
367 Reviews
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All Glitz, Not Much Substance
14 April 2024
After Grissom left, the show was unwatchable for me. Lawrence Fishhead was the worst thing to happen to this show. A completely flatline personality with an arrogance that was nauseating. Then Danson and Shue came along and destroyed what little was left to enjoy. Anyway, when it started out the show was fresh and creative. It was easy to get drawn in by the excellent production qualities and the Vegas mystique and the attractive cast members. Apparently all you need to be a female forensics investigator in Vegas is a ridiculous amount of lipstick/lip gloss, perfect hair (that would get all over a crime scene and they never put a net on) and a smarmy smile. Jorga Fox's is the worst. Some of the stories are very good while others are ridiculous. The cast members were developed nicely and had their own lives and personalities that the viewer could connect with despite the absurdities unfolding each episode. Sadly the only consistent thing about the show was it's inconsistency. An excellent riveting episode would be followed the next week by incredibly silly fare. They must think their viewing audience is incredibly stupid because they seem to think all the pertinent points need to be repeated once or even twice. That gets extremely tedious. Everything taken together puts it at a 6 or 7 for me but I need to compensate for the always inflated rating on this site.
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American Pickers (2010– )
Hmmm......A Dismal Decline
11 April 2024
This is one of those shows that started so fresh and interesting and eventually deteriorated into midnless, scripted drivel. Of course it was all scripted from the beginning, but it didn't really feel like it early on although there were obvious clues. Some problems: Mike's laugh. Total cringe. His condescending way of talking to ladies: Girl, Honey, Sweetheart. Simply cloying in nature. And calling everyone a friend even though they just met. That would turn me off faster than anything. I'd know he was a fake and kick him off my property in a second. The formula wore thin afte a bit, and when they cut to a bit away from the pic so they can say something so obvious to the camera it was like they felt the audience was just too stupid to understand. Very condescending. The seller would explain the origin of a piece, then the camera would cut to either Frank or Mike so they could say the exact same thing. Ridiculous. But the articles they find are fascinating, and the people they meet and pick from truly make the show. Dani started out cute but turned into a complete fake as well. After they opened the Nashville store, she put on so much makeup she looked like a total clown. Her inflated opinion of herself wore thin after a few seasons. Then she corrupted the manager of the Nashville store and turned her into a phony too. But they're cute! Frank was a cool dude. When he left the show wasn't worth watching any more. Mike brother was a dolt. A drone with no personality whatsoever. And Dani picking was just too much. They start bringing in celebrities to liven things up but they come across equally insincere somehow. A sad ending to a once excellent show. Starts at an 7 but ends around a 2. The best epidodes were the ones where the sellers knew the pickers were idiots and didn't put up with their nonsense or fall for their hokey routine. Some of the more eccentric sellers the show tried to pass off as unique and interesting, but some wree just flat out jerks playing to the camera.
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Drovers' Gold (1997– )
Good Lord 7.7.......Absurd!
7 April 2024
Why a bunch of cattle owners would allow a group of completely incompetent and bumbling foos drive their cattle to London I will never understand. These clowns couldn't drive a poodle from the living room to the kitchen. Now admittedly, there's some pretty countryside and even some lovely ladies, but the writing and dialogue cannot be overcome by these trifles. The acting is decent, and you will have to overlook some ridiculous wigs. Honestly, there's one that's really quite distracting it's so obvious and awful. The story is excellent, but sadly there's far too many situations where the characters act in such impossible and unreasonable ways that it derails any authenticity and gets quite tedious midway through the 6 episode running time. They end up being annoying caricatures. All fighting and action sequences are laughable to the extreme. Just too many disconnections from reality for me to offer much enjoyment. Add the plot holes and cliches and you are left with eye rolling nonsense. Too bad. The potential was there, but woeful execution was the downfall of this show. Now, back to those wigs. Hahahahahahahahahahaha.
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Better Than The Original....
6 April 2024
....But That's Not High Praise. The original was pure garbage, with some of the worst acting and directing of an ill conceived script. This film is also incredibly horrible, with some pretty tedious dialogue and nonsensical twists. But horror movies are like that, so ya gotta expect it to a degree. As in the first one, there's an extremely attractive daughter and her friend, who run into some trougle with a group of bad guys (and one girl). The violence didn't bother me, as it's supposed to be violent. The problem is the lack of rationality in the actions of all involved. The scene in the woods was okay, but when they got to the huse things kind of unraveled. The dialogue became stilted and people acted contrary to how you would expect them to in the situation. I'm not getting into details here, as the negative reviews sums it up rather adeauately. The woods scene is pretty good though, and will satisfy those depraved individuals who enjoy that sorta thing. I will once again reiterate that this stands head and shoulders above the original, but it's still a forgettable effort with only a few scenes that might stick in your memory longer than it takes to relieve yourself. A somewhat solid entry into the genre of torture porn. 2.5 rounded up to 3 because I'm feeling generous. But holy crap the parents were such idiots!!
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Um......kinda not good.
6 April 2024
Norman, played by Henry Fonda, is one of the most irritating and insufferable fools in movie history. While there's moments of him displaying some genuine humanity, mainly he's a complaining bitter death obsessed old man. Ethel, played by Katherine Hepburn, plays the devoted wife in a kind of overly sentimental, sappy way. Her impatience with Norman's crappy attitude comes across as sincere, but mainly she just takes up space. Jane Fonda is nothing special, and thankfully she's not in the film very much. She plays the role okay, but in general she's a very bland person with minimal talent. If not her her last name she'd probably be a waitress. So now we arrive at the only 2 guys in the film that are worthwhile. The old and young Billy Ray. Dabney Coleman is excellent. Enoug said. Bill McKeon is likewise great in his role. The only moments that weren't cringe worthy lame or stupid were when Norman and Billy were on the lake together. The lake scenery is gorgeous and the cabin is also charming. The few old wooden boats used were also beautiful. One star for the scenery, one for the boats, and one for Dabney and Doug. The mailman Charlie was also genuinely portrayed as a kind and believable local. So I'll give a star for him as well, but will round down to 3 because of the inflated rating here. The scenario where the boat gets wrecked sums up the absurdity of the screenwriting. So many things happened that were silly beyond belief. Going out fishing late with a dark skies and a storm clearly coming. Nope. Going into a dangerous area to fish with the big boat when there's a perfectly good skiff to use for situations like that. Fishing right by a beaver house-probably about 2-3 feet of water. Nope. Letting the kid drive out and yelling full throttle reverse when the rock was obviously so far away it could have easily been avoided without any fuss. Then the rescue, where Charlie drives Ethel into the cove. She dives off the bow into water that's supposed to be filled with rocks? Right. Total disconnect. Then one further thing. The boat was clearly destroyed, yet somehow Charlie is gonna fix it. Just crazy dumb.
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Horrendous Adaptation
5 April 2024
The only was this movie will be enjoyed is by people who haven't read the book. If you've read the book, you will be disgusted by the shabby treatment it received here. The book was charming, and centered mainly around Scout, Dill and Jem. This movie was nonsense, with Atticus as the lead character. It dragged on and on and never really gained much momentum. One scene after the next fell flat. I'm not sure why Scout narrated this, as she was sadly relegated to a peripheral character as Gregory Peck bumbled about chewing up the screen. His acting was merely sufficient, as he's the same in everything. The children did a fine job, as did most of the supporting characters. The exceptions to decent acting were Aunt Stephanie (bit hokey and overdone), but luckily she was only in a few scenes. The main anchors were the Ewells, who were so horrible in the courtroom scenes it's where the movie fell apart for me. Beyond stupid, really. And the shaky camera work during the infamous attack on the kids at the end was also miserably done. Showing just feet and bits and pieces of the action, it was impossible to discern what was going on. Any rating over 8 is insane for this dreck. The trial took up way too much time and wasn't ever that interesting. Read the book. This slop is simply a poorly done rendition of a book I immensely enjoyed. One star for the performance of the young actress playing Scout, which impressed me greatly. And another one for, um.....not sure, really. Guess I'm just feeling generous.
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A Dismally Amateurish Mess
5 April 2024
The lead actor Paddy is the only bright spot in this festering glob of horrendous garbage. He has a powerful and intense persona, and if not for him this schlock would have been e one bad guy who was a pretty good actor, and that's Stuart Wolfenden. As for the rest, abysmmal acting and/or overacting just wrecked every scene. A very dull, droning soundtrack that I muted several times, and completely inappropriate to what's happening on screen. It's some of the worst lousy music you'll ever hear. Equal party vomit inducing and sleep inducing. And the stupid little car they drove around in was just pointlessly silly. So much scene chewing and padding. This fil could have been an extremely effective 20 minute short. Atrocious editing. Bad lighting. Cringe dialogue. Plot holes galore. They got nothing right with this one. I repeat, nothing. Not ever a good looking girl for eye candy to spice up an otherwise bland movie. Never mind the fact that the bad dudes had a chance to end it all with one shot, but instead just drove away. Yeah, that makes a ton of sense. Handheld camera work and random flashbacks adntirely unwatchable. I have never seen such a promising idea of revenge botched in such a revolting fashion. It was annoyingly stupid, and instantly forgettable. The so-called antagonists are foolish clowns, and don't emanate a hint of menace. Movies should make a little bit of sense, shouldn't they? Why would a bunch of grown men torment and brutalize a young mentally challenged man for nothing more that morbid entertainment? Zero sense. There's actuallyded to the many failures in this effort. You will be woefully disappointed if you attempt to endure this one.
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Single-Handed (2007–2010)
This Wasn't That Great, Actually.
4 April 2024
First, the strong points. Beautiful scenic vistas and an effective soundtrack for the most part. Unfortunately the music appears sometimes where there's no need for music. Not too distracting, but I noticed it. A very beautiful woman playing the role of one of the cast member's daughter helps make the show watchable at parts. The stories are good, but sadly the writing and directing are woefully lacking and unbelievable. It's insulting to portray the Irish as so callous, stupid and foolish. The lead actor wants to do the right thing, but he's just a bit sanctimonious and really not a very good cop. But the thing that's really irritating is how indifferent the older men are to heinous and despicable. Oh, it was a long time ago. She was just a foreign tart. The baby wasn't born dead. They just didn't care one bit about how nasty and reprehensible what they did was. Just made light of it and shrugged it off. Like it's no big deal no sweep crimes under the rug and let people get away with anything they want to. It's ridiculous beyond belief. The high rating here makes no sense. Just because it looks good and deals with good scenarios, the execution of each episode just gets worse and worse until the show is wallowing in it's own clueless mediocrity. I suppose the landscape shots I mentioned earlier are worth a star, the loveliness of the woman I mentioned earlier is worth half a star, and the stories themself are worth half a star although the execution of said stories are bewildering and mind numbingly absurd.
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The Score (I) (2021)
Simply Horrendous
2 April 2024
There's nothing worth watching or recommending here. The lead characters are atrocious and unlikeable. Both of them. The soundtrack is awful, against scenes making zero sense. Add some ridiculous dialogie with very bland, flat acting. The level of stupidity in the first 15 minutes should turn any discerning viewer away. When I saw the cast singing along to the opening music, which was the typical indie annoying pretentious drivel, I know I was in for a slog with this disaster. It's a plot done to death, but never as poorly as this one. Movies need coherence and logic, and there's none here. There's the obligatory black cast member too, of course. Rambling conversation to fill up scenes. Trust me, it's sloppy filth. I get that young people sing, but they don't sing folk music or the other lame tracks chosen for this movie. Considering what these dolts are about to do, they sure draw attention to themselves. Oh, it also dabbles ineffectively with social issues. Huge stinkeroo. I'd rather set myself on fire than endure this mess again.
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Not All It Could've Been
2 April 2024
Good story with two fine leads in this cute love story. The lead actress is gorgeous, cute and very charming. A delight to watch on screen. It's a true portrayal of a relationship, with all the accompanying ups and downs. The lead actor is pretty good, but not ideal in the role. Unfortunately there's some very annoying music which pops up here and there. There's a few side stories that go nowhere and serve no purpose other than filling time. After the one hour mark there starts to be some silly and unnecessary parts which detract from the overall tone of the movie. But the real detractor is the animated parts that just appear out of nowhere. It derails the momentum and flow of the film, unfortunately. Anyway, the first half is worth watching and while the second half is merely adequate. Supporting cast is mostly effective. The flaws are few are numerous, yet the movie is still enjoyable. I'm not sure how we end up with a black man being a member of one of the families, but every movie these days needs at least one. And also the obligatory gay person, which wasn't needed in the least and added nothing to the story. It actually made for a rather silly and frivolous scene coming out of left field.
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The Levelling (2016)
Could've Been Quite Special, But.......
1 April 2024
......Poor Decisions Dragged It Into Mediocrity. The lead female was attractive and effective in her role, I thought. The film had a dark, moody ambience which I rather enjoyed. Supporting cast was also good in their minimal roles, and there were some lovely scenes of the countryside. The story itself also had lots of potential to portray a compelling and tragic tale. But the glaring flaw in this was the casting of the father and how he was asked to play his role. It wasn't the fact that he was unbearably cruel and stupid to his children, as that's how he was supposed to be. The film's creators just asked him to play it a bit over the top, and all credibility was lost due to that imept and amateurish decision. I didn't mind the fact there was no soundtrack. They probably would have chosen horrendous music anyway. The little music there was okay but not exactly fitting. It wasn't too distracting though. But for me, that idiot father ruined an otherwise good movie. The ending was particularly inane, with old territory being visited. His nauseating attitude had reached rovolting proportions. It didn't exactly make much sense, either. And then, after a whole movie of forming a strong and believable character in the daughter, she abandons the whole thing and becomes a blubbering fool. Extremely disappointing. Daddy this and Daddy that. She never called him Daddy once during the film, and shows him affection that he didn't deserve. Absurd to the extreme. A complete waste of time due to the ending and the father. But we get a good glimpse of her chest at the end so there's that at least.
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Whiplash (2014)
Insultingly Awful......
1 April 2024
During the first fifty minutes of this movie, you will be subjected to so much ridiculous garbage it'll make your head spin. Unfortunately, the lead role is played by a very unconvincing and bland young actor with not much talent. It's very difficult to enjoy a movie when the lead is such an idiot and loser. He's a goofy looking schlep who somehow gets this gorgeous young girl to go out with him, then he dumps all over her to pursue his career (which he doesn't even have yet). The relationship with his family is typical Hollywood over dramatized nonsense. Plot contrivances rule the day here, and they're done so poorly and obviously that I just didn't care either way. Which brings us to the biggest flaw of all is this movie, the casting of the band director. His over the top and completely unrealistic portrayal of a driven man pushing his students is absurdly stupid. Constant swearing. I don't mind swearing, but this was just unnecessary. Then he contradicts his character by giving in to the bratty kid, who is clearly in no condition to play even though he ran to the hall after being t boned by a truck. Gimme a break. Eye rolling doo doo just continues unabated. The only person in the movie worth watching was the young and vivacious Melissa Benoist, who later found fame with Supergirl. Nothing rings true here, and not any character is remotely convincing in their role. Pure shite for those who don't understand music or movies. The uninformed who will lap up any drivel thrown their way will adore this slop. There's some good music here, even though it's clear that the people on screen aren't playing it at all. Not even close, actually.
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Appalling Garbage
31 March 2024
The idea was great. This really could have been a memorable movie, but the makers didn't do anything right. I don't really understand why there wasn't any soundtrack in this other than some crappy harmonica playing and some classical music. This genre was popular in the day, and while none of them really had much talent, this truly is bottom of the barrel fare. The entire case, without exception, couldn't act at all. Even the scenes where she's being violated were on the pathetic side. Just a bit over the top in their actions, including the female lead. The dialogue is the worst. Trite mundane nonsense just chewing up time. It unfolds in typical fashion, and there's actually no suspense or surprises to be found anywhere. Geez, the lead actress isn't even very pretty and has a rail thin frame. She's just another no talent star who likely boffed the right people to get cast. This is a rare example of the remake being better than the original, and the remake was preposterously silly crap. It's filmed in a lovely location, but we don't get to enjoy much of that. Cinematography was laughably atrocious. I guess if I had to find a positive it would be adequate lighting. The true star of this movie is the Evinrude boat motor. That should tell ya everything.
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Tess of the D'Urbervilles (1998 TV Movie)
A Slow Unraveling
31 March 2024
The series started out strong. Tess was played wondrously by the gorgeous lead. She was immensely likable and believable, and possessed a radiant glow that was quite irresistable. The cousin who forced himself on her and fathered a child made such light of what he did it was absurd. His character was easily the weakest link in this show. Simply put, he was an ass. I'm sorry to say that mid way through the second part the acting became a bit stilted, and the actions of her stupid husband were unbearable self righteous and stupid. Sitting in judgement like he's some kind of omnipotent being, even though he himself had just confessed a transgression. Why they waited until after they were married to confess their big secrets makes so little sense it was almost a deal breaker. Impeccable acting and lovely countryside vistas added to the charm of the show. While it lost some of it's appeal, it was still a very enjoyable show. Her parents were kind of dimwitted idiots but unfortunately that's so common in shows then and now it's not really as frustrating as it once was. The milking girls were a bit overly silly and superficial. Overall a far above average adaptation despite some flaws and bumps along the way.
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Cranford (2007–2009)
29 March 2024
This is one of those shows where there's no subtelty in the acting of the ladies in which the show is centered around. With a few exceptions. Now that I write that, I can't recall the exceptions. They all play their parts in a trite, silly and overdone manner, which completely detracts from what little action is unfolding around them. Judy Dench was competent but certainly not exceptional. The same could be said for her sister. There's some lovely ladies to be sure, which sustains interest for a while. But enentually I was overcome by the horrendous overacting of the rest of the cast. I'm as a loss as to why the creators would wish to portray the cast as such. How they could not notice that it was dragging the whole affair into mediocrity is confounding. No further details required, as I'm positive you get the gist. Watch it. See if I'm wrong.
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Lark Rise to Candleford (2008–2011)
A Dismal Decline.....
24 March 2024
This show is difficult to rate, as Season 1 was so charming and near perfection that it nearly brought tears. Granted Season 1 quality started to slip once Charlie Palmer stopped directing, but it managed to sustain interest nonetheless. A rich array of developed, interesting and somewhat likeable characters contributed to its success. Then Season 2, with that atrociously silly and frivolously sappy Christmas episode. I thought it just might be an aberration, but as Seson 2 progressed it was clear it was not. I wish I could understand why the characters once so endearing became annoying, and acted out of character so often. Either that, or they acted true to character but to such a degree it came off as false and just a bit too much. Overacting reared its head far too often, and the hokey tone unfortunately ruined any chance of deriving pleasure. It deteriorated into cliche and overblown, obvious, and tedious nonsense. Downright insulting storylines with outdated thinking. Pure silliness. I shall seek out the book to discern the inspiration behind this show, as it certainly has to be delightful. Anyway, Season 1 comes in at a strong 8 while the rest is barely watchable tripe. Overall, as 2.5 rounded down rather than up due to the sickening Christmas episode. Episode 11 of Season 2 was almost as absurd. The stupidity in which everyone acted defied all reason. At this point I actually started to get angry at what the viewer was being offered, as it was really starting to feel insulting. Then the introduction of the child in the next episode completely ruined what litle authenticity remained of the show. Forgive me for not breaking down individual cast members. Suffice to say Brendan Coyle's character alone is enough to ruin the show's credibility. He's an insufferable and arrogant brute to not only his family but the community as well. He's an absurd hypocrite and idiot in Season 2. The constable and postman Thomas were equally portrayed as drooling imbeciles. Thomas's constant religious blathering was a bit much, and the constable chasing after one of the sisters while his wife was still alive was dumb beyond belief. Speaking of the sisters, they were abyssmal. By this point I decided I was bailing out on this horrendous garbage. Thomas and Twister had become unbearable to watch. Thomas is an insufferable twit, standing in juegement of all. But do watch Season 1, at least the first half. It's really quite good. Update: I attempted to watch Seasnon 3, and while there's moments of touching sentiments and humor, each episode fails as a whole. Secondary characters are put in more prominent roles, and they are simply not up to it. I took to skipping past every scene which Pearl or Thomas appeared, as their acting was bad and bordering on sitcom-like. The stories are strong. That was never the problem. It's just the execution that's sorely lacking. Dorcas's sappy, vacuous and condescending smile had worn paper thin. Even Laura had become an annoying simple minded fool. Her doe eyed stare, while cute, had also ran it's course. Her kid was a non-entity. No personality whatsoever. Thomas wife and Pearl were awful. If they were both in the same scene it was nearly impossible to endure. Redundant dialogue and duplicated scened dragged each episode out. The way everyone acted defied reason and sensibility at alost every turn. This mind numbing drivel grates on the nerves. I'm confounded how this show ever was green lighted for a 3rd season. Certain characters were consistent, but the majority of them were not in every episode. Minnie was cringe. Her smile was vomit inducing. Season 3, Episode 7 about the play was the breaking point for me. I wasn't wasting my time any longer on this rubbish heap. Even Queenie had turned into a fool. Emma was no good either. She let her husband do and say the most awful things to her and with an I'm Sorry everything was okey dokey. There was nobody to like or cheer for any more. It had ceased to offer even the most basic, limited entertainment value. One of the dumbest show ever created at the mid point of Season 3.
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Insipid Garbage
22 March 2024
I dunno if this was a made for TV movie or just felt like it, but it was a slog to endure. The acting is simply horrendous. Bland and forgettable characters spout inane, obvious dialogue. It's really incradible how bad this film really is. Now there's definitely some gorgeous shots of the country. A very beautiful area, indeed. There's so many plot flaws and inconsistencies I lost track. It's just a constant bombardment of annoying scenes that don't really make sense, and each character introduced is even dumber than the last one. The police were portrayed as simple minded idiots, which is always a red flag. Calling it dumb is a compliment. The words don't exist to convey the level of stink that clings to this. Silly dialogue and brainless dialogue, with a soundtrack that could only be conceived by a fools. Amateur hour all day long. Putrid trash If you can get past the 45 minute mark you deserve a ribbon or a trophy or something. One star for the countryside and one for Morgan Wolk, who is absolutely stunning. Unfortunately no talent is detected in this movie.
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Sightseers (2012)
Utter Unfunny Filth
16 March 2024
This just wasn't a poorly conceived idea for a movie, it was aslo a horrendously execution of such an idea. Characters that are just plain dull, drab and awful prancing around in ridiculous scenarios. They aren't just extremely boring, but they are simply tremendously terrible people. For a film like this to work there has to be a level of creative ingenuity, and there's no hint of it here. You literally have to force yourself to watch it after the opening scene, which is pure rubbish. Typical for this site, the rating is absurd. About twice what it should be, and I don't get why the ratings are always so inflated. Anyway, if you attempt to sit through this slog, good luck. Have a barf bag at the ready.
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Flat Line Dud. Dull As Dust. Pure Stinkeroo.
16 March 2024
People sure are generous with their reviews on this site. This is nothing but a small town full of losers and fools. Pretty cliche, with no attention to detail whatsoever. The Casper idiot, no doubt named after a far superior and credible actor from the movie Kids, is such an annoying juvenile pretentious ass that it was almost unbearable to watch. If it wasn't for the F word that idiot would've had no dialogue at all. The scenes and scenarios just ring false. There's no coherent flow to this. A dud soundtrack that alone renders this garbage unwatchable. Truly the most horrendous music you'll ever hear. Kids of that age would never listen to and enjoy that crap. This is not a slice of small town Americana. This is pretentious amateurish slop masquerading as art. Zoe Levin and Sarah Sutherland are the only bright spot in this mess of a movie. Both their characters had at least a semblance of depth and their presence was welcome and believable amongst all the incompetent acting and repetitive, mindless dialogue. It's strange in a way, as some of the cast could act while others were embarassingly awful. Nothing really positive to say about this except a few creative shots of the surrounding area. Very immature film to cater to only those who are satisfied with the most meager cinematic fare.
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As You Are (2016)
Geez what a mess of a film....
10 March 2024
It's not the worst idea for a movie, as it's been done to death hundreds of times before. But this is one of the dryest, blandest, most uninteresting slogs of a movie I've ever attempted to sit through. The parents were probably the worst part, portrayed as simple minded fools doing all the generic things movie parents do. The father was particularily over the top in his nonsensical role. Second worst part? The music. Incredibly awful soundtrack makes this dull turd seem even more incompetent than it really needs to be. A half hour in I thought it had been on for 2 hours already. Not good. The kids: Unfortunately, nothing new or refreshing is offered in the way of portraying these disillusioned youths. The interplay between the main males is unconvincing, sterile and rather predictable, not to mention a thoroughly unnecessary scene about a third of the way in. Every once in a while this movie couldn't resist adding superflous material to appease God knows who. And yes, of course there's a character of color thrown in that neither adds or detracts from the plot. Plain dense. The fact it's set in the 90's is completely irrelevant to what happens here. Even the police interviewer seemed like an idiot. This was amateur hour that seemed like anateur eternity. If you can make it through in it's entirety, let me know, and I'll buy you and your family dinner. Seriously, it's a very weak endeavor.
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Not a 1 but certainly not a 6.6......
10 March 2024
Okay, there's a limit to how many vacuous, selfish and thoroughly unlikeable people you should put in a movie. The makers of this movie seem to not know this. The premise is actually pretty clever, but the execution is where this falls short. Our main character is kind of relatable at first, but soon seems to deteriorate rapidly. She ends up being a despicable mentally unhinged slime, crapping on anyone and everyone in her life with no remorse. Remember the chick from Edge Of Seventeen? Well, the girl in this is worse. Way worse. Elisabeth Olson is gorgious and gives a solid turn in this turd. Her brother is so weasely and detestable you immediately want him to drown in sewage. Elisabeth's husband, even though he's a man bun wearing fem, ends up being pretty decent in his role. Surprising, but there it is. The neighbor/boyfriend Ingrid used to further her twisted goals is a good guy at heart and I dug the scenes with him. I get it's supposed to be about obsession and insanity, but while there's glimpses of talent and a few scenes that resonate, overall it just left me with the dry heaves. The film moves from improbably scenarios to absurdity and then completely unravels. Probably a solid 3.5 to 4, so I give 2 for balance.
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Who Cares?
10 February 2024
The set up alone is such cringe worthy garbage you'll be lucky to even make it up to the violent aspects of the film that most people are into it for. Our cast are a talentless bunch of mush brained imbeciles spouting their inane lines like robots. The guys are especially lame, and our women for some reason have so much makeup on for a camping trip I'm surprised they could even hold their heads up. The story lines and drama are predictable if not absurd. I kinda wanted them all to perish miserably. This is inimaginative tripe, written badly and directed even worse. The word that kept coming to mind is silly. Even the bad guys are generic clowns that can't be taken seriously. Crazy backwoods psychopaths with freshly cut hair hardly inspire fear. Crappy stop motion editing only makes it worse. Fight scenes that will make you laugh in dismay. The first half hour alone gives the viewer everything that's wrong with modern horror movies. You'll be reaching for your phone quickly with this one.
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Cabin Fever (2002)
This was a joke, right?
10 February 2024
Here we have the silliest load of doo doo to ever be put on screen. Dismal by even the lowest standards of horror movies from the era it was produced. You have all the elements of a generic, cliche movie, but it's all done just a bit too much. Way over the top, and veers from tension and credibility into absurd nonsense early on. The plot had potential. It really did. The girls were very pretty too, always a nice asset to a mindless bloodbath. But every decision made by every character since things started to go sideways for them was eye rolling and inconceivable. Not gonna get bogged down in details here as you gotta see this to believe how truly awful it is. Some good special effects but beyond that, garbage.
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If Dung Could Walk And Talk.......
24 January 2024
Trying to view as many Herzog movies as possible lately, and so far I've only been able to sit through 2 to the end. Neither one of them starred Klaus Kinski, the most talentless actor of an era. He is pure wood. No range or emotion at all. This joke of a movie is no exception. Another insulting offering from what is starting to seem to me like the a director who only deserved a fraction of the praise inconceibable heaped upon his movies. Anyeay, this film. Ridiculous amateur production of a movie that's already been done much better. A no talent cast whose acting is so horrible it almost seems delibarate. There's nothing scary, interesting or new here. Just new levels of incompetence. Another highly regrettable disappointing Herzog experience. I'm gonna keep looking for another good one, but hope is fading.
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Okay, If You Enjoy Rubbish
24 January 2024
Has anyone ever came out and just admitted that Klaus Kinski cannot act worth a darn. But at least in that regard he fit in well with the rest of the cast of this festering boil of a movie. As with many Herzog movies, it starts off extremely interesting with some great views of the area where the action takes place. Sadly the action here is pretty much pointless and nonexistent. The dialogue is so silly, and delivered in such a wooden, choppy manner that you would almost think the actors were delibarately trying to give an awful performance. Truly was nearly impossible to watch. A few good looking ladies who add exactly nothing to the plot. The only positive thing I can say is that the music isn't as horrible in this ove as it is in many of his others. Goes in the category of a very interesting premise bungled by ham fisted directing and a screenplay that went on for an hour more than necessary.
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