
373 Reviews
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The Fall Guy (2024)
Solid movie, great music, unnecessary cussing
6 May 2024
Took mom and my nephew to this tonight in a theater with about 30 people. That's the most crowded movie I've been 2 in a long time. That tells me it's getting good press and good word of mouth. As it should because it was a solid movie great action, rom com. There were a couple of problems with it like the language was terrible for some reason. Is not sure why they need to use the Lord's name in vain about a 100 times. Also there was a rocking 80 soundtrack and one Taylor Swift song for no reason at all. Overall a fun movie though and we all enjoyed it. It reminded me of the fall guy series because it was all about the stunt man.
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Behind the Music: Huey Lewis (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
Awesome band, my youth!
5 May 2024
I knew that Huey Lewis had gone deaf but this was an amazing look into the background of that story. It's very cool to see how the band started and how the band progressed through their successes and failures to where they are today as one of the top bands in the history of new. The very confusing thing about the show was why Jimmy Kimmel was on there. Yet nothing to do with the band he's not related to anybody he just kept doing little bits of Huey was great or Huey lost his hearing or whatever. Jimmy is useless. Hasn't been funny since "girls on trampolines" days. He is a cryer and puppetbof the left, not funny he's not a good host he's got very low ratings in fact I think I just read it his show was canceled. That was distracting. Love Huey Lewis!
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Behind the Music: Wolfgang Van Halen (2024)
Season 2, Episode 3
So awesome !
5 May 2024
Wow! I have seen Van Halen 12 times, just got Sammy's autograph last month on the 70S ROCK LEGENDS CRUISE. I've read all their books and bought all their albums.

Insights of this show were amazing, stuff I have never heard before. Wolfie and Valerie giving back stage, in their house, on stage. Just amazing stuff. Wolfie and Valerie break down several times and tell secrets. Wolfie ends with a moment by moment of his Dad's death .. wow .. tearing up just thinking about it. Lots of details revealed. You have to watch this. Just amazing stuff with some great performances too. I highly recommend it.
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What a banger!
25 April 2024
I saw this movie when it came out and thought it was really good. Watched it again today 20 years later and it certainly holds up. It is a slow burn that starts with an introduction to a simple man and a simple life with a sweet family. Then you find out that he has a whole other side of him, a dark history that catches up to him in this movie. The wife and I really enjoyed it and thought it was well done. There have been several movies like this that use this pattern after this one came out. A lot of used to be a gangster or used to be a CIA operative movies. This is definitely one of the better ones and I would recommend it.
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Wesley got old
25 April 2024
I don't know what the wife and I were expecting when we watch this movie but it was cute. It was a black comedy about a boy who wants to be a magician in vegas and who ends up being a stripper because he is well endowed. Wesley Snipes plays the old Matthew McConaughey position from Magic Mike in this one. It has Tiffany Addish in it and she is funny. Actually all of the strippers are comedians who are brought up on stage to try and dance. The movie isn't bad but it isn't good either. There are cringe moments where like when the cops try to arrest them all for being black Or wins of one white member of their group continually apologizes for being a white Doctor. Overall it's a fun movie but don't expect Too much.
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The Marvels (2023)
worst MCU bomb since 2008
13 November 2023
There is a reason nobody is seeing this trash. It is "Barbie" in a super suit. The opening weekend was a disaster with less ticket sales than any MCU movie since "The Hulk" 15 years ago. It is running 6/10 on this page and 44% on Rotten Tomatoes. I saw it with a few buddies at a matinee on Saturday and we were alone in a big theater. The movie starts out with some action and a foreshadowing statement by Nick Fury "I jsut need you for one more mission" to Capt Marvel. Does that mean the end of Brie in this role? We can only hope. There is a black superhero that we met in "Wanda Vision" but have no idea what her powers are yet. There is a little girl who just got her powers but fills the "asian" block and she is a teenager so there is that cute "first kiss is awesome" crowd. They bring in a Korean prince for no reason at all. The second act drags and the final act is a let down. But the hidden scene will be the reason most come to see the movie. It does not disappoint. That three minutes are the best of the 90 spent wading through this poopy diaper of a movie. Cannot stress enough - just awful.
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boring and depressing
13 November 2023
I went into this thinking it was going to be funny. It was everything but. Had some serious themes on suicide and elder care in the USA and illegal aliens being fun and loving family people and childeren who are transgender being important and corporations being heartless. But not much humor. Remember in "the joker" when you laughed at the one scene whent the tiny person could not reach the door handle. You could tell it wasn't meant to be funny, wasn't in the script as funny, but the movie was so dark so you laughed. Well this is the same for 90 minutes with every little thing that is slightly amusing being very funny to relieve the gloom. DO NOT RECOMMEND.
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Surprise hit of the year! Great movie!
8 March 2023
This is the underdog movie you have to root for. It was opened in limited theaters for limited shows. Only the 6PM show available in my local theater. THEN, it had amazing reviews and great Rotten Tomato numbers and suddenly it is at 5PM, 7PM and 9PM! We saw the 7PM show with about 30 other movie goers. The key to it is they put special care in making it unlike most "Christian movies." The soundtrack is first rate with Fleetwood Mac and Edgar Winter Group! The acting is amazing and real. Oh sure, Hollyweird will shun it like they do all things Christian but like "Passion of the Christ" the boxoffice and the word of mouth will carry this along. Also, there is a similar Jesus Revolution going on today in the USA that is on the TV! Even local media can't ignore it. The story here follows one boy who is lost in the 70s drug and hippy world until he finds a home with the church. Kelsey Grammer does an amazing job as do all the actors here. I loved this movie!
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PG13 without the F-word overflow
3 March 2023
We get it. Guy Ritchie is off his game seeing his ex become the face of the "Saw" franchise but wow. The opening scene has 20 F-words. I don't know anyone that talks like that and I have 20 years with the military. Plaza is comic relief - does a good job. Statham and Elwes play the tough guys. Hugh Grant does a good job as the sleezy billionaire with no moral code. It is a ridiculous fun world tour with Josh Hartnett as the Hollywood patsy. The crew I was with liked it but the cussing was like blood in a Tarantino movie -- too much and unnecessary. I look forward to more from this team of entertainers.
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31 December 2022
From the writers of boring movies like "Let him go", "Family Stone", and "Polka King." You see some Sigorney 73 year old side boob as the high point. Lots of therapy, a gay ex-husband, too much debt, autistic kids, affairs and lies, shady business deals, overpriced cars and houses, alcohol addiction -- just a liberal mess that passes today as "drama." It will probably win awards because it lost money and checks all the boxes. Strong women and weak men. All we needed was a climate change March and some anti-gun rhetoric to make it complete. I would not watch this again if you paid me. Skip it very hard.
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Glass Onion (2022)
We were bored
26 December 2022
The original movie was fun and had some good twists. This is 8 interesting stores meshed together for a boring one. Like a play that they get a handful of A-listers together and it isn't good enough for theaters, but Netflix. LOL. We loved the COVID conspiracy joke. Have you seen movies where there are a bunch of stars but no magic? ISHTAR anyone? This is that in 2020 with a James Bond out of a job. His accent is fun. Overall more glitz than substance. Mom fell asleep. We were checking email and texting friends during the movie, not a good sign. They are setting this up as a series of movies. They have to get better.
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Clerks III (2022)
Unfunny and offensive
21 December 2022
Wow, this could have been much better. Lots of throwbacks to the original and other Smith works. Kevin Smith had a heart attack so this is a shout out to that. Depression after coming face to face with mortality. So many terrible and offensive Jesus jokes. Drugs and more drugs. More terribly offensive Jesus jokes. Lots of "all Christians are boring Virgin" jokes. Smith has always been a B-role character but this movie drives it home again. Failure after failure. He gave up pot and junk food to lose 100 pounds after his heart attack. This is the baby that was birthed from that experience? Just an awful Failure. Wish I hadn't wasted a dollar at Redbox on it. Pass!
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Funniest comedy on Netflix
9 December 2022
This guy slays. Old fashion classy comedy that makes you uncomfortable but laughing. I have COVID-19 this week and am watching all the funny. This is the best of the crowd. Doesn't shy away from controversy but doesn't push bad politics on the crowd. No pumped in laughs. He is relatable and we were dying. Gotta wonder if he is this funny in life. He talks about how silly liberal schools are. He relates his wife using heels in the snow. He talks about guns. It is all good. He brings the funny. Feel bad for children who find him offensive or say he doesn't have punch lines. The best comedians don't spoon feed you. Watch this!
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Iliza Shlesinger: Hot Forever (2022 TV Special)
Boys bad, conservatives dumb
8 December 2022
Wow. Usually she is funny. Self depreciating. This was 30 minutes about bras. She stopped mid concert to praise abortion. You hear the audience erupt in support but then they pan to the quiet, shocked, bored people being offended. She did lots of her "guys are dumb and only want sex" jokes. Women are victims, always. Feel sorry for her really. We laughed twice in an hour. Lots of squeeking and cartoon voices that she falls back on when she is nervous. She is usually funny, not here. I would not recommend this one. Worst of the handful on here. If you want someone to make fun of the South and praise ending babies then this cringe is your jam.
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Good music, lots of spin
3 December 2022
The music was solid. They pushed hard against linking his lifestyle choices with his death. They talk about Rock Hudson's death from AIDS and poo-poo people linking the lifestyle with the disease. They make fun of the president for saying "gay cancer" as a slang for AIDS although almost all deaths then made that link. Today they have a 600% greater chance of AIDS but QUEEN defends Freddie's lifestyle. They say people didn't understand him. Remember in BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY when he was in truck stops sharing needles and toilet stalls? That is all choice. They talk to boyfriends of his and they talk about his choices that killed him. The show goes into "gay plague" and fight the fact it was appropriate. Rock Hudson, Freddie Mercury, George Michael, Liberachi, Jermaine Stewart, David Cole, Easy E, etc. Great music. Very sad.
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Devotion (II) (2022)
Great true story well told
28 November 2022
Yes, I liked this one. Great flight scenes done without green screen. Amazing shots! Made you appreciate the skill required to ride one of these old birds. As a former USAF pilot, I was smiling like a little kid with a donut every time they took to the air. The uniforms were wrong for that time period. The winter in Korea is cold and they would have been wearing "poopy suits" for that (rubber suits that made you look like the stay-puff marshmello man). The leads were amazing, crying on command and demanding you pay attention. The victim and racism thing was heavy handed and they beat you with it at every turn, that got old. They missed a critical scene when the pilot saw the Marine for them to reconcile near the end. The fact this is a true story made it even better. Would recommend!
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Um, so confused
11 November 2022
Good movie but weird. Great scenes strung together with no plot or reason. If someone could have put a few hours into music and pulling it together, it would have been an 8 star review. Acting was good. Action was believable. Special effects were well done. A great experience but CONFUSING. Have you ever seen a movie where they filmed a few dozen scenes then put them in a hat and shook it up. Then they rolled them out on a table and boom. Like a comedian with a one hour show that just has a hundred jokes but can't string them together just shoots them out randomly to anyone listening. Enjoy but keep expectations low.
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29 October 2022
Jason Biggs plays the same character in every movie, sad sack victim. Alec Baldwin plays himself .. old leech. Dane Cooke plays a rent an azz, he is the dude you hire to piss your girlfriend off to call you for a second chance. Kate Hudson plays the girl everyone falls in love with immediately for some reason. It is funny but terrible. The pizza place was so over the top offensive. I laughed but would never recommend it. The ending was obvious and wack. Seriously, lost a star for the RUST shooter who beats up reporters and calls his very young daughter "a fat pig like mother. " see it but be ready to be offended.
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11.22.63 (2016)
good but could have been great without bad politics
27 October 2022
Time travel movies are my jam. I usually love them. The chance to go back and fix things that went wrong, who wouldn't want that? James Franco does a good job as the anti-hero, drug into a friend's mission to save JFK from being assassinated. The movie develops well and is well written by Steven King. He might be off his meds but does a good job with drama, gives it a shadow of scary and off-kilter. Unfortunately, his sad politics shine through here and give it a slimy sheen of liberal with hate of guns, hate of military because they are bad people with no morality, hate of meat (yes, he works that in) and hate of law enforcement. The military thing is the one that really hurt. Every military member he introduced was evil at the core with no redeeming values. Too bad. Without his bad politics, this could have been a 7 or 8 star run. See this but take your time getting to it.
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Vengeance (II) (2022)
Starts slow gets going later
1 October 2022
Novak does a good job here. Starts off-balance as a New York is cool with sport humping and getting paid for podcast and Texas is slow and inbred. Shifts gears in the second act when he figures out he is dead wrong and the South has life figured out. After all, people don't move North to retire. The last chapter is good, redemption. It has a solid ending. Overall a good watch. The wife got bored but I have lived in Abilene and visited New York and could see lots of truth in this. There were some laughs. Ashton Kutcher was a surprise. The family grows on you and like most Southernors, are open to the stranger. Overall, a win!
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Elvis (2022)
Best Elvis since Elvis
30 September 2022
This guy channels Elvis, best impersonation since Gary Busey did Buddy Holly. The family blessed the movie. After making the movie, he said it was hard to get back to being himself. Reviews say this is the dark Elvis, the underbelly. Meh, didn't go into Pracilla being underage. Didn't dig too deeply into the drug problem that killed him. Overall an amazing movie. He should get awards for the performance. Conflicted and pushed by Col Parker the shuckster. I remembered seeing him on TV in his Aloha concert. Wish I could have seen a few artists in person: Elvis, Prince, Stevie Ray Vaughn and Queen. Watching this movie even reinforced this truth.
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Amazing remake
21 September 2022
They got the original song, big get. The actors were top notch. I thought Gere was the only one who could play this part but the new guy kills it, embodies Richard. Rosie was the only severe disappointment, cost them 2 stars. Just zero there talent, a blank wall. The story is good, compelling but dark. Lays the groundwork for the movie. Art is born out of struggle. Julian becomes an artist. He is bought and sold his whole life. It gives depth to the character that wasn't there before. Good music. Good sex. I'll watch it. It will be interesting how they roll it out. If they keep it fun and stay away from agendas.
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Purple Hearts (2022)
She was a hot mess
13 September 2022
But it got better. As a third generation career military man, they got the military stuff right. She starts as an ultra liberal California girl whose mess of a life is the government and everyone else's fault. Illegals are entitled to citizen rights. Guns are bad. Military's mission is wrong. Medical care is a right. Hating the people trying to kill you is weak. THEN she starts to see life through his eyes. Real life. They marry so her diabetic health care is covered and he can pay an old debt. Don't watch the commercial because all that is in it! We liked it. It was predictable and Hallmark with a twist but it was true to life. The military stuff was well-done. One of the better things on this channel this year. Getting crazy good reviews.
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No! Unwatchable
12 September 2022
Dunham should have clued us in to skip this. Pretty sure they just had an outline and said "be funny." This had to be a $100k project: terrible direction, bad editing, bad sound, bad acting. Only the baby was worthwhile. Grainy like a VHS video from 1988. Boring as the 4 of 10 rating would make you think. Anna must have owed Dunham money or lost a bet. "A drunk aunt comes to visit and overstays her welcome" was the pitch. They release this but shelve "Batgirl?" Terrible, bad, not good. Do not waste time on this stinker. Oh, I need a book because I didn't like it. Gotta type more about Dunham and her book where she says admits to assaulting her brother and sister as children. This is that but in a ninty minute movie.
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Selling Tampa (2021)
Lived in Tampa, what is this?
9 September 2022
Thought this would be a fun tour of beautiful Tampa. Wanted to see beaches and beautiful homes. Instead, we got a dark drama like wives of Atlanta but some real estate stuff to distract from the dark drama. This was unwatchable. The going rate is 3 of 10 but no way this was up to a 3. If your life is boring and you demand drama of others without any beautiful beaches then enjoy this hot mess. Pass and hard pass to the pass. For some reason, if you give a low score on here you have to write a book. This is the book. And on and on for lots of words. To fill out the book you see. Book .. the past tense is booked. And future to book.
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