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Free Guy (2021)
Badly made, badly acted, boring mess....
2 October 2021
This movie was awful. Everything about it was just bad.

It was incoherent and getting through the movie was painful.

CGI was bad, story was uniteresting and acting, sorry what acting? Presence of people called actors was underwhelming to say at least.

Ready Player One is a masterpiece compared to this mess.

Save yourself and just sont waste your time on this trash.
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Bad Boys, bad boys what you gonna do when they reboot you....
24 January 2020
....and you gonna do.... not much, not really. Movie was entertaining and Will Smith and Martin Lawrence make a nice duo but ultimately story and mixing cop-action-comedy-with over the top gore was a bad deciaion. Characters feel like and behave like the ones you would see in 90s action movie but they added lota of gore which can confuse the viewer. Comedy and over the top gore ususally works in horror comedies like ash vs evil but adding it to Bad Boys in such a big volume was a weird design choice. There is absolutetly no consequencea to characters actions and story resolution was rather silly and post credit scene really daft. People who saw the movie will know what I mean. How one could redeemed after this rampage and killing such a important character. This remains a mystery even to the movie producers. Who signed off on this? Cool chemistry between Smith and Lawrence, few good jokes, campy characters and some good moments but ultimately an average ride.
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Knives Out (2019)
Knives out shows that With the right people, Hollywood is still capable of creating their own fantastic stories and fabulous characters !
18 December 2019
Movies like this help me restore hope in the modern cinematography. Rian Johnson found a really nice niche. There are not many movies of this type. Sure we had Murder on Orient Express not so long ago and as entertaining as it was it did not really offer anything new to me anyways. The staleness of the story we all read and saw so many times did not really keep me at the edge of my seat. The same can not be said about Knives Out which is a very good take on murder mystery movies. It is full of interesting characters who are played by strong and well established Hollywood veterans. We have Christopher Plummer. Don Johnson. Jemmi Lee Curtis, Michael Shannon, Toni Colette and of course Daniel Craig, ohhhh Daniel Craig who created an extraordinary character who I hope to see more of and with the huge sucess of Knives Out this might be quite possible. Other played their roles great too, Anna de Armas, Lakeith Stanefield and many others complemented the rest of the cast really well. The setting of the movie transports you in time, it was a very clever choice of a place for an action to take place in. Creaky stairs, period Victorian house was a clever nod to the era in which brilliant Agatha Christie's books were written in. The movie takes inspirations from her novels and does a pretty good job at it. The house also acts as a great contrast between the worlds of poor and rich. The dysfunctional rich family and aspiring middle class migrant worker are caught in the intrigue surrounding mysterious and sudden suicide of head of the family. Minute after minute you will get sucked in into this well realized world of mystery. I really recommend this movie to everyone. This is a breath of fresh air and a wonderful break from all the superhero movies and also a proof that you do not need wonderful books or comics to create a wonderful movie. With the right people Hollywood is still capable of creating their own fantastic stories and fabulous characters. Thank you R Johnson.
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Just Fantastic - 'enough of a reason to go to see it for you' ! Great action movie which die hard fans will hate but action seekers love !
31 October 2019
I dont get the hate bro. Time to move on esse. This movie is exactly what the franchise needed - a soft reboot, a breath of fresh air. It is a kinda of a sequel to T2 and kinda ignores the other movies so I am not quite sure where it sits in Terminator lore but the action was solid and enjoyable.

Lets be honest it does not matter anyway. Every movie with time travel creates so much confusion so I do not care anyway. I do not think that even fans can explain Terminator movies. What wanted was a bold, fast paced action movie, Humans fighting deadly machines and that is what I got so it is totally worth seeing in the cinema. The bits in future were pure honey.

Linda Hamilton was really good. All the cast did really good job. The newcomers were fun to watch. Grace was athletic and it was joy to watch her in all fightinig scenes. Augmented human, what a clever idea ! Arnold was in such a good shape. Just wow.

The sets and action in the first part of the movie was less CGI than in the second half but it was still fun. Large, bold explosions and very clever action sequences with new terminator were exhilarating. Few ideas were a rehash of those from the older movies but more crazy in scope.The idea that REV-9 could leave his metal frame was sick bro.

I had a great time and give it 8/10.
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Ad Astra (2019)
Ad about empty space, harshness of long space travel and how to survive encounter with a space monkey !
24 October 2019
What do you know about Lima project? I ask you WHAT DO YOU KNOW ? Nothing, fear not I am here to tell you. So Team of Astronauts is sent to the edge of the solar system, to Neptune so they could look for extraterrestrial life. With no interference from the other planets they would have clear view of the empty blackness. Mission is led by Brad Pitt's father played by Tommy Lee Jones, the most distinguished astronaut in a history of space program....Mission Control loses contact with the crew and 16 years later massive, extinction level event is triggered. It is linked with the mission and Brad Pitt, now older and resilient astronaut is sent on the secret mission to Mars to try to establish line of communication with Lima project.

Opening scene of the movie was really well done and it is a shame that the whole movie could not be like this. Most of the movie is about Brad Pitt's journey to the edge of the solar system. Everything in space is so dead. Humans are fragile and can easily die or lost sanity in space. We are limited by our own physicality and it does not take a lot to break us. We are not ready to travel through space in search for answers, why would we anyway if everything we need is here on Earth. No matter where we go we take world's problems with us. We commercialized moon, we commercialized Mars, we lie to each other. We still wage war on our planet and newly colonized moon. We desperately want to find extraterrestrial life, maybe to learn from it and find our saviors ? This movie however gives us less satisfying finale but at the same time a lot to think about.

In all this mix we have Brad Pitt who wants to reconnect with his father, find answer to why he abandoned him and what happened to him. Love can bind us for life and can make us unimaginable things for the people we love but at the same time fear of responsibility and lack of feelings might work the opposite way. This movie is more about humanity and feeling of isolation.

The cinematography was great, space and planet looked like straight taken from a NASA documentary. The technology is believable and you can see that it might as well be vision of the future. Is that where we are heading? Judge it for yourself but fair warning. This movie is a really slow burner and not a lot is happening. The pacing is odd and mysterious encounter with space monkey was totally unnecessary. You might feel exhausted when watching this movie but I think it was intentional and I liked it. I saw it at the cinema and cant imagine that watching at home would have the same impact, therefore I cannot recommend this movie to anyone other than die hard s-f fans.
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Good movie for Friday night, grab some beers and leave your brain in the room nextdoor.
22 October 2019
I watched it and it was ok, I guess. Apart of characters and some dialogues I did not get Two Fast Two Furious vibes at all. Some stunts were ok, the skyscraper one in particular and car chase which followed. Rock looked like Maui and Statham was his normal self. We get to find out more about Rock's character. Obviously when you are cool, divorced ?, father you need to come from tropical paradise and have warrior ancestors. Oh god....please. The story was absolutely ridiculous. Think Ben 10 kiddish, silly excuse to make the movie kinda story. I fell asleep just near the end and woke up for the boss battle. I did not feel the need to move back to the point before I fell asleep, yup movie was that good. My wife once again walked out and could not finish the movie. She gave up after 20 minutes but I think that it was entertaining, shallow popcorn movie. I give it 6/10.

Ps. please do not call this movie a thriller, it is anything but. Peace out.
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Crawl (I) (2019)
Crawl - terror from the shallows !
10 October 2019
In the continental America where gators are deadly and so unforgiving. In a country where packs of terrifying reptiles are hunting humans for sport a daughter and father will bond again and face this evil of earth.

OMG. I am so glad I do not live in USA. People of this beautiful country must be real tough SOBs. I just would not survive, I will be honest. I will probably be like the policeman who had a crash on main character, gentle sould. Such a shame that he ended in such a brutal way. No, this is no place for me.

Ok so what do we have here. A movie, where father and daughter are trapped during tropical storm in a house infested with gators. Father is not responding to the calls and one daughter on the request of other is sent to investigate. Like a detective she follows the clues which lead her to the house from which she cant escaped. Encircled by the deadly gators she tries to rescue her and her father. The storm is raging and with no one to ask for help this almost Olympic swimmer will face worse fears to survive.

I can tell you straight away that I have really enjoyed this movie. It was ok, it was full of nonsense and really hard to imagine events but I liked it. My partner on the other hand hated the movie. She walked out and was no shy with accusing movie for being super stupid and uninteresting. Well, it was but it was also made really well.

The storm and this constant rain with this feeling of isolation and horror was really well done. The movie itself was well directed and you could feel squeezing through the tight basement corridors.

I can say one thing about her father. He is tougher than Spartan warrior. He is gravely wounded by the beast but still going strong. At some point he suffers another, fatal to 99% of humans, deadly injury but carries on. He is honestly one of the meanest fathers ever featuring in a movie. Just wow, watch it, you will know what I mean.

The same can be said about the daughter. She is holding up in the pool, restricted by the circumstances of her colorful life but the situation she ends up in activates her inner warrior. She endures and matures. She reconciled with her father and becomes father's daughter.

My partner gave this movie 1/10 but I think that Crawl does not deserve such a terrible scoring fate. I give it solid 6/10. Yes, movie is full of unreal scenarios but it is fun to watch, even if it feels that it is longer than actually is.
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Great finale to one of the greatest horror novels of all time !
10 October 2019
IT Chapter 2 captures the spirit of the book rather well and for most of it I felt really happy with the direction production team took. Certain important aspects of the book have not been explored or just briefly touched upon but overall I did enjoy it. I liked it much more than first movie, it is not that I disliked the first movie but I did not find it particularly scary, the setting and production values were top notch. Second movie is such as improvement over the first part. From the first moment you can see that they had bigger budget to play with.

So the story continues when kids start disappearing fom Derry again, there are more murders, killer Clown is back, after many years of hibernation he got his strengths back. He is ready to take revenge on Losers Club who once almost killed It. You do not mess with devour of the worlds and think that there will not be consequences. The oath once took will have to be honored.

Mike who stayed in Derry to research this extraordinary town was first to realize what is going on. He was not under the spell of the evil so as a guardian of the oath, called all the members of the Losers club. As we remember from the book some took it worse than others but this oath cannot be broken and the Losers clubs is once more reunited to face ancient evil.

Speaking about the cast I was not initially entirely sure about cast of the movie, Bill in particular. His character as far as I can remember was bold in the book also role of his wife was far more important. Some other side characters important to the book were not properly fleshed out in this adaption. I understand it though, director wanted to focus on different aspects of the book. I can say that I was wrong and my original feeling about the cast was completely unjustified. All of the adult actors did a really good job, Bill's appearance aside, McAwoy felt the role and gave a good performance. He did not feel like a leader to me, he felt kinda lost but in the end he pulled it off in the end. He is a good actor. We also got to see Henry Bower once again. His part within the movie is fairly accurate to the source material. Really impressive job.

I was also really happy to see Mr King in the movie, he acted really well, fit bizarre town just perfect.

Special effects, music, production values were really good. The clown was scary as always and there were few scenes which really superbly gave evil and vicious character of the clown. Bill Skarsgard really pulled it out, yet again he showed that he fully understands what is it to be demonic-killing machine. The way he moved, delivered his lines, it was very good acting.

Bill Hader was funny as Richie, there was genuine chemistry between him and the rest of the cast. Jen Ryan playing Ben was just as I imagined this character to be. Successful, reserved but still kind and well just awesome. He is back and this time he will conquer Jessica Chastein's heart. Eddie is played by James Ransone. He does really look like adult version of his younger self. Younger cast once again shines on the screen.

Although it is really hard to recommend this movie to anyone who has not read the book as quite simply they will feel lost and confused I could easily recommend this movie, it is a good adaptation and a very effective finale to one of the greatest Stephen King's classics.
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John Rambo Last Blood was a good but unnecessary movie, not with this ending anyway....
10 October 2019
Oh man, John Rambo is back. He is cooler now because he has PTSD and something to live for. Imagine if you try to take this away from him. Do you think he will let you live, after this? No, you are wrong ! In this latest installment John leaves humid jungles of Vietnam and Burma, he is no longer hiking through dense forests of USA, harsh deserts of Afghanistan are abandoned. John is home, back on his farm. He will venture to Mexico for his next adventure. Here the two movie genres clash and we have Rambo Last Blood. Heavy Taken and Home alone influences shape this movie into decent, watchable yet predictable spectacle.

There is not much to be said about it really. John Rambo builds underground tunnels in his spare time, sort of the ones he experienced in Nam. He likes to collect weapons and explore tunnels at night. It is is refuge, the physical representation of his conflicted and scared by war mind.

This part of the movie I really liked. Rambo internal struggle with reality and at the same time a gimps of hope. Uncle Rambo looks after the farm and his niece. He lives on the farm with people close to him. His life has meaning again. He is not happy but content with life. He takes his medication and spends his time breeding horses and doing farm stuff. He spends lots of his time with his niece and reflects on life.

One night his niece decides to go to Mexico to look for her father. That's how the rampage begins, that's how story unravels. Rambo warned the girl ! Grandma warned the girl but she is young and naive. She wants to find out why her father left her, why? Is it because he did not care about her. How could you not care for your daughter you dirty man. She does not understand that some people like John said had black hearts. They are rotten inside. He begs her not to go but she did and it did not end up well for her. This pure, innocent life was trapped in a cruel world she was not prepared to face. This is very sad part of the story and direction producers took was very cruel to the Rambo's character. He can not even find rest on his farm and the little he has is still taken away from him.

He is a very tragic character in my opinion.

It is up to Rambo to try to rescue her. John crosses the border and his search for her takes him through the world he does not understand but knows how to tear it apart in order to try to save the girl.

Movie final scene was well worth waiting for. It is a shame that movie was not little longer. When Rambo was in his rampage mode the movie finished. I would like to see this momentum going and have 20 minutes more of John, maybe even him returning to Mexico to completely dismantle whole underworld.

Rambo was entertaining but I personally liked the way Rambo 4 ended much, much more. He deserved the ending he got and while I found Last Blood entertaining I am really sad for this character. Life did not treat John well and after everything he has been through he deserved a better ending.
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Joker (I) (2019)
We create monsters ! Joker is a good movie, monsters are not born but created by the society.
9 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
When you are surrounded by poverty, increasing crime, violence and claws of capitalism dig deeper and deeper into your skin you can not react any other way than going insane. In a Gotham, city which is on brings of collapse we meet this young, troubled man and see how he transforms into the vile creature with disregard to life.

How to live in a dump? How to cope ? Mental condition, ugly apartment, long commutes, awful job (which made Arthur happy to some degree). How to survive. It is a really difficult task when you have streets littered with rubbish, businesses going bust and packs of viscous teenagers running the streets and causing problems. The rich has forgotten those who are less fortunate. Rich part of the society turn the blind eye. They do not have solution, they see it as an opportunity. Thomas Wayne wants to become a mayor not out of goodness of his heart but to reinforce his position of power in the society.

Super rich of Gotham are obsessively wealthy and feel that they are in control. This story erupts when One day, three bankers, elite of Gotham pick up on the wrong man. Arthur defends himself and through his actions commits first degree triple murder. A sociopath is born. Gotham a created this monster, society did create this vile entity. We create modern Jokers, we push people over the edge with our despicable actions or lack of any attempts in helping those in need.

But when the monster is born we do not blame ourselves, oh no, we do not. We just see them as the abomination but what it is is nothing else than waste created by us. We did this. We created joker.

Arthur's mommy was writting to Mr Wayne asking for help, whether she was sane or not that has never been answered in the movie but her screams for help were left unanswered and this lack of action was one more reason for Joker to abandon set norms and be this energy of evil pulling people in similar situation to him.

Joker breaks, he rejects all the norms. The boundary of what is right and wrong is so blurred tha he finds no problem with brutally murdering people who wronged him or will wrong him. The war between rich and poor has begun. Poor people inspired by the brutal murders and thanks to slimy media are interpreting unfortunate events in the as a response of the poor. The truth is that Joker become a symbol for those who want to release their anger and frustration. No more ! They fight back and follow psychopath who kills because he become empty, rejected shell.

Movie is dark and worth watching. Phoenix did play Joker really well. It is easy to draw comparisons between legendary Keith Ledger role but I would rather see his performance as his own interpretation of the Joker character. It is movie about evil side of human nature. There is only despair and misery, there is not Batman in this movie, the balance is on the side of evil. You will not find solace here.
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Pure brutal action with shallow, uninteresting story dragging it to the mediocrity.
18 May 2019
Lets contemplate about components of perfect action movie for a moment- What makes action movies special. Is it it's characters, is it ability to create fantastic choreography or maybe new, shiny special effects. Is it sound design or perhaps a good story ? What will elevate action movie to a new heights? What you need to do to create an instant classic? John Wick 3 creators might not have found all the answers but they definitely created something special and unique.

John Wick Parabellum is a direct continuation to the previous movie. It picks up just after 2nd movie finishes, just when John Wick is about to be made excommunicado. The first 20 minutes of the movie are really special and I enjoyed it immensely. John Wick needs to escape from the never ending wave after wave of assassins who try to collect very large bounty put on his head. In a city filled with assassins controlled by secretive yet very powerful and feared organization this is not an easy task. Assassins are everywhere here, on every corner of every street, which actually begs a question. Are there are any normal people left in the world?

The stunts from the start to finish were really special, some of them really unique and brutal. People were gasping in the cinema, me including. The sheer unfiltered violence and constant fight for survival, this movie does this well. There was even a fantastic sequence featuring German shepherds, the scene with the dogs added more excitement to brutal showcase of John Wick's and Halle Berry's gun skills. It felt like a continues shot, maybe even it was. When camera was rolling and following dogs attacking army of villains, this was very fluid and kept me on my toes from start to finish. Let me tell you this again, this movie does this sort of action really, really well.

Where it falls short is the actual story. There was an opportunity here to do more with the story, unfortunately it took a backstage here or maybe even left the fast moving Wick's car and stayed on the side lines as what we got here is a predictable plot with predictable twists and really not that interesting main character. Even Polar has better story than JW. John's motives are confused here, his choices do not make much sense and his strategic thinking leaves a lot to be desired.

It does not work for John's benefit, it makes him rather not so special - a flat and shallow character, apart of amazing survivability skills he has nothing else to offer. Is he really just a blunt weapon, tip of the spear, instrument of destruction. What is the whole point of this destructive adventure? We have here this faceless organization, their cruel motives and ways, their world dominance. Movie fails to explain this to us more. The story and subsequently the movie is lacking depth !

Remember that this is a pure action movie, however special it is, misses this final piece of the puzzle in its attempt of becoming instant classic and is sadly just punching above waist, becoming average movie which will definitely entertain you but will leave you begging for answer and more, more sense and more emotions. I will keep it simple for you, If action is what you are looking for, you will not be disappointed here.
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Polar (I) (2019)
What did I just watch? ... So gory, So comical, So tacky, So Polar !
14 May 2019
Polar was so OTT than it is comical. What did I watch, this was a question I was asking myself after 118 minutes.

Over the top violence, over the top characters, over the top sexualization of some characters. Over the top villain. It almost felt tacky. I watched it though. I liked some of it. It was definitely worth a watch and I could even watch a sequel but let me tell you this.

You need to know what you are getting into here. It is style over logic, it is gore over typical holywood action politeness.

It is John Wick on steroids, deformed action movie of highest degree. You need to like over idiotic movies, otherwise you wont go through it. Yeah 5/10.
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Hanna (2019–2021)
Hannah brilliance is not only about well executed action scenes and beautiful location but also captivating story...
9 May 2019
Hannah season 1 was captivating. I loved everything about this TV show. It was shot well, the scenery and locations were amazing. Finally something different than USA. Europe is also beautiful and worth exploring.

The screen filter was not the typical one you see for European locations by American film/TV makers. Unlike other productions shot with this grainy, darker filter, making you thing that streets of Europe are polluted, dirty , always dark locations - here everything has natural feel to it. Forests, cities are full of charm which is even more striking during spectacular action sequences.

The story will take you all over Europe. You will be following steps of Hannah, a fugitive teenager chased by CIA. All the dark secrets are waiting for you to explore them. Awesome. All of the actors did a really good job. Joel Kinneman and Mirelle Enos playing Marrisa Wiegler are spectacular.

There are no good/evil characters here which I really like about the show. Hannah did a great job too. She behaved exactly like a person would in her situation. Music was stellar. I think that amazon has a winner here. Marissa Wiegler smile again for me with your super fake and deadly semi corporate smile. Yes !
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Hunter Killer (2018)
Starts well but than dives into shallow seas of mediocrity...
8 May 2019
This movie was ok. It could have been better but overall director and the believable cast managed to make a good movie with 60 million budget. If movie had more money to burn it could have been much much better. The special ops soldiers looked believable and Mr Butler was ok captain, thats the problem everything was just ok, there was nothing there to elevate this movie to the classic status like Hunting the red october/ air force one etc. When they showed fleet movement they must have used some old footage from documentary or something as you could see sailors dressed in ceremonial uniforms on one of the ships and it totally ruined immersion for me. Destroyer and some subs had CGI feel to them so not sure how was it possible to make subs more believable in Hunting the Red October than movie made many years after this classic.
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Great family movie which kids and adults should watch !
8 May 2019
This is a good movie to watch with your kids. I recommend watching it before Halloween due to the movie's plot but it could also work as a nice Sunday family watch. This movie is better than original and improves it in every way. The story is a semi-direct continuation of the 1st movie. The adventure and acting is good. The CGI are surprisingly good. All action set in this ideal American town is well directed and will keep viewers interested and deeply involved in the movie. I find this movie far better and more suitable for younger audience than the Tower Clock movie with Mr Black. This movie was definitely not intended for younger audience but Goosebumps 2 is solid and should be given a chance. Light, good, easy watch. Easiest 5/10 I have ever given.
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Widows (2018)
Dont mourn girl....ACT ! WATCH IT !
8 May 2019
I will tell you what we have here. A good, crime drama, thats what we have. This is movie about real woman who are about discover how to survive in the man dominated world. Against all odds female cast is forced to work together to ensure continuity of their existence. When man dies and our female heroines want to maintain good standard of living instead of going to work, quick cashing in sounds like better alternative for them, right? So we have fantastic acting here. There are lots of stars in this movie, everyone played really well. Among all of the great stars who played in the movie we have brilliant Viola Davis playing Veronica - a brain behind whole operation. Against all odds she unites with Alice ,played by Elizabeth Debicki, Linda, our lovely and all fans favourite Michelle Rodriguez, and Belle, super athletic Cyntia Erivo. All of them lost their husbands in the heist that went wrong and Victoria who inherited her late husband (Liam Neesons) next heist's plans is forced to carry on heist in order to save herself from just a little bit crazy in the head Jatemme played by Daniele Kaluuya. Lets not forget about Collin Farrell and Brian Tyree Henry who are in the movie to remind us that when it comes to money and power, greed and sick ambition do not distinguish between where you come from, when the game's stakes are high you will be dirty just like anyone else. Movie is tense, well directed and I encourage everyone to watch it. Most of the actors are well characterized in their roles and offer genuine, well rounded perspective on how is to try to survive in mighty Chicago. The plot can get little predictable but it does not matter much as movie is masterfully done. I give it 8/10 and encourage you to watch it.
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Beautiful spectacle...fantastic sets and great attention to details !
8 May 2019
I really liked it. Nice, easy watch. Wonderful CGI and good acting. Movie was set in a very interesting Steam punk world. Shame it bombed, I would love to see a sequel. Costumes, sets and attention to details was really good. I will watch it again tonight. Stunning visuals. I blame poor marketing for failure of this movie in a box office. What a shame.
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Good heist movie .... worth watching...
8 May 2019
This action movie might not redefine genre but it is a very good piece of entertainment. It is a heist movie with a very good cast so well done to Netflix for bringing all of them together for this project. I feel that everyone was cast really well.

The veil between real and CGI world rarely feels so thin. The transition from CGI to real is smooth and helps immersion. The stunts and action sequences are really well done. All actors behave and look like a real tactical unit would outside movie set. The way they move, hold gun and interact with each another shows that training with live ammunition did pay off. The characters and world they are in are believable. I enjoyed the movie and could recommend it to everyone.
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Better than expected...the most OP marvel superhero was good...
8 May 2019
Yeah I liked it. Brie was in top shape and Samuel LJ was great as (almost) always. Jude Law was surprisingly good. CGI, plot and everything about movie was good. Dont listen to the haters. Go see it, NOW !
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Feast for the eyes, time off for brain...
8 May 2019
CGI was of the highest order. The planets were ok, the first heist mission was breathtaking. It was shot so well. The world felt darker and more unforgiving than the one represented in E I,II . Acting was ok and young Solo looked and played well. He is not Harrison Ford but I believe that he did a good job. The problem here has come down to the plot. The story was uninspiring and I lost interest midway through. I watched it all and overall enjoyed it but quickly forgot about it and I am not feeling inclined to watch it again. So I will give it 6/10. Good movie to watch but it will not covert you to the light side.
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Rust Creek (2018)
Rusty Ideas Wrapped in Predictable Boredom....
8 May 2019
One girl tries to come back home for a break but because of the jammed motorway she needs to take alternate route. That is how her story starts. Story filled with dread and horror. Nobody is prepared for what is going to unfold here. When you travel deep into the redneck's territory you are asking for trouble. Movie takes you on the trip deep into human's nature. You will see fight for survival for at least ..... 35 minutes, than the movie completely changes dynamic and the constant initial feeling of danger, dread and uncertainty evaporates and is replaced by catalougue of "Ohhh I DID SEE THAT COMING" and than ends with "OHHHH I KNEW IT IS GONNA END LIKE THIS, WHAT A WASTED OPPORTUNITY". I watched the whole movie, my wi-fe fell asleep midway through. There are far better movies of this type. I would position this somewhere between: "Lack of substance and style" and "only watch if you are waiting for next episode of your favorite TV show or computer/console broke down". Alternatively if you like this sort of movies watch first 35 minutes and than fast forward to the last 20.
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Good Movie But Not Infinity War Kinda Good ....
8 May 2019
Tamed Hulk, traumatized Ironman, fantasy of yesterday - Cap America. what did I do with my hair - Cpt Marvel . Dr Stranger things and many more with fault of not their own were part of the final movie in one of the most successful and entertaining spectacles of the past decade.

The movie itself was a huge collection of familiar faces and scenes, from all major events in MCU, lacking cohesive structure which distorted flow of the movie. The spectacle was too long and action sequences were unevenly spaced which created over too long moments that were more about homage to the last decade of superhero bonanza and tremendous logistic achievement. After all getting all of the cameo actors from the last movies and inserting them into this plot must have been very difficult. Did they suceed ? No, they did not. The effort was admirable and gave us some really touching moments but resulted in unnecessary extending already too long movie. This was confusing the main story plot too much. There were just too much of it. Movie did not offer viewer any spectacular skirmishes in a first two hours. Thats what made IW so special. Endgage was lacking these impactful moments. It is clear that the best was saved for last but this only validates that movie did not have to be so long. If a movie would be filled with IW level of awesome than yeah, bring it on but the problem is that it was stretched too thin and these moments are just not there, not in the beginning anyway.

PG-12 rating is a culprit here. If movie's rating was higher I am sure that scenes filled with nothing would be at least more electryfying but because this is a movie aimed at future and former fans, the lighter representation of after apocalypse universe was the only thing Disney corporate machine could have come up with and still get away with achieving PG-12 rating. Younger audience and older audience looked bored in the cinema though. The balance was not achieved here.

The final stand off was amazing though and I will say that it is worth the price of admission. When I will be rematching Endgame on blue ray I think I will just skip to the last few chapters just to experience all this wonderfully done explosions and amazingly done fights. It was just epic and the team definitely raised the bar here.

Overall the movie was ok but it did not top IW for me. This one will still be the best Avenger movie.
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Cold Pursuit (2019)
One Of The Worst Action Movies Out There...
8 May 2019
Cold Pursuit is a movie that assumes that revenge thirsty Liam Neeson is boxed so hard in the movies he makes that the plot, tension building, character development can be totally omitted and replaced with straight to the point tacky action sequences, all because everybody knows what they will get in a Liam Neeson movie, right? The story was shallow and uninspiring. I was forcing myself not to fall asleep. It was more difficult than Liam Neeson's struggles. I wanted to be entertained, I was not expecting a masterpiece and all politics aside I gave this movie a fair chance to impress me. I can easily say that it was one of the worst movies I have seen in a long time. Nothing worked for me here, nothing !!! , well maybe few shots of Denver and snowy landscape was inspiring but even this was over used. It was like director managed to frame some breathtaking scenery and was so much in awe of his movie's maker genius that he wanted to re-use it over and over again. It was like shouting to the world. Hey, look at me. I know how to make movies but the truth to be told you dont, you just dont.

The character development is non existent. We got only 1 minute scene of Liam and his frosty family and this was absolutely not enough to get invested in the movie. I was more fascinated by the deputy's mini sub plot than the main event. All supporting actors had more interesting stories to tell than a main character. Even the Thailand chick was more captivating that our hollywood veteran.

Why we are shown these collection of scenes not bringing anything into the movie. Why I am suppose to believe that ordinary Joe turns into killing machine? He clearly has a past but movie never tells you what this past was. The villain was awful, over the top. The Indian gangster family was the same. The final moment of the movie nicely summarizes what you just watched. It was abysmal, awful. Please do not make a movie like this ever again. Complete failure.
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Rewind and Redo The Movie !
8 May 2019
This movie started so well, it was so promising and suddenly it turn from light slasher movie into comedy/teenage drama/slasher movie. This transition changed the movie's dynamic. First - something brave,original and funny turn into boring, confusing, multiverse time-travel movie. Why, oh why they ruined their own franchise.

Out of all possible scenarios they chose to run with the time-machine plot line interjected with family/boyfriend drama which just dragged for far too long. This was so unnecessary, so forced onto the viewer. Movie itself was a collection of sometimes idiotic deaths and the feeling of dread and mystery totally evaporated from the movie.

I was really hoping for the better, bigger, bolder sequel and I got light s-f comedy instead. I know that the first movie had this funny vibe but it was leaning more towards slasher than comedy and here the scales tipped more on the comedy side. I watched it all but am disappointed with wasted potential. Hey dude ! Turn the time machine back on, I will travel back in time and fix your movie for you !!!
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Jessica Jones (2015–2019)
Great 1 season.....
14 August 2018
.....average 2nd season. How something that have started so well tumbled into the abyss of mediocrity. Season 2 is constanlty trying ti drive really intreating character into the ground. Jessica is a PI, they should have focused on diffrent case in each episode with one main theme running through several seasons. The plot is tiresome in this one. Watch only if you have absolutely nothing else to see.
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