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Overnight Delivery (1998 Video)
Very cute, heartwarming flick
27 May 2006
This movie is a little gem, a straight-to-video film with a heart of gold.

Wyatt Trips (Paul Rudd) is still lovingly dating his high school sweetheart, Kim (Christine Taylor). The day before Valentine's Day, he calls her up only to hear about a late night escapade with "The Ricker" from her roommate. Thinking she has cheated on him, he gets extremely upset. His buddies take him to a strip club to cheer him up, where he meets stripper Ivy Miller (Reese Witherspoon). The two team up to write a break up letter, complete with fake used condom and topless picture of them together, to send to Kim, via overnight delivery. However, when Wyatt finds out they he was wrong, he pulls Ivy into a cross-country road trip to get the letter back from an over-achieving delivery man. But could Wyatt end up falling for Ivy instead? (Gee, I wonder) This movie may have some completely insane plot twists and situations that you would just never see, but the stars make it work. Paul Rudd is adorably lovable as Wyatt. He's hilarious and has great physical comedy. Reese Witherspoon gives a perky, funny performance as Ivy. Its one of her more memorable romantic comedy characters.

The movie is so under the radar that it is barely known, but it should be. Any lovers of romantic comedies will fall in love with it, and there's even humor of the likes that would keep the guys interested. A heartwarming movie that will make you feel good all over :)
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Freeway (1996)
Extreme, but worth grinning a bearing it!
17 May 2006
Freeway is a modern retelling of "Little Red Riding Hood" - with a completely darker twist.

Vanessa Lutz (Reese Witherspoon) is an illiterate, white trash 15 year old with an extremely foul mouth and an even worse temper. When her mom gets arrested for prostitution, and her step dad goes with for drugs, she decides to run away to find the grandma she's never met. When her car breaks down, she grabs a ride with Bob Wolverton (Kiefer Sutherland). When he asks her disturbing questions about the sexual abuse from her step dad, she realizes he's the killer she heard about on the news. All of a sudden, her life takes a turn- for the way worse.

This movie will totally take you by surprise if you do not know what you're in for. Its incredibly gory and dirty. It's not afraid to take incredibly huge risks with its dialog and plot twists, and that's why its so good. Witherspoon, being completely the opposite of her now "squeaky clean" image, is simply awesome in this movie. She plays her role to a T, the rage, violence, and humor behind the character. Sutherland is extremely creepy in his role, which eventually turns to humor ... then back to creepy. The movie is meant to be taken lightly, it really is hilarious, so don't ruin it by taking it seriously and getting creeped out! Cause I sure did. But now I love it! So be prepared before you pop in the DVD, and you're sure to become a quick fan!
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Vanity Fair (2004)
Beautiful even if confusing
6 May 2006
Vanity Fair is a beautiful film, with gorgeous scenery and amazing costumes. However, it takes a great deal of concentration to figure out exactly what is going on.

Becky Sharp is the daughter of an artist and a chorus girl, far from respectable parents. When she finishes school, she does all she can to try to pull herself up in society, using her wit, intelligence, and sexuality. She ruthlessly climbs the social class ladder, but might have hit a small bump when she let herself fall in love.

The movie, while it has good intentions, fails to provide a smooth running plot. Instead, it it simply a viewing of the ways of Becky, played perfectly by Reese Witherspoon. Reese shines in the role, bringing humanity to the character, and makes you like Becky, despite her often malicious ways. However, not even she can make the plot clear in the first viewing. It took me a second time to love this movie.

The exotic feel of the Indian scenes is the best part, especially when Becky performs an Indian dance for the king. Its a beautiful scene. Also, the affection between Becky and Rawdon (a great James Purefoy) is endearing. A great movie, if you have the patience to figure it out.
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Goes beyond the "teen flick" stereotype
1 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Step-siblings Kathryn (Sarah Michelle Gellar) and Sebastian (Ryan Phillipe) are two rich teenagers with the power to manipulate anyone in their New York prep school. When Kathryn gets dumped by her ex-boyfriend for the innocent Cecile (Selma Blair), she takes the girl under her wing and recruits Sebastian to seduce her, planning on turning her into a tramp. Sebastian is bored with the usual girls he's with, and makes a bet with Kathryn over whether or not he can bed Annette (Reese Witherspoon), the new headmaster's virginal daughter, who wrote a column in Seventeen about how she was "waiting till marriage". If he wins, he gets a night of pleasure from Kathryn. If he loses, she gets his car. The hunting begins as Sebastian tries to break Annette's hard shell, but complications ensue when true feelings begin to develop.

This movie is amazing and incredibly addictive. Not only does it have a killer soundtrack, but the 3 leads are what makes the movie. Gellar seems like a natural as the evil and sexy Kathryn. Phillipe is equally convincing as Sebastian, playing the fake "sweet" character and the devious true person beneath. Witherspoon doesn't even seem to be acting. Annette seems like someone you could meet at your high school, someone troubled over the decision of abstinence and love.

The music is a great addition, and will have you hooked, from when the beginning with "Every You Every Me" by Placebo, and ending with "Bittersweet Symphony" by The Verve.

Witty, devious, and convincing, Cruel Intentions will make you laugh, cry, and "aw" at every twist and turn. A great flick.
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Fear (1996)
Somewhat predictable
18 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't seen the full unedited version, just the version on cable. What started out looking not too bad because of Reese Witherspoon turned a little ridiculous and predictable after a while.

Nicole (Witherspoon) is a 16 year old girl who feels she is overly sheltered by her father. When she goes to a party with her friend Margo (Alyssa Milano), she meets David (Mark Wahlburg), who seems rough around the edges but turns out to be really sweet . . .she thinks. When he starts to become a little demanding of Nicole, her father begins to worry, especially when he finds out the two have had sex. Then David beats up a guy friend of Nicole's for hugging her, and she decides to break it off. But its not as easy as it seems, with David's manipulative ways edging towards more serious violence.

The movie started out fine, but I grew a little tired of Nicole's overly trusting nature with David and began yelling at the screen. The end succeeded in scaring me a bit, but it was expected. Not much surprised me in what happened, except when Nicole's dad finds David's shrine of her. That was creepy as heck. But while the movie is in no way perfect, it provides a few creepy and violent moments. Mark does a good job in being a weird psycho stalker, and Reese gives Nicole the emotional edge the character needs, through the relationship with the father.

Overall, not a total waste of time, but a movie you should rent before buying.
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Very sweet and adorable!
11 February 2006
"Just Like Heaven" is not a movie to be taken seriously- because if you do, you'll ruin it for yourself. Its a fluffy, funny love story that will make you laugh your head off and melt your heart.

Elizabeth Masterson (Witherspoon) is an over-working doctor who has no time for a social life. One night, she gets into a horrible accident which puts her body in a coma, but separates her spirit. David (Ruffalo) , a widowed landscaper, moves into her old apartment, and she haunts him, trying to get him out. He soon feels an attraction for her, and tries to help her get back to her body, and a opposites-attract relationship ensues as they both show each other what its like to be carefree- something neither of them are.

This movie really surprised me. I expected a few jokes, some cute romance, ya know, the usual. I found it to be hilarious! The first half of the movie is great quote fodder. But the second half of the movie takes on a different, emotional tone which is something unexpected in a movie like this. But its great, even if you already know the plot (which i did from the book this movie was based off of), it still makes you feel emotional and I even cried at the end. This is because of the great chemistry and talent of Reese Witherspoon and MArk Ruffalo. Very funny together when the characters fight, and very adorable when love takes over. A cute movie that you shouldn't take seriously, but is lovable in every way.
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Walk the Line (2005)
This movie is amazin'!
7 February 2006
You don't see movies like this often. Movies that are based on true stories, are box-office hits, with music that makes you get up and dance and an emotion story line that makes you want to cry at times. It is pure movie magic.

I've been growing up with a grandpa who loves Johnny Cash, and I'm one of those kids who sings "Ring Of Fire" every time she goes to a carnival and sees that ride, and my friends go "??". Johnny Cash has always had music I've liked, and when I saw this movie was coming out, I had to see it.

Joaquin does an amazing job as the "man in black", and Reese shines as June Carter. They both have superb singing skills, and are an adorable couple that, even though at times they shouldn't, you just want them together the whole movie. They earned their Oscar noms, and I hope they get them! This movie is great and anyone who has loved Johnny Cash's music or just wants to see a heart-warming romance, go see it!
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This movie is soooo feel good
5 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is not only laugh-out-loud funny, but its heart-melting romantic too! Melanie Carmichael, a new clothing designer in New York, finds herself engaged to the mayor's rich son. She goes home to Alabama, to get her husband Jake, who she married in high school when he got her pregnant, to finally sign the divorce papers. But he refuses, and she finds herself staying down at home for a while . . .and realizes maybe she didn't have to leave to find what she was looking for.

This movie is heart-warming in that, underneath the redneck humor, it is a true love story. I must have watched the pet cemetery scene 10 times, over and over again. It is too adorable. And I love how the town is so obsessed with Civil War reenactments, I thought that was hilarious. There is good humor that hits home with small-town America, and a love story that can make any romantic-at-heart's eyes tear up.
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Greatest Movie of . . .ever!
31 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The Return Of The King has been my favorite movie, ever, since I saw it in December 2003. After the Helms Deep battle of The Two Towers, I was wondering how the heck PEter Jackson would top it. But he did, and with flying colors.

The reason this movie is so amazing is the focus not only on the epic battles and awe-inspiring special effects, but the emotion going on in each of the characters. It is one of the most emotional movies I've seen. You can see the wear-and-tear of Frodo, the internal battle of Aragorn, the angst of Eowyn, the hope of Gandalf . . .its all there.

The Frodo/Sam/Gollum scenes become a bit boring after a while, they never seem to get any closer, and Frodo tires out many times. But this can be overlooked by the journey the rest of the characters take, and the amazing finale.

This movie caused me to cry more than once, six different scenes in all. But the highlight of this movie is my favorite of all parts of all 3 LOTR movies- the Rohirrim march at Pelennor Fields. It brings tears to my eyes every time.

This movie is so amazing because of its ability to be an epic battle story, while still having elements of comedy, romance, emotion, and everything good that goes into a movie. In 2 words: watch it.
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