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John On Top Of A Skyscraper
3 April 2024
Our positive or negative opinion on IMDb or any forum about movies and series originates from our culture, morals, spirit, history, upbringing and family. Be comfortable to express your opinion and also be calm and patient when reading or listening to others' opinions; Because we don't know what happened to him and where this way of thinking comes from !!!

Here, I was more with "John Luther" and all my efforts were to understand and have feelings similar to him. His high sensitivity to details and flexibility are commendable. Why does he tolerate it? Why is it more of a listener than a responder? What is the priority of his world? Can I be the "John Luther" of my life?

The best part of any crime story is to have a worthy and suitable hero of the subject so that it establishes a pleasant balance between the different parts of the story.

"Idris Elba" with his sweet British accent has doubled the beauty of this work like Luther series.

The only line that made me watch the movie to the end is Idris Elba's performance, which is still charismatic and attractive despite the weak material. He can portray Luther's confusion, fear, courage, loyalty and inner determination with delicacy and detail. However, it had weaknesses that more or less jeopardized the originality of the story and I hope it will be resolved in the new episode or series. (It usually doesn't!)

Sit and watch in silence...
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The Cleaning Lady (2022– )
It Is Rare That Someone's Inside And Outside Are The Same !
3 April 2024
Everything is ready for you to enter the story clearly! An independent and successful woman with many exceptional skills.

I have seen similar storylines where an illegal immigrant is forced to participate in a complex operation (a crime scene cleaner for a foreign mob) in the real world and in the movie world. The first character in the story is a doctor, which is much more important to immigrants (legal or illegal) than most people think. Humanity is always beautiful and befitting the heroes of stories and the real world...

There are literally thousands of (immigrant) parents around the world seeking treatment for their children's rare diseases and I am sure they are willing to do anything legal or illegal to ensure their child receives medical care.

Do not settle for the first parts of the series! Think, be patient and watch.
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The Gentlemen (2024)
The Hardest Thing Is To Be A Gentleman !
24 March 2024
Netflix is generally looking for maximum sales rather than story appeal and creating something new!

Most Netflix productions are mediocre at best, and most of them you forget about after watching because it's so monotonous. Only luxury and wealth. The Gentlemen is completely different and may actually be one of the best shows I've ever seen.

It can be said that superior acting, superior directing, superior writing, basically above everything else. Guy Ritchie is in perfect form here.

The Irish writer-director beautifully showcases witty dialogue and complex, yet funny characters and their twists and turns and a solid storyline.

It is suggested to sit and watch in peace.
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Retribution (I) (2023)
Wrong Direction !
23 March 2024
The acting and characters are dull and underdeveloped.

I love Liam (Neeson), so obviously I had to see it. If only I could make up for the time I lost after watching this horribly bad, pointless stupid garbage. The one thing this movie constantly makes you aware of is the fact that in real everyday life, people just don't listen! So, please just listen to every plea ignored by the various parties in the video. The director seems to have done everything wrong... on purpose!

There's no logical sensibility about anything in this movie, especially about Interpol's callous female police chief. He is given a ton of cases to solve with relevant information, but refuses to listen or believe any of them. This movie is just completely stupid annoying garbage.

This is Liam's most bad movie in a row, so we can only hope he's back to his good self in his next outing!
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Family Is Everything.
22 March 2024
Exercising is a part of my daily life and I love sports; Is this movie about sports? I would like it to be but!!! ...

The story may be a bit cliché, but it was enjoyable all the same. Synopsis: A father and a grown daughter try to bond through baseball scouting. There is drama, laughter and even a few tears along the way.

Gus is an aging scout for the Atlanta Braves who is struggling with his eyesight, and the front office has doubts about whether he is still in the scouting business. Gus is a grumpy old man who actually adds a lot of humor to the film. His daughter Mickey realizes her father is in trouble, reluctantly takes on the role of caretaker, and knows more about baseball than anyone else in the movie. Why???

I think the whole cast definitely made this movie better and it was a lot of fun.

Sometimes you may go deeper into the meaning of the movie and its sequel in your middle age and think... this is beautiful.

Hoping to have a happy spirit in old age.
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Miller's Girl (2024)
Is Every Choice The Best Choice?
16 March 2024
Why shouldn't extremes be avoided? Is it far from humanity? That's the point! This is a true story about a girl who feels alone and no one cares about her and has no escape; He reads books most of the time and goes to school which has made him very smart. He meets a teacher who is involved in sexual matters.

Maybe the story of this movie is not often noticed, but let's not forget that this series of cases is common among us humans and definitely needs attention!

Exaggeration in satisfying the needs by using the shortest routes definitely always comes to the mind of all people, but few people choose it.

All in all, this movie could have been much more exciting, shocking, confusing and captivating, but the writer seems to have tried to be concise and useful.
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Damsel (2024)
It's All A Lie !
15 March 2024
I usually don't spend time on this type of movie and I summarize 2 hours in 10 minutes and I don't have a special opinion about it...

I believed that maybe this content would be independent of attracting viewers and selling tickets, and I would be entertained; Or Millie Bobby Brown shines like Stranger Things, but no! It didn't happen. Arrogance, talkativeness, unclear purpose, and the story is based solely on a legend without support, it has made a difficult path for itself and is not attractive at all... The dream has a limit and it should not be too far from the expectation!!!!! Ahhhhhh

A story with teenage content and often simple for general understanding (teenagers) that may not affect a viewer of the best series and movies of the century!

I recommend you run away from this attractive banner and thriller and go to other works in the world of movies and series.
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5 Seconds Was Enough
14 March 2024
Ben Affleck's unique performance in the role of Christian and his understanding of his 3rd degree autism and its combination with a dynamic and transparent story were very heartwarming and spectacular.

Christian is a brilliant accountant, who has a serious flaw in the emotional and communication categories. He plays with an understanding of discontent that is almost comical; He is hired by all kinds of wealthy and criminal businessmen and governments to audit their account books or whatever is needed to detect fraud or put the accounts in order. You will see this with his latest project, which is the robotics company (moments when he shows his superiority over other accountants in a job interview or during accounting and working with magic).

Like all heroes, real or imagined, he was trained to defend himself by a ruthless military father who knew his son would always be treated differently...

Exactly, the movie had 5 wonderful seconds in its final moments, the place where I said to myself, Wow, score 7.

More explanation will reduce the strength of the effect, see and enjoy. It is definitely worth a visit.
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Erin Is A Mother .
12 March 2024
A Mother = The Most Devoted Person For Her Child

Erin was incomprehensible at first because hiding any secret has its own difficulties. Erin seemed like a caring teacher who is haunted by a dark past, yet she has hope and pretends to be happy. Also, her daughter Harper made me think because she was also a traumatized child and it was very clear.

The story goes on clearly and clearly, however, from the middle of the third part, it gets a little "Super Erin" phase! Netflix has tried to show the real world, but the content has been slightly exaggerated and this is inevitable.

This collection can have a second season, provided that there is a little challenge based on logic in it.
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Radical (2023)
Teacher, The Most Difficult Job In The World
11 March 2024
"Eugenio Derbez" is really spectacular in the role of the teacher. In my opinion, he is one of the best Mexican actors.

This movie tries not to talk too much about the bad atmosphere prevailing in the city and most of the story follows the events inside the school. You will see beautifully how dynamically and intelligently children can think and give deep opinions.

The acting of that girl when she quotes Stuart Mill and where she talks about selling boat tickets is highly commendable.

Xvarez is a teacher who is always caring and persistent in studying and understanding the subjects of the students, and this is amazing; Because he is trying to establish order in the chaotic world around him.

If you are interested in sweet Mexican language, I recommend this movie. Long live teachers and education.
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Luther (2010– )
Sacrifice To The Point Of Absurdity
9 March 2024
>>>>>>>> It was short and valuable It is recommended <<<<<<<<

I saw the first part with the view that this series will not be pleasant, but in the first part I was convinced to see the end of it!! A policeman who tries to do the right thing, even if it is not the right way! And this is closer to the truth of the human heart.

I have watched a lot of movies and series and my sensitivity level is extremely high, however, I was worried, sad and happy for John Luther, and this is the purpose of the show.

John Luther, calm behavior despite the complexity of the character, efforts in the path of values with the understanding that everything is not always right! John rarely laughs, but he seems to be relatively happy inside because he sees success within reach. In this series, you are sure that John will win, and this is important, but why does such a feeling dominate the viewer? Congratulations to the writer of the story, the director and the correct choice of actors...

Sometimes you may feel that Luther goes beyond expectations, but don't forget that the principle is role-playing and playing with the story, not what we want; So watch carefully the author's story and purpose.

Remember, having fun is not difficult, it takes training.
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The Blacklist (2013–2023)
The Confrontation Between Emotion And Logic, A Sweet Or Painful Competition?
28 February 2024
James Spader, the first or sometimes the second role in this long and attractive series.

Of course, the length of the series will make the characters seem more complicated and not have that initial charm, or you will experience monotony and make a wrong judgment.

"Red Reddington" has two lines of behavior that include dealing with people inside or outside his area. In the first state, he is a caring, devoted, emotional and flexible father, and in the second state, he is completely logical, violent and careless.

Let's remember what happened to him and what the purpose of the story is and why "Red Reddington" is trying to do this.

For me, details are very important and I enjoyed watching this series because the attention to this issue is quite obvious in the story.

You might get bored after watching a few episodes or 1 season, but just stop watching for a few days and start watching again! The result of this work will be amazing for you.

With all these words, the story line sometimes goes off track and we see many mistakes of the characters, where it may not be very attractive.

It would have been more lovely if better supporting actors were used in front of Spader, this would certainly have an effect on the progress of the series.
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The New Title >>> The Walking Live
28 February 2024
Why didn't I get a new feeling!!! The script condemned to oblivion and slow filming, as well as systematic and complex editing, which makes the beginning of this new series even less interesting than expected.

I saw The Walking Dead for the first time years ago, and I still don't remember it very well, but I do remember it becoming a monotonously boring story to the point where I didn't care if the characters lived or died. I was just following up in hopes of progress in the next episodes and a sense of youth.

In this context, I would like to say that the trailer of the season did not look promising and unfortunately that's what happened!

Anyway, since the whole world of The Walking Dead is completely doomed and has the same and monotonous story line, it would be better if they take a big step for change, for example, go for The Walking Live title.
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Ramy (2019– )
My Religion Or Yours, Which One Do I Want?
28 February 2024
Ramy is lovable and calm, and sometimes like any other person, he rushes when he makes a decision, he knows the difference between good and bad, and his actions make him blame himself in the future. This feature in his religion causes restrictions to be put in his way, but he makes interesting decisions... You will see that this show deals with important points and issues for Muslims with Arab background and cultural restrictions and maybe more or less national religion.

I have personally seen with my own eyes and I know how hurtful this religious difference and cultural difference is, and the author's goal is definitely positive, but you will also see that there is a lot of exaggeration in the series; That's why I gave it a score of 6 to reduce my bias!

Anyway, such wonderful actors who have never been seen, play a pillar and extraordinary role that is commendable in its place, maybe they should have been placed at the level of Oscar acting.
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Flex x Cop (2024)
It Is Recommended For Emotional People
26 February 2024
I have seen the last episode that aired.

Showing compassion, risk-taking and ethics along with intelligence, wealth and ambition A simple yet interesting story line. The chosen couple have deeply immersed themselves in the role and are more or less compatible; Maybe completely, I don't know, maybe I'm obsessed and I don't think so!

The music in the background plays a certain calm, which is interesting and risky in the genre of adventure and action. I enjoyed .

The world of Korea is beautiful, but the author has tried to focus all attention on the story rather than the special effect, around the characters and the display of Korea.

Go into the details of the characters in the story, you will definitely enjoy it.
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How To Respect The Viewer's Eyes And Ears?
26 February 2024
You may say that in the title of the article, I have taken too much of a front, but this is the real feeling. In most parts of this series, there is a contradiction, which is painful for the careful and well-informed viewer.

This series looks like it was written by a kid, as the crew's mind seems to be more plot driven than reality!.

It's no surprise that the original creators have abandoned the project as this new director has no creativity, talent or loyalty to the original series. It's not bad to change things, but if it's to the detriment of the plot, characters, or world of the show, leave it to someone else.

In the hope of progress and honoring the field of deep and valuable films and series. At least watchable and listenable!!!
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The Last of Us (2023– )
1 2 3 > Can You Guess The Next Number? As Simple As That
25 February 2024
It could have been better if they didn't just play the role of an actor. Joel is unique and almost 90% of the attention is on him. Although the story has nothing to offer other than Joel and his surroundings, votes, advertisements and the HBO brand have created another image of this series!!!

What you will see is a picture of buildings and sets that look very fake and artificial and an apocalyptic adventure similar to the flagships of this title, which includes zombies (monsters infected with anger) or anything else that is on a planet facing Destruction is rampant.

There is some creativity and intelligence in this version. The actors are quite good, the special effects are great but the stuff is predictable and as far as the story goes it's nothing we haven't seen, heard or cared about before.
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Jumong (2006–2007)
81 Episodes About Jumong !WoW
23 February 2024
This series was aired on the national media of my country about 15 years ago and has been airing until now.

I saw this series again after 10 years in 7 days and my past memories were renewed with this series.

In terms of content, meaning and story line, it is not very complicated and it will involve the emotions simply.

Producing more than 80 episodes has been really difficult and challenging.

This story is based on the legend of Jumong in reality and is considered a part of the history of the people of that time.

Undoubtedly, he was a unique king in his time.

If you want to watch this series for the first time, I suggest you read about Jomong's story first.
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Change Isn't Always Positive!
10 January 2024
My God ! I think it was a year since they released the trailer of the movie and I was waiting for it with great enthusiasm.

The narration of the story and the soundtrack were good, but I am not sure about the choice of actors.

The ending was very incomprehensible, if it doesn't continue, it will make watching this movie really worthless.

It was not really clear what happened to the girl and what really happened that Snow was transformed like that; Apart from this, as much as this movie raised questions in my mind, I don't think it answered that much!!!

I miss the previous episodes! For a moment, a smile appeared on my face.
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Hail, Caesar! (2016)
Don't Waste Your Time And Money For This Or Live With This Movie .... Goddd!!
27 August 2023
Attention, If you know your movie history you will love the pastiches and the clever little jokes that are sprinkled throughout. Otherwise, you might not get the point.

I understand why this movie gets better reviews from critics than from general audiences. It's not one of the fast and furious Coen brothers' offerings, and unless you know the movies of the period pretty well, plus some of the history of the anti-Commie hysteria then, many of the sly little jokes will pass you by. It also helps if you have ever been an extra, which mostly consists of hurry up and wait.

Josh Brolin has turned into a wonderful chameleon-like character actor. His Chandler-esque studio boss is pitch perfect. Who would have guessed from his early days that he had this much talent? Tilda Swinton is perfectly cast as twin sister gossip columnists, standing in for Hedda Hopper and Louella Parsons.

George Clooney does one of his marvelous clueless roles, and gets to show off his excellent legs since he's in centurion costume for the whole thing, pesky gladius and all. Ralph Fiennes is deliciously smarmy, and I had no idea that Channing Tatum was such a good tap dancer. And if that is really him singing I hope they bring back movie musicals in a big way.
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Alexander (2004)
Best of the greatest Generals of all time (Kidding)
27 August 2023
I met Oliver Stone while sitting at one of my regular coffee haunts in southern California, when he asked about what I was reading. I said it was my favorite biography on Alexander and that it was for the the 6th or 7th time, that it was the only one I know of written by a woman, and it was by far the best one. I told him I had read 5 including 2 from the ancient sources, and I do not read biographies. That Alexander had been my only exception. While we were talking, it seemed that he looked vaguely familiar, but I didn't know who he was until hearing months later that someone was making a movie about Alexander.

When I found out that it was Oliver Stone doing the picture, I just shook my head and smiled. We had been the only 2 people on the small patio of this downtown coffee house. Years later when I discovered he had donated 100k to the foundation (?) of this long dead Oxford graduate lesbian who lived in South Africa, whose writing seems to be generally disliked by classicists and scholars everywhere - I was certain it was him. At one point while asking me about the book, I told him no one had the balls to make a movie about Alexander. Not a real one. He must have taken it as a challenge. But then if you know his movies, someone like him would.

I don't have time to go into all the error, misunderstanding and lack of well known and widely available historical knowledge by so many, of the same sex relations during the entire span of ancient Greek might. From Homer to the Spartan hegemony to 5th century Athens to the Empire of Alexander, almost everybody did it, they were all married - and nobody was gay. Such terms, the idea and attitude they convey, as well as modern societal norms did not exist in that society or at that time. It is a historical non sequitur to apply what we know and how we live to what they knew and how they lived. And that's coming from a Preacher, who believes every word of the Bible. I just happen to like Alexander, and have studied him for almost 20 years now.

This film is highly accurate and well worth watching. But if you're not interested in Alexander - you won't be in the film. It's about one of the most influential men in history, but it is about a man. It's a great war flick also, but the action is incidental to the man. Not the other way around. With the exception of one movie with Richard Burton from at least 50 years ago, there are no other films about Alexander. It has a great cast with all giving strong performances, and Colin Farrell was perfect as Alexander.

We're talking about a guy who named one town after his horse and another after his dog. Who gave lavishly to everybody, inspired lifelong loyalty and rewarded it. Who knew thousands of his men by their first names and had personally saved many of their lives as well as payed off many of their debts - with his own money. He restored many conquered rulers to their former place (under him of course), and tolerated to live many who he knew hated him and wanted him dead - both in Athens and in his own camp - when he could have easily had them killed and nobody would have said anything, but he did not. Arrian says of Alexander that unlike other Kings, he repented when he knew he had done wrong. Knowing all that will help you know the man a little, and I think help you enjoy the film more.

I have read a fair amount by men who seemed to me jealous of him, and others who made the aforementioned non sequitur of judging him by the standards of their day instead of those of his own. It's also worth remembering that one of his boyhood friends and most trusted generals, Ptolemy, was the man responsible for the Hebrew Bible being translated into Greek - giving us the Septuagint. His son ( Ptolemy Philadelphus) finished the project. Giving us the very foundation for the Bible we have today.

When Alexander became King of Macedon at a little past 20 years old, all that he had inherited from his father were a few gold and silver cups, less than 60 talents in the treasury and debts of 500 that he owed. Upon borrowing 800 more, he gave away everything he had to friends and loyal supporters, some would take nothing from him. The man who would become his second in command, Perdiccas, asked him"What are you keeping for yourself ?" "Hope," said Alexander, to which Perdiccas replied "That I'll share."
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Californication (2007–2014)
I Am Californication
6 June 2023
Well, Californication got nominated to 2 golden globes and won one even though it's a series that doesn't cover a big age range. I'm just afraid Hollywood will screw up as it always does and pull the show off the air.

I've never seen a show quite like this...the humor totally rocks; I especially love how witty it is, like when Hank says something like, "Shrivel me testes". The characters and their interactions are top-notch and I enjoy every minute of it.

The series has a lot of potential and it's not a 100% clear where it might take us if it gets picked up. Let's hope showtime has the guts to give duchovny a chance to show of his talent. For my part i loved his performance and that it would be good thing to have him back on a TV series.

I like this seris ...woowowo.
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Psycho (1960)
Come On, ... !
29 January 2023
Believe whatever you see!

First, I would call this more of a suspense movie with a touch of slasher movie thrown in than a horror movie, although that's admittedly through a modern lens.

There are really only a couple of scenes that were "horrific" - one being the famous shower scene and one being the revelation of Norman's mother near the end of the movie.

Otherwise you get a mystery - with the end surprise being fairly clearly telegraphed to anyone who was paying attention.

The suspense starts with Marion (Leigh) stealing a large sum of money from the real estate agency where she works and running off, eventually coming to the Bates Motel to spend the night.

Since the murder in the shower is the classic scene of the movie, you don't expect it to come as early as it does, and you don't expect that so much of the movie is going to revolve around Lila (Miles) and Sam (Gavin) as they search for Marion. A lot has already been said about this film, so I won't comment too much on what it's actually about, and instead I'll only comment on significance and my reactions to it.

"Psycho" has a plot based heavily in reality: adapted from the novel of the same name by Robert Bloch, the book and film were loosely based on the crimes of real-life Wisconsin serial killer Ed Gein.

"Psycho" finds its story revolving around Marion Crane (the late Janet Leigh), a lowly Phoenix, Arizona, secretary who embezzles $40,000 from her boss and hits the road, later stopping in at the isolated Bates Motel, and meets the owner and sole employee of the establishment, Norman Bates (the late Anthony Perkins).
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You (2018–2024)
Why not me?
14 January 2023
What I enjoyed about season 1 and to a lesser extent season 2 was its creativity. But season 3...! Dear author, why did you do that? You continued with the same creativity and initiative!!!! Hope for the next season!

Each episode has prepared many details for you and if you can pay close attention, enjoying watching is the least thing you will get. Sometimes you will be happy about the events and sometimes you will be sad, but don't worry because life is not possible without challenges. Think about it! Life from the perspective of this series...

The main character is hard to relate to at times but understandably so, Love's acting is terrible and the whole plot is simply incredible.

This series is not narrated from the third person perspective because the way the show is changed by Joe's thoughts is what keeps it so raw and makes the show not boring; But since we are in the role of a serial killer, we are interested in it.

Good and bad, enjoy watching.
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Angelyne (2022)
Hidden honesty, the mind's effort to explore !
3 January 2023
At first, the character "Emmy Rossum" is extremely attractive and deeply immersed in his role, which is a sign of his right choice. This small series puts you and your mind in an illusory space with the question: which narrator is telling the truth and which one is hiding it. At the same time, the path and the main story are being followed...

The guy who played Scott Hennig aka "Rick Krause" was exceptional and nailed his persona as well as the guy who played Hugo. It's a television show, so yeah, it's not all accurate.

It was very well done.

Angeline's lovely personality and her vision of the world around her, along with instructive points in our lives, are admirable.
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