
22 Reviews
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Cillian Murphy. That is all.
24 July 2023
Nolan simply does not miss.

The only complaint I can think of for this film is that it's a tad too long. Other than that, it's basically a masterpiece.

Every single performance is off the charts. Downey Jr. Surprised me the most with his dramatic and aggressive role. Matt Damon, Emily Blunt and Florence Pugh were all fantastic as usual and didn't miss a beat anywhere in the runtime.

It's Cillian Murphy however, that gives the most memorable, emotional, gut wrenching and insightful performance of the film. He is absolutely sublime. Watching him in this film made me proud to be Irish. Not only does he look like Dr. Oppenheimer, he sounds and moves just like him too. This will without a doubt be his defining role in the decades to come. He was quite literally perfect.

Nolan is of course on the ball once again. The film looks amazing, sounds incredible and keeps the intensity throughout. There was one particular scene where I actually couldn't sit still. I was a sweating mess. But that's what films should do. They should take us to uncomfortable and difficult places and make us want more.

This one will be remembered.
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Bo Burnham: Inside (2021 TV Special)
3 June 2021
This simply has no right being as good as it is. If this special does anything, it shows off the incredible talent this man possesses. Fantastic, thought provoking and hilarious.
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
As good as it gets.
12 February 2021
There are amazing shows, then there are unbelievable shows and then there is Breaking Bad. Virtually faultless, all 5 seasons of the show are absolutely stunning achievements in acting, writing and filmmaking in general.

I have never seen anything like Breaking Bad and I don't believe I will again. The plot is clever and unmissable. As the seasons go on, it gradually becomes more and more addictive to the point of insanity.

This is the only 10/10 I have ever given and I totally stand by it. There is truly nothing out there quite like Breaking Bad.
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Tarantino takes on WWII.
19 July 2020
You get exactly what you'd expect from a Tarantino take on the Second World War, a war film unlike any other. Tarantino's re-telling of history is a modern masterpiece and deserves every bit of praise it receives. The acting, writing and direction are all fantastic and proves yet again why Quentin is one of the worlds most beloved filmmakers. Christoph Waltz is quite literally perfect in every scene he's in. This one's a joy.
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Anti-conformity at its most inspiring.
17 June 2020
Do not go where society tells you to. Find the things you love and pursue them with every fibre of your being until the day you die. That's the message I took from Dead Poets Society. Weird, inspiring and heartbreaking, DPS is a one of a kind film and one of the reasons Robin Williams is so renowned worldwide as not just a comedian, but a remarkable actor as well. After watching this movie you'll want to change the world. Amazing!
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12 Angry Men (1957)
Exceptional even 60+ years on.
15 June 2020
This film to me was simply about standing up for what you believe in, even if the majority are against you. Henry Fonda's character, Davis, stands lonesome against 11 men in a battle that will determine another young mans life. As the story moves along you as the viewer are compelled to the minority's side as are the other men around Davis. I was enthralled the whole way through and believe it is still, even 63 years on, worth a watch. It is still as educational today as it was in 1957. Fantastic performances and heart wrenching dialogue, this one is a true classic.
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Now that's more like it!
23 May 2020
Not just the best prequel but one of the best Star Wars films period. The stakes are higher, the emotions deeper and the performances much more relatable and real. This one far outweighs its two predecessors in quite literally every way. The action elements are turned up to 90 and you can really feel the tension surrounding each of our characters. Not perfect by any means but way above average and a fantastic departure from the boredom and staleness of Episode I and Episode II. This film really makes it mark on the franchise and while watching it, you can't help but feel that this is the story Lucas wanted to tell all along. Extremely entertaining and absolutely devastating.
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23 May 2020
Episode II for me is on the same level as it's predecessor. Not spectacular by any stretch of the imagination but certainly not the worst film ever made as it is so often made out to be. What really kills the film, so much like the previous instalment, is the acting and dialogue. The story itself is once again completely adequate, but the execution of this is all over the place. The pairing of Anakin and Padmé could've been the most intriguing part of the film but it ends up just coming across as cringeworthy. The horrors Anakin is forced to bear with regard to his mother should've made for the best scenes of the entire film, but instead, just comes across as weightless and poorly performed. I have nothing against Hayden Christensen as an actor or a person, but I really don't feel he was right for the role. He tries very hard in all of his scenes but it ends up looking a bit over the top and cringeworthy. I don't blame him entirely however as George Lucas has shown with the Prequels and even parts of the Originals, that he simply isn't a gifted writer when it comes to dialogue. This one misses for me.
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This is NOT the worst film ever made.
23 May 2020
In terms of filmmaking, I think we can all agree that the prequels, for the most part, don't stand up to the standard of the original trilogy even a little bit. The prequel trilogy begins here with a lacklustre introduction at best. With clunky, cringeworthy dialogue, bland performances and many strange casting choices, Episode I has a special place in my heart only for nostalgia. But on a technical level, this one simply didn't cut it. Average at best, but I feel like I'm being generous in saying that, if this didn't have the Star Wars logo on the cover, I would probably be saying much worse, but the love and nostalgia I feel for this franchise holds me back from doing so. All in all, I have never felt that the prequels 'ruined' the franchise in any way. For the most part I actually think the story on its own (acting and execution aside) is very good and one that deserves a lot more credit.
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Superbad (2007)
The Greatest Teen Comedy of All Time.
17 May 2020
The combination of genius comical writing and hilariously over the top performances makes this easily one of the best comedies ever made. Every joke hits perfectly and the protagonists problems as soon to be college students feel relatable and real. Perfectly cast in every role, Superbad is not only a non stop laugh out loud experience but also one of the most quotable movies of all time. Genuinely hysterical and unforgettable. I love this one.
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The Big Year (2011)
Diamond in the Rough.
17 May 2020
A film that keeps you enticed from start to finish, The Big Year engrosses even the most uninterested in the world of Birding. Sweet, charming and well written, with fantastic cinematography and wonderful performances, it's final message is one we can all take on board. Criminally underrated!
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About Time (I) (2013)
Just wonderful.
7 May 2020
Easily the most overlooked film of the 2010s. Beautifully written and wonderfully performed, the feel of this film is so unbelievably unique and lovely. The range of emotions and relatability it packs into its run time is truly remarkable. Every actor is on point, specifically Bill Nighy who is tremendous from start to finish. Delightful, devastating, wonderful, horrible and overall, inspiring.
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Rocky Balboa (2006)
A pleasant surprise.
6 May 2020
This film is better than Rocky III, IV and V in my opinion. Just from a filmmaking standpoint this film easily beats IV and V and just edges out III for me. The performances are much more believable and the direction takes centre stage as one of the best in the series. Easily the best in the franchise since Rocky II in my opinion. Stallone is at his best here and very motivational the whole way through. Very entertaining!
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Rocky V (1990)
Not terrible but forgettable.
6 May 2020
There isn't much to say about Rocky V. Compared to the first four instalments in the franchise it's totally boring and unimaginative. I still believe the series should've ended after Rocky III to serve as a complete trilogy as Rocky IV is where the series begins to slip. This however, was the straw that broke the camels back for me. Each film got consistently worse as the series went along and this one totally misses the mark. There were strong scenes with some good acting that would've been so much better had the film itself been a great one but overall, it's a no from me.
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Rocky IV (1985)
Damn entertaining.
6 May 2020
What I feel was a strong trilogy already, began to lose some of its spark in this one I felt. The fourth instalment is definitely missing the heart of the first two and the direction of the third. Extremely entertaining in a comic book sort of way from start to finish and very re-watchable but from a filmmaking point of view and up against the first three films, this one really doesn't make the cut for me.
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Rocky III (1982)
Definitely underrated.
5 May 2020
I've always felt the first two movies were necessary in Rocky's story of going from an underdog nobody to a well respected world champion and that the next 4 sequels were quite the opposite - unnecessary. Although I still believe that, I do feel like Rocky III is very much an underrated film, not just in the series but in general too. Showing Rocky's shift towards retirement was a satisfying way to finish off the trilogy and where I feel it should have ended.
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Rocky II (1979)
Unforgettable third act.
4 May 2020
Rocky II feels as though it's been cut from the same cloth as it's the original and that's what makes it so familiar and enjoyable. The next 4 sequels have a very different feel about them, each more unlike the next, while Rocky and Rocky II feel like a completed set. You could honestly cut these two together and watch it seamlessly enough. While Rocky spent time introducing characters and setting up the protagonist as a legit underdog, Rocky II has no obligation to do this and instead explores Rocky's new found fame and the reasons why he ends up going for the rematch against Apollo after he originally retired. This sequel is not better than the original but it is a fitting (and dare I say, necessary) second chapter. The final act is especially brilliant and hits home right to the end.
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Rocky (1976)
So loved yet still so underrated.
4 May 2020
Rocky has turned into a cultural icon for both boxing movies and underdogs alike, but what isn't talked about enough is how good the actual filmmaking is. It's full of terrific performances from pretty much everyone, heart wrenching scenes that really get you on this guys side and beautiful music to make what is already a great film into an unforgettable and iconic one. The final act is absolutely breathtaking and is easily one of the best films of the 1970s. Say what you want about the sequels, but this one takes the cake as far as filmmaking is concerned. Fantastic!
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Eddie Redmayne is extraordinary.
2 May 2020
It's not often, but every now and then a part in a film is perfectly cast. Marlon Brando as Don Corleone, Heath Ledger as the Joker and Joe Pesci as Tommy DeVito in Goodfellas come to mind. Although I don't think this film is of the same calibre as The Godfather, The Dark Knight or Goodfellas, Redmayne's casting and performance is certainly on par with these great casting choices. The film itself is devastating, offering the viewer an insight into the world of a genius hindered by a horrific physical disease. More so than his intelligence, Hawking is shown to be something so much more important: inspiring.
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Fight Club (1999)
This is why we watch movies.
30 April 2020
Fight Club does exactly what movies should do, blow our minds, make us ask questions of ourselves and our society, and all the while thoroughly entertain us. Edward Norton and Brad Pitt are at their very best.
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Oh my god.
21 April 2020
Mind blowing does not do this one justice. Slow and methodical for the duration, it's easy to imagine a younger audience being bored by this one. However, upon closer inspection, this film is nothing short of a spectacular achievement in filmmaking. Easily Stanley Kubrick's number one film in my opinion and one the greatest films ever put to screen. Everything about it has great weight and importance to it and will have you drooling for more information. Beautifully shot, perfectly edited and unfortunately probably couldn't be made today. Excellent!
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20 November 2019
This film is the most consistent and perfectly paced film of all time. I've never seen anything like it. Please just watch this film and you'll see what I mean. Someone tell Neil Breen to make a sequel.
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