embarrassing. I've seen pre-school picture books with more depth, continuity, and integrity!
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nothing of intelligence here
8 April 2006
I've seen a lot of turkeys in my day, but this one gets a special award. Acting was wooden, dialog was shallow, the sets of the towns and the train looked exactly like what they were, models! The musical score, instead of trying to make up for the lame production values, was irritating, like putting salt on a wound. I like cheesy B-movie sci fi's when they're presented as such, but Ghost Of Mars pretends to be a mainline feature with barely achievable B-movie values. I would think those involved in this project would want to distance their name from it, it's so bad. After being highly recommended by a friend of mine, and then running across it price-slashed, I thought I'd give it a try. A mistake. On closer inspection I should seen it was in the "sucker" bin, not the bargain bin.
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