
28 Reviews
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Rednecks of the Corn
16 March 2019
A very promising idea for a horror movie, but the movie is ruined by redneck actors who probably each got a bumper to chew on instead of payment. The saturnine atmosphere that is present in the movie is intense, but is numbed down by ultra levels of cheesiness. Well, grab your sickle, blow the sacrificial horn and sit down to chew on a car bumper with the rednecks of the corn.
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Willow Creek (2013)
Willow Creek
19 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The two main characters in this movie are very lovable and have a great sense of humor. The first part of the movie up until they arrive at the forest, is very slow in progression and may deter some viewers from watching the rest of the movie. However, it should be noted that this slow part is well balanced by very intense and suspenseful scenes where the two characters are terrorized at nighttime by unknown creatures. And then there is the ending - a lot of people complained about how the "Bigfoot" creature looked, but personally I found it to be a very refreshing portrayal, since the director moved away from the stereotypical portrayal of Bigfoot as some hairy ape-like creature. Not a brilliant movie, but if you like Blair Witch Project, The Ritual and others, you should give this a try.
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The Ritual (I) (2017)
The Ritual
17 December 2018
This is one of the best horror movies I have seen. It brings something fresh to the table by taking us into the mysterious Scandinavian forests. I am so used to movies taking place somewhere in the USA, but this one delves into mythology about a creature that is similar to the Nephilim and/or Annunaki tales that can be traced back to the ancient Sumerians and others. The actors are brilliant and the sense of loss, despair and self-loss is very well portrayed. If you like horror movies, do yourself a favor and watch this.
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Gray Matter (2018)
Gray Matter
17 December 2018
This movie has a very promising plot that could have been so exciting, but unfortunately it is ruined by bad acting, melodramatic fight scenes and overall over-the-top cheesiness. I found some of the humor in this movie to be quite good. The CGI-effects where aliens are shown operating systems in their UFO's are very well done. The fight scenes are entertaining, but it sometimes felt as if I was watching WWE. This is one of those movies that you should watch if you just want some brain-dead entertainment. Nothing deep or emotional here.
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Frailty (2001)
17 December 2018
This movie is very well done, but very morbid and tragic. It portrays the dangers of religious fanaticism with a fast-paced narrative. The movie succeeds in provoking an intense feeling of empathy for the two children affected by their father's paranoid delusions of being "chosen by God to execute demons". The children lend a hand in the murders, but at the same time they are also victims, especially the youngest boy who is very naive and basically worships the ground his father walks on. There are a few twists in the plot that is very well woven into the narrative and the ending is very strange, yet powerful.
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Wind River (2017)
Wind River
10 December 2018
This is a crime thriller with its fundamentals rooted in the old Western style of narration. It has the typical Western style narration where the main character is portrayed as a kind of a loner who is doing his job and not bothering anybody. Then a crisis develops and the main character is directly pulled into the events and tries his best to be of assistance. The existential struggles of individuals are very well portrayed, which contributes directly to a very strong psychological component of the movie. The social issues that are typical of a deserted place like Alaska are also very well portrayed - drug abuse, murder and rape.

Overall it is a cold and brutal movie that might upset people, but not in the sense that it tries to be sensational. There is no sensationalism - only a realistic portrayal of how hard life can be.
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The House with a Clock in Its Walls
10 December 2018
This movie is very entertaining. The camera work is brilliant and the sets are beautifully decorated to give a very homely feeling. Mythological horror aspects like pumpkin ghosts and general superstitions are very effectively portrayed in the sense that they contribute to a great deal of humor as well as horror. Jack Black is brilliant - you can see how seasoned he is by how well he plays the role of Uncle Jonathan. Cate Blanchett is also brilliant and captured my eye from the first moment I saw her in the movie. Her character is one that really stands out. The boy, Lewis (Owen Vaccaro) can be a bit annoying sometimes. It felt to me that I could feel sympathy for him and his situation, yet he occasionally delivers an annoying factor to the mix of characters in the sense that he whines about certain things.

Having studied mythology and symbolism myself, I must say that the use of occult symbols in this movie might seem a bit over the top. The hexagram (one of the oldest occult symbols in history) with the eye of providence situated within it is blatantly portrayed, as well as pentagrams, inverted crosses and other occult related symbols. I'm not a person who sees the devil behind every rock, but I know enough about symbolism to know that any symbol resonates a certain energy field. This energy field can contribute negative energy to its viewer which can lead to the person feeling uncomfortable. I think that the use of these occult symbols can effect children very negatively, since the movie gives the idea from the very beginning that it is a fantasy movie for children. Then again: it depends on what you as the viewer make of it.

I enjoyed this movie - it is very entertaining and has some good humor, but is dangerous is a certain sense. A children's movie that is not suitable for children.
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18 November 2018
I really cannot understand why this movie got so much negative criticism. It is a decent horror movie with some subtle humor. I'm usually not one for the whole "a-group-of-friends-spend-a-weekend-together-and-then-something-bad-happens" kind of movies, mainly because most movies that features this theme has been very bad and it feels like it has been really abused just to produce movies in order to make money. But this movie brings a refreshing feeling to this theme and the negative criticism that the actors got for "bad acting" is really far-fetched. The parts where there seems to be "bad acting" is really deliberate bad acting in order to create humor. The special effects in this movie are brilliant and the general way in which suspense is created and fueled in order to reach a climax is masterfully done. This movie is a must-see for fans of alien abduction movies and fans of horror movies in general.
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The Last of the Mohicans
25 October 2018
This movie has many strong aspects, but the historical aspect is probably the most brilliant. The French-Indian War is portrayed through the eyes of different characters and scenarios. The narrative delves into a part of native history that is not known to many. The fighting scenes are very realistic and it was interesting to see the age old hatred between the French and the British.
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Skinwalker Ranch
25 October 2018
This is probably one of the most underrated horror movies of all time. The visual effects in this movie is brilliant and every character delivers a very powerful punch with brilliant acting. The movie succeeds very well in fueling anxiety, suspense and overall fright-factors. The movie also succeeds in triggering more interest in the Skinwalker Ranch - I read a lot about it after watching this and also watched some documentaries. Great movie that unfortunately got kicked between the legs for no apparent reason.
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The Gathering (2002)
The Gathering
25 October 2018
I'm still trying to figure out how this movie got an award and award nominations. Screenplay is really poor and Christina Ricci's performance is really amateurish (was it really she...?!). The narrative is very promising and could have been developed into a powerful story, but instead it is watered down to a circus. Clearly, the director was not very much involved.
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The Usual Suspects
23 October 2018
A fun movie - in a very dark and twisted sort of way. This is more than just an action thriller; this is a brilliant movie that has all sorts of interesting dialogue. The dark humor aspect comes in where one character enters the office of a detective who starts to question him about a certain crime legend. The way the character tells the story is gripping and funny because he starts to jumble all sorts of myths, legends and free association nuances into a powerful mystery. The way the characters handle the police investigation is also quite comical, but the humor is not blatant in any way whatsoever - it is subtle and is mixed with real-life struggles and questions. In many ways this movie is the magnum opus of the crime thriller genre.
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Ouma se slim kind
23 October 2018
A tragic portrayal of a slow-minded boy as a social outcast who finds love and acceptance in the home of the woman who found him in the midst of a stormy night. The movie portrays the negative impact of separation anxiety - not in the usual sense, but in the sense of an almost grown-up man who has the mental capacity of a little child. The bureaucratic system forces him away from the safety of home to a school where he is totally rejected, safe for one girl who feels sorry for him. There is a lot of deeper existential concepts that lingers beneath the surface of the narrative and this movie doesn't fail to deliver a powerful punch.
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Identity (2003)
23 October 2018
This is one of those movies where a whole bunch of characters randomly come together due to strange circumstances...and then the mystery starts and deepens as the movie progresses. From the very beginning up to near the end I was wondering what is really lurking behind this mystery. Then at the end there is a nasty surprise that hits the viewer like a freight train. A thought-provoking movie that delves into the deepest recesses of the human mind and illustrates what the effects of deep buried secrets can have.
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Suspect Zero (2004)
Suspect Zero
23 October 2018
Once again we have one of those movies - a seriously underrated masterpiece that is hated by many people. Once again their excuses ranges from "I don't understand the story" to "this is boring". What most people completely misunderstood about this movie, is the fact that the narrative is meant to be drenched in dissociation just like the troubled mind of the former intelligence officer who lurks in the shadows as a disillusioned vigilante. The movie also has an interesting revelation about remote viewing which was a very controversial phenomenon during the Cold War era.
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Citizen X (1995 TV Movie)
Citizen X
23 October 2018
Ominous music accompanies the gruesome and tragic scenes in this movie. The characters fit in very well with the impoverished theme and backdrop that was ever-present in the Soviet Union. The movie also portrays the bureaucratic system very well and stresses the idea that the forensic expert/detective not only works against a serial killer with a deranged mind, but also against a deranged system. A very intense combination of drama, mystery, crime, corruption and psychological triumphs all contributes to a powerful movie that is seriously underrated.
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The Ninth Gate
22 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The first time I watched this movie I didn't understand it, but somehow it kept haunting me. Many years later I watched it again and it is actually a great movie. A rare-book dealer ends up in a labyrinth of conspiracy and mystery. He discovers a lot of secretive knowledge concerning the fallen angel Lucifer and the Luciferian philosophy is actually systematically revealed as the movie progresses. The ending is very open for interpretation and is symbolic of how open, yet closed, the world of the occult can be - the concept of hidden in plain sight.
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Requiem for a Dream
22 October 2018
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This movie is an emotional roller coaster with a very positive message. It portrays the miserable lives of two drug-addicts. The desperation they have just to get a fix is definitely well portrayed. Parallel with this narrative is the narrative about the one addict's mother who is basically a recluse who watches television whole day, everyday. She falls into total derangement which portrays how easily people can be brainwashed by popular media. The musical score is excellent and drenched in strong emotion.
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The Exorcist (1973)
The Exorcist
21 October 2018
Stunning visuals, effects and overall horror for 1973. The characters are very strongly portrayed and the feeling of hopelessness is ever-present throughout the movie. Even though some scenes are outright shocking and provocative, there is also a strong element of the uncanny present. This is a very haunting movie that still shocks, amazes and intrigues after all these years.
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The Signal (2014)
The Signal
21 October 2018
Most of the time when the general public on Youtube complains that a movie is "stupid" and "boring" and that they "don't understand the story" then you know its a good movie. Stunning visuals fit in perfectly with suspenseful moments and nothing, I repeat nothing, in this movie is predictable. The actors did a brilliant job and pulls you into their world with very good portrayal of everyday interaction, problem solving and individual experiences. If you like "conspiracy" movies with elements of sci-fi and mystery, then do yourself a favor and watch this movie.
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John Wick (2014)
John Wick
21 October 2018
Apparently this is entertainment, when in reality it is a piece of 1962 propaganda wrapped in a package that got lost in 2014. Nothing much to see here: just the usual Hollywood anti-Russian propaganda. A man's dog gets killed...and who's the baddies? The Russians, of course. This just shows me that since 1962 up to now we haven't moved forward one bit - a lot of movies are still filled with anti-Russian propaganda, but the directors never contemplate about the dark side of imperialist states like the USA and Britain. They are probably going to make a movie sometime about how the USA and Britain have never lost a war and how they are always doing everything perfect and never lost a single soldier in a battle. Go and watch this if you want to be tormented by the usual egoistic protagonist who takes out a whole bunch of Russians. A lot of people argued that the fight scenes are brilliantly done, but that doesn't compensate for the egoism and downright propaganda of the story. Lighting visuals are quite good and here and there you will find some suspenseful moments, but don't get too excited: suspenseful moments that have the potential to be constructed into psychological masterpieces are merely watered down and consumed by the apparent "heroism" of the protagonist.
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2001: A Space Odyssey
21 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
For many years I heard people talking about this movie, so I finally decided to see what all the hype is about, or should I rather say: the Darwin-witnesses came knocking on my door and I made the mistake of letting them in. First of all the visuals for this movie is very well done for 1968. Kubrick did a great job in that regard. But having to sit through approximately 3 hours of mankind having a fantasy about all that we are apparently achieving, is very tiring. Apparently mankind is intelligent. A monolith appears to primates in a random field somewhere after which the whole adapt-or-die theory sets in motion. Thereafter we are taken forward in time and Kubrick spends a lot of time and energy in making sure the viewer sees all the achievements of man. Liquidated food, spaceships coming in all shapes and sizes and the good old monolith randomly tumbling through the air. I have a lot of respect for Kubrick - movies like "Full Metal Jacket" and "Eyes Wide Shut" are brilliant, but this Darwin-witnesses odyssey is, in my humble opinion, seriously overrated.
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Moon (2009)
20 October 2018
Let me start by saying that I expected a bit more. However, this movie has brilliant characteristics, especially concerning the factor of isolationism. The main character is somewhat confused, yet self-confident and seems to portray the general aspect of just-trying-to-survive perfectly. When the character realizes that there is something wrong, he made me feel like I had to go with him to explore the mystery. Another interesting aspect, is the relationship between a human and the AI. The relationship actually involves a lot around emotions - something that seems to be very underestimated in the real world concerning the relationship between man and AI. I expected a bit more from this movie in the sense that the director could have contributed more to the horror aspect. While the strong isolationist feeling is very well done, I expected that there would be stronger emphasis on the influence of derangement concerning individual psychological factors. Yet, a very well done movie that is recommended for fans of sci-fi drama and mystery.
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Jacob's Ladder (I) (1990)
Jacob's Ladder
20 October 2018
This is much more than a psychological drama. It is a well documented piece of art that portrays existential threats and crisis as well as traumatic experiences mixed with a semi-religious undertone. The puzzling factor is very well done and the director keeps your attention throughout the whole movie. This puzzling factor is the epitome of mystery with some strong elements of the uncanny.
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From Hell (2001)
From Hell
20 October 2018
This is so much different from the usual hack-and-slash kind of serial killer movies. This movie contains a fine balance between horror, action and suspense. Johnny Depp fits into the role of a somewhat troubled police inspector perfectly. Actually, all the actors are brilliant and the surprise-element at the end is brilliantly done.
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