
86 Reviews
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Devil's Men (2023)
Rubbish Movie - High School project
20 March 2024
The first few minutes are a turn of...At just 1.30 minutes in the movie, there is a close up of a soldier holding a rifle which is not even a replica of a WW2 weapon, and looks like it was made as a high school wood shop project that got a C- as test score.

Costume designer needs a rocket up the you know where. Military uniforms have no authenticity. At the 10 minute mak, in a combat training exercise, the soldiers are all wearing different uniforms, if they could actually be called uniforms. Cover-alls of different designs/style?? At 13:30, why the heck is a soldier in uniform from Wyming wearing a German Iron Cross (and a poor replica at that). Notably, the soldier is wearing the "Devils Brigade" insignia, being the special combined US/Canada commando force. These insignia were not granted until after graduation, not during training.

Notably, the 1st Special Service Force as they were officially known, trained near Helena, Montana. The filming location of this movie is clearly not in Montana.

When we see the soldiers doing knife combat training, the knife held by the trainer is clearly NOT the V-42 as issued to them. (google it)

We see the soldiers drinking from beer bottles that are clearly not 1940's, but more recent.

The movie portrays what would have been the assault on Monte la Difensa. The scene in the movie does not even remotely match the landscape. And the combat scene does nor even remotely resemble the actual history. Movie shows failure of the soldiers and early detection, while in reality , was a complete surprise attack by the allied forces.

In that battle, the M1928A1 Thompson was the most widely used weapon, but this movie does not show a single one. Mostly Garands and M1s shown in the movie.. During the assault on Monte la Difensa, the movie shows an assembly of captured alleged German weapons, but what is shown are firearms post WW2 from different countries.

The movie also shows sporadic battles with rest time, but in reality, it was full on without respite.

Also, in the movie during the battle at Mt Sammucro,the movie says it was December 23, and soldiers say they do not want to die on christmas day, but the battle was well before christmas being between 8-17 December 1943. We also see soldiers fighting in heavy snow in a wooded forest.... but the real battle was on a steep rocky mountain devoid of vegetation and there was no snow. And the big one, The Devils Brigade did not fight in that battle. It was the 5th Army Division.

Overall... the movie has no authenticity, no historical accuracy, no accuracy to detail, poor acting, poor camera work, and really has no story line at all. The scenes jump all over the place. There is no flow.

Do not even bother watching this dribble.
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"Robbing Mussolini" - Great movie !!
28 October 2022
English title - "Robbing Mussolini"

I was impressed by this movie.

Making a movie in the style of Tarantino, set in Italy with Italian actors speaking French and watching it with English subtitles has to be a first.

Set in WW2 Italy, a collection of misfits meet to undertake an almost impossible heist, .... to steal Mussolini's wealth.

All the elements of a good WW2 movie.... shoot-outs, deception, resistance fighters, car/vehicle chases, pine forests and mountain scenery, patriotism of good overcoming evil..

As I watched the movie, I kept seeing many film styles that would make me think that the director and screen writer was influenced by Tarantino.

It is both a comedy, drama, action and all rolled into great scenery and sets, unique music , credible acting and with authentic weapons, costumes (uniforms) and aged motor vehicles.

Well worth the watch. A movie buffs delight.

I give it 7 stars !
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One of the worst Submarine movies ever made.
7 October 2022
This B-Grade movie is loaded with numerous factual errors and goofs. Rank insignia wrong, wrong uniforms and boots, office and household items that post date WW2, filmed in an obvious American submarine that is supposed to be German and on it goes.

This movie was actually available on-line in full HD, to be viewed on 3rd party streaming site about a week before the official release date. I watched it there and waited until IMBD unlocked the "movie review" link after the release date officially passed.

In all honesty, my viewpoint is that any movie with Dolph Lundgren made since appearing in Rocky, is rarely watchable. He has virtually no acting ability at all in my opinion. If I see Dolph Lundgren appearing in the credits of a movie, I am more likely not to watch it, since I find almost every movie with his appearances to be nothing short of disappointing.

As far as the movie goes, the storyline is believable, even though historically inaccurate. It is correct that Germany experimented with rockets launched from submarines with the intended target to be USA, German technology failed to make such a concept operational. Just google "rocket U-boot" to read about the failed program.

There is one scene that left me cringing.... Dolf Lundgren as a Submarine Captain Hans Kessler is inspecting his crew in a building basement. He says, "these are not kriegsmarine", to which the mariners all lined up in different uniforms, and some not even in uniforms (contrary to strict German regulations), start stamping their feet singing a German naval song, which is an attempt to "carbon copy" the same sequence in WW2 classic "Battle of the Bulge" with the tankers singing Panzerlied. Apart from the naval song not being inspirational to anyone not familiar to it, some of the mariners (actors) are seen with their hands in their pockets and not even singing along, not withstanding that it was sung very badly and out of tune.

Like I said earlier, the story line is believable, but as it nears the end, the story line goes off on an unbelievable tangent.

Overall, the movie is OK to watch if you are bored, but it depicts nothing accurate, nothing historical, nothing suspenseful, bad acting, bad cinemaphotography, I consider the movie as a recommendation to watch, only if your lawn grass stops growing and there is no other more exciting action to watch.

I will not say that the movie is a piece of Krap, but it may well be a significant contributor to that pile of Krap you will see popping up on the sidewalk.
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Wolves of War (2022)
Not too bad, but not so good.
15 September 2022
Of the many recent low budget war movies, most are just plain terrible. I would not call this movie terrible, but neither would I say it was a blockbuster. I was not disappointed to watch it.

The CGI and pyrotechnics were obviously poorly done, however, I found the quality of acting fairly good quality.

The authenticity of the vehicles, weapons and uniforms was correct for the period of time, but the film locations and sets was off putting. Supposedly set in Bavaria in Germany, which is high alpine country, this movie was obviously filmed in British countryside with no mountains at all or even a high hill to be seen. The buildings were clearly English cottages, not at all even resembling Bavarian architecture.

The goofs came regularly throughout the entire movie. For example, the parachute harnesses were incorrectly worn and there was no hook before jumping, nor did the parachutes have a rip chord. The occasional modern vehicle sighted in the background, or a modern electrical switch on a wall stuck out like sore thumbs while watching the movie, as did a modern hand grenade being thrown down the stairs. Also staring the viewer in the face were the armbands of the Germans, who were foot soldiers, however, the emblem (wolfsangel) was actually that warn by the SS2nd Panzer Division of WW2.. However, even with all the negatives within the movie, the storyline was good and plausible, and the movie did not fail in delivering that story, although, I think the length of the movies was more than it needed to be. There was way too much dialogue which in most parts, was not relevant to the story.

In all, not a top notch war flick, but is passible.
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Rum Runners (2016)
Why on youtube so early?
1 September 2022
Straight up, I consider this movie so stupid in every way.

I found this 2016 movie which was uploaded to youtube in February 2021. Only on September 1st of 2022, having never heard of it previously, I found and watched it on youtube. I periodically paused to add goofs and trivia to IMDB... At the time of writing this, despite being recently released in 2016 , there were only 2 reviews on IMDB as at 1 September 2022. (what does that tell you? Obviously, not many have seen it) Yves Bright, actor, takes lead role playing "Vic"... This is just another B grade flop that he seems to find himself in. In my opinion, his acting in this movie was the only close to credible I saw compared to his other films. This is maybe his best, but being so severely let down in this movie by exceptionally poor CGI, bad acting from the other cast, a very weak story line, historically inaccurate and just a general feel of "very low end B grade movie".

I gave it only 2 stars. Would have given only one except for fairly descent performance by Yves Bright.

Other wise, the whole movie is krap.

I think many would agree.... if a new movie appears on youtube legally not so long after release, then that tells you the movie is a flop.
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The Narrow Bridge (I) (2022)
3 time watching/.... love it
29 August 2022
After watching this movie 3 times, i COME BACK TO SAY THAT THIS FILM IS A WORK OF ART..... The viewer can watch and build a relationship with the characters and feel the interaction. . The actors did an impressive job. The story is well related and interesting. The story line is not only interesting, but is accurately historically.

The sad message at the end makes it worth viewing and after watching the whole movie, the viewer has that complete indulgence.

The movie is a very true depiction of the horrible eastern war conflict.

I recommend this as a very worthy watch., entertai9ng and more.......
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Samaritan (I) (2022)
What a weird movie
29 August 2022
I would not describe this as either action, drama or fantasy. The whole story is an unbelievable script, not even a spider=man fantasy story is more believable.. Makes me think that the aging Sylvester Stallone is tying to make money from before, and not what he can do now,. I watched the movie to the end, but in reality is was nothing more than repeated same movie cliches and re-enacted movie scenes. It is good to watch, but bottom line is that Stone needs to wake up and realise his movie career is over.

No single stallone movie is worth watching anymore/ end pf story...............................
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A joke of a movie
29 August 2022
Honestly, this is perhaps the only C class movie I watched to the end. Did not even grade as B Grade What a joke of a movie... the CGI could only possibly be compared to the animations within Mary Poppins and the likes... appeared so fake with poor animations that some might call CGi... but really was no more sophisticated than painted over animations from the early 1960's. A very poor movie indeed.

The movie is pathetic and ranks as an equal or lesser to that flop, "skarknado"

Movie has no real story line... is tgekindof movie hyou mught watch while dropping acid, otherwise, a complete insult to.
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The Outfit (2022)
Best movie I have seen of 2022
29 August 2022
What a truly remarkable film. It comes as a breath of fresh air after so much rubbish released in 2022.

While not saying it is good because of the other flops, but saying that this film is truly remarkable.

Played by renowned actor, Mark RYLANCE, the character of the Tailor who keeps referring to himself as a Cutter, completely steals the show.. I have always admired him in EACH ROLE HE PLAYED IN PREVIOUS FILMS, BUT THIS ONE IS HIS ABSOLUTE BEST.

I loved how this story has twists and turns to the point where you begin to predict what happens next, that gets turned upside down with another twist. Similarly, the closing minutes leave you thinking confidently what is the end game, but then comes yet another twist.

Of significant regard, I could consider this story played out in a theatre stage performance given that the whole story takes place in a small shop.

I give it 9 out of ten as opposed to 10/10 as a few avoidable significant goofs distracted from the film, such as the blood spray on the white shirt of the shoulder of one of the characters coming and going in different shots. Also, the era is not specifically stated, but is clearly post world war two with the gangsters referring to Capone being dead , which occurred in 1947. The suits of the gangsters however, are all 1920 to early 1940's style. There is also a relative close up on a gun which for any gun enthusiast would identify as being 1970's design and manufacture. Further too, the civil rights movement had not yet occurred in USA, so to see an all black gangster syndicate in Chicago in the 1950's is just plainly not historically accurate.

There is also a scene with a gangster shot straight through on his lower right abdomen is goofed where both the entry and exit wounds resemble an exit wound.

I otherwise recommend this film to all adult viewers.
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Worst of the Sniper movie franchise
17 August 2022
I struggled to watch the whole movie...

Bad bad bad !!

The music score seemed to both overwhelm the senses in watching the movie , as well as being poorly selected. Some scores sounded like the background music of a Tom and Jerry cartoon, while in the extreme, sounded like background music of a 1970's porno. The music did not match the scenes and I found it distracting.

I found the acting poor, camera work poor and the story both was poorly written and did not flow in the production. The actors/characters were not convincing in their roles at all.

My advice, ........ give this a movie a miss... and then to religion and pray to your god and beg that this is the last Sniper movie to be made.... This is, thus far, the worst one so far.
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Easy Targets (2021)
one step above a High School production
14 August 2022
Don't waste your time watching this rubbish. Horrible movie likened to a high school project.

The 'jungle' is clearly not anywhere in Asia. The vegetation looks very much like that seen in state parks of southern California.

Everything that could be wrong with the props is wrong.... wrong uniforms for the US soldiers, wrong style of clothes for the Vietnamese enemy who were neither dressed as an NVA or a Viet Cong. The types of weapons were all wrong. Type of helicopter was wrong as was it's colors (blue and white ???).... everything wrong. Why oh why are there automatic weapons being fired and not a single spent round ejected ?

How does the smoke from a damaged helicopter engine (located under the spinning rotors) just drift off to one side like a smokey campfire ??

Almost none of the alleged Vietnamese actually looked Vietnamese at all. The casting of the "Vietnamese" was a poor effort... They were all carrying way too many pounds of flesh. The north Vietnamese were on a near starvation diet during the war... They were malnourished and skinny.

The acting was very poor. Sounded more like they were reading off cue card.

The action scenes were poorly choreographed... For crying out loud... what incompetent soldiers would ever take on close armed battle without cover while sitting or standing while firing and doing it in the open??? And at perhaps a mere 15 metres apart, how could any shot fired from a rifle actually miss ?? Oh and BTW... it is physically impossible to use your arm to crawl away after a 7.62mm bullet hits the shoulder joint... and further..... No exit wound ???? The projectile at close range would go straight through the shoulder joint leaving a major cavity on the way out.!!

The story was rubbish and there was no suspense of "edge of your seat" moments at anytime. Story was very slow.

This is a very poor amateur production and should only be viewed as learning material of how NOT to make a war movie.
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Night Night (2021)
Avoid any recent movie with Eric Roberts
27 November 2021
Eric Roberts was once an accomplished award winning actor. In more recent years, appears every movie he is in is rubbish and his acting ability is poor. I do not know which was worse in his acting ability... this rubbish movie or that disgusting vomit of a movie called "rebels of PT-218"... give this movie a huge wide berth, it is rubbish from start to finish.
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High School movie project that scored an F
28 August 2021
What a load of rubbish this movie is!! The worst thing about it is a toss up between the woeful CGI or the pathetic acting.

This movie makes "sharknado" look like an Academy Award winner.
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Near Enemies (2020)
26 August 2021
Was this a high school movie project? If so, they got an F. This movie is absolutely horrible.
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horrible movie. waste of time
29 July 2021
This rubbish of a film does not even grade as a good high school project. Horrible in every way.
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Low end B grade movie
16 July 2021
Apart from the huge departure from the factual history this movie is based on, the acting quality is poor, the CGI pathetic, bad script, numerous goofs throughout the movie, and the whole movie does not flow well. It is a very bad attempt at trying to recreate an historic event of WW2. Do not bother watching this movie. It is terrible.
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Rubbish !!
19 June 2021
Bad acting, bad film work, bad bad bad

I could not get past the first 30 minutes of this rubbish film and went to a different movie to watch.
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bas bad bad
11 December 2020
I thought this movie to be horrible, bad acting, bad story... very poor
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High School movie projects are better !!
12 November 2020
OMG... What an absolute waste of time... time wasted making it, time wasted watching it,

This is a terrible piece of work... in the opening minutes, you see a guy riding from left of screen to right on a horse... Has the camera man never heard of a thing called a polarizing lens? The color is so washed out.

Audio quality throughout is woeful. Camera work, woeful, acting ? OMG... you call that acting?? From time to time you can see the "actors" eyes move left to right as they speak clearly showing they are reading off a script. Can't even rehearse and learn their lines.

The costumes are nothing short of a joke. Take a look at the "slickers .... a.k.a. dust coats" you see snap fasteners of a design at close up that did not exist until the 1960's. And at all times, the "cowboys" clothes are pristinely clean, as if they just took them off the line or wearing for the first time after they bought them. You also see buttons on the shirts with 4 holes as opposed to just two, which did not exist until well into the 20th century.

Of the guns, all so very new in appearance. They miraculously give no recoil when fired.

There is a scene early in the movie of a guy viewing a train through binoculars that are clearly 20th century make/design, fitted with a late 20th century nylon lanyard. As that train steams along, you can see an electrical switch box which did not exist at the time of the movie setting.

You see a guy in a red shirt drinking from a bottle in a bar and is clearly drinking from a Grolsh brand beer bottle with the flip top lid that did not exist until 1897, and the liquid within is obviously not beer because it is way too pale... possibly just water..... Notwithstanding that Grolsh beer did not arrive in the USA until well into the 20th century.

The train with the number 486 is the famous Silverton tourist train and they did not even bother to try to mask the Silverton signage on it's side.

OMG... this movie (if you could call it a movie) has so many goofs. This piece of dribble is just bad bad bad...

Give it a huge miss...

I gave it just one star, and that is being generous. High School projects are mostly far better.
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The Warrant (2020)
Woeful movie !!
30 October 2020
Neal McDonough is an acclaimed actor. He did himself proud in series Band of Brothers, but in this piece of drivel for a movie, he failed terribly.

This is a horrible movie. Very poor acting, bad camera work, lacks authenticity, story does not flow.

It was painful to watch. Not much above a high school movie project.
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Vietnam (1987)
This is a MUST SEE for war buffs
29 October 2020
I have no idea how I messed this TV series when it was screened in 1987. I am an Australian and a military historian and had never heard of this magnificent Australian TC series until I discovered it on YouTube.

The historical accuracy is amazing. !

It focuses more so on the politics of the time of Australia's involvement in the Vietnam war. What really struck me was the actors cast to play the parts of the Australian politicians of that time... Not only did they look like the real persons, but actually sounded like them as they spoke.

I found everything authentic... the uniforms weapons etc..

The filming sites were obviously in Australia going by the vegetation, but otherwise, accurately depicted the actual landscapes of Vietnam .) I lived in Vietnam a number of years)

Nicole Kidman appears in this series, her earliest film appearances. She was 20 years at the time and perfectly portrayed a typical Australian 15 year old girl as her character was. At the time of this film, she spoke with typical Australian accent... her own... but as years passed her accent now sounds more like a refined British person.

Back to the series... this is very well done. I have no idea how I did not know this series existed until this week. I guess I don't watch that much TV back then..

I highly recommend it for viewing.

9 STARS !!
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Very tame compared to first movie.
26 October 2020
I watched it free to air on Solar Movies website (where you can watch tens of thousands of movies for free).. Compared to the first movie, this one was very tame. I do not regret watching it, I found it entertaining, but I found it slow and really lacking in humor.

In reality, no way could Sacha Baron Cohen repeat the earlier classic and certainly not expect it to be better,. The shock factor is long gone.

I really considered this one as mediocre.
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Security (I) (2017)
"Home Alone" on steroids.
24 October 2020
Not far into this movie, I swore I was watching a version of Home Alone on Steroids... It is entertaining, a little suspenseful, but very predictable... it very much seems to follow the story line of Home Alone.

It was difficult to see the former high quality acting of Banderas and Kingsley... more like they came along for the ride to get the audience to watch. A very mediocre performance of them both.

Multiple goofs throughout the movie, but given it is a little lighthearted action movies, difficult to point the finger.

Not really a comedy but had it humorous moments.

The story... effectively a child witness is pursued by killers, finds her way to a shopping mall afterhours and comes under the protection of mall security guys... Banderas playing the part of an ex military servicemen. The security officers then go toe to toe protecting the young girl in a bit of a cat and mouse scenario with "home alone" style traps and booby traps..

Overall... entertaining, but not on the "must see" list.
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Kalashnikov (2020)
Accurate to the extreme! Militaria History Buffs must see !
22 October 2020
Of all the Russian war movies I have seen, which are mostly laced with propaganda and predictable plots... This movie rates extreme best !

The accuracy is impeccable, not just in delivering the historic events, but accurately portraying the devout Christian person of Kalashnikov... he only wanted to win WW2, but his weapon destroyed so many in terrorism in the years to come, of which he recognized withy great remorse in his letter just before he died aged 94.

The film work and acting is without fault. Me as a military historian could only find miniscule faults such as an ironed and creased uniform in battle, and a few geographical errors.., but that is nothing...

This is a must see for all military and weapons history buffs.

This movie deserves international recognition.
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Brilliant !!
19 September 2020
I watched this one on youtube after watching the more recent series of 2015, also on youtube.

I think I enjoyed the latter version better, but I did immensely enjoy both. It is a wonderful story. I do not seek to make my review as a comparison of the two versions, but will go so far as to say I enjoyed the interaction of the characters in this earlier version far better.

The black and white of this movie is very appropriate in presentation.

This is an excellent Russian made film and there really is no politics in it... Just the gritty horror of war. For a 1972 Russian film of such excellence, it is ahead of it's time. Well recommended to see.
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