
31 Reviews
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Madame Web (2024)
Not a bad little movie.
19 February 2024
I want to start off by saying that when the MCU first took off my family were always first in line for every movie, and we stayed until the house lights came up. My youngest used to get mad and yell at people when they left before the stingers. Then Avengers Endgame came and we had the loud, large, raucous ending we had waited for for 11 years. And oh my it was a truly sad but satisfactory ending. Marvel dialed things back after that, but not enough. They were still trying too hard to reach Endgame levels. You can't top that. Nothing will ever be able to top that, and because they kept trying, almost everything except No Way Home, WandaVision, Loki and GotG3 has been just "eh" or in Quantumania and Secret Invasions' case, very extremely sub-par. The Marvels was a decent movie, I didn't hate it, but again, still trying too hard. We're done with it all connecting. I don't have the mental energy for that road again. But here comes Madame Webb. This movie is not a 10, not even an 8, but it's WAY better than some others are saying it is. It was nice to just watch a singular movie. There is a low key nod to the Spider-Man universe, did you catch it? No, this movie won't win any awards, it isn't full of over the top CGI fights and robots and tech, but it was not bad at all. We enjoyed it. I paid full price for tickets and don't regret it. Will I watch it again? Of course, when it hits streaming. It's a perfectly good way to spend a weekend afternoon. All four leading ladies did very nice jobs with what they were given to work with, and if there's a sequel, I'll go see that as well.
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Hocus Pocus 2 (2022)
An unnecessary sequel.
19 March 2023
I love the first movie. It is corny and grand and zany and heartwarming and yes I definitely tear up at the end. The original is a staple replay at Halloween. It is perfection. So why did they make this movie? I have nothing at all against Bette or Kathy or SJP, but I don't understand why they agreed to do this. This movie wasn't horrible terrible, but it wasn't good either. I have nothing bad to say about the young newcomers, this was not their fault. The story was just meh, but the writing was gawd awful. The jokes all felt forced and largely fell flat. The one bright light in this half a$$ed mess of an updated "sequel" was the young actress who played a younger Winifred. Taylor Henderson did a bang up job of doing Bette as Winifred and she is the main thing I remember about this movie. Only watched it the one time, and I'll most likely never watch it again.
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Don't Compare
2 January 2023
Watch it because it's an updated version, with a great cast, of a classic movie. Enjoy it because it's entertaining. Don't compare it because it'll ruin the moment. Too many times people whine about "oh it's not as good as the original". Well yeah, of course it isn't. It's not supposed to be. It's supposed to be an updated version, with an updated cast, an updated story, with updated visuals and updated special effects. It's for a new generation. And if THEY like it, maybe it leads them to see the original. In this case the original and the original original. There's nothing wrong with an update, unless it totally sucks, but this one doesn't, because Denzel is phenomenal as ever, so just watch and enjoy and try not to think too hard about it.
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The 355 (2022)
Why all the hate?
9 July 2022
This movie is not as bad as all these bad reviewers say. It's an action movie, and a fairly decent one at that. It wasn't supposed to be up for movie of the year. So sit back, marvel at some kick ass seasoned actors (this comment directed at the ass who tried to make a crack about older women trying to look young and hot, smh), and just be entertained.
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The Bubble (2022)
Why so serious?
7 April 2022
I don't know why everyone is tanking this movie. It's one of those stupid funny movies you're just supposed to watch and enjoy, not analyze. It had several laugh out loud moments and I'd probably watch it again. It won't win any Oscar's, but it doesn't deserve a Razzie.
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Lighthearted Fun
29 January 2022
Mindless silly and fun movie. It's good for a Saturday afternoon laugh. There's a lot of crass language so parents be aware of that. I found it enjoyable and would watch again if I happened across it while channel surfing.
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I get it.
31 December 2021
Everyone was expecting the awesomeness of the original Matrix, but everything evolves and changes with age. I watched it, I understood what the story was trying to say. I get it. Was it great? It wasn't bad but it was a little better than just ok. Watch, and try not to compare it to the original. Accept it for what it is and it will entertain you.
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29 September 2021
I like the work of most of the actresses in this movie, but this movie is not very good. There could have been a kooky sci-fi flick in here, but the writing and pacing is just godawful. Pass on this one, I wish I had.
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Jolt (2021)
Enjoy it for what it is.
24 July 2021
I can't understand why every one is hating on this movie. It's a mindless summer action flick with a kick ass female. The premiss is interesting, and as long as you don't go into it expecting Oscar winner, it's just fun. Lighten up, geez.
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Not as bad as some are saying.
4 July 2021
Don't overanalyze it, don't overthink it, don't look at the missing details, just enjoy it for the action flick it is and revel in the clichés.
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Cruella (2021)
Emma X 2
19 June 2021
I thought this movie was fantastic. The soundtrack is totally killer, the Emma's are superb, the supporting actors were very well chosen for their parts, and the movie flows so well it doesn't even feel like a 2 hr and 14 min movie. I detracted 1 star for the CGI dogs, but I get it. I paid for the premier access on Disney+ and it was totally worth it as my family has watched it 7 times between three of us. This is one of those movies I will watch over and over in the years to come and never tire of. Well done.
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Elizabethtown (2005)
Why all the hate?
7 May 2021
I don't know why a lot of people think this is the worst movie Crowe ever did. I quite like it. It's quirky, maybe a little over the top at times, but life can be like that... and that's what this movie is about, the quirks and complexities of life. By the way, it does has a quirky, but really good, soundtrack.
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Torn about how to review this one.
31 January 2021
The performances were solid, and the story is slow to build. I felt there was too much drag in the pacing, and when you couple that with the uneasiness it makes you feel, I can understand why some hate this. This one is not an easy watch by any means, and the ending is a little unsatisfying, but I think that's the whole point.
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WandaVision (2021)
I don't understand the low reviews.
16 January 2021
It says right in the Trivia section that this series serves as a link to "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness". That right there should give you a clue that all is far from what it seems. Enjoy the comedy and weirdness now, because I feel there's a turn coming...
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You either love it or hate it.
3 January 2021
Me personally, I embrace the cheesy writing, somewhat bad acting, gaping plot holes and just enjoy it for what it is... an 80's B horror/comedy with a killer soundtrack.
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Simply put, I love this movie.
22 September 2020
I think this is one of Affleck's best roles. It's smartly written and doesn't lag.
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The Old Guard (2020)
Music doesn't fit.
12 July 2020
I liked this movie. Charlize is flawless and badass as always, but what is up with that soundtrack? I like discovering new music through new movies, but I didn't connect with any of the songs and, for me, they just didn't fit. Considering the age of some of these characters, you'd think they would have used music with an older "feeling" to it? Idk, the soundtrack took me out of the movie in most of the scenes. Maybe they should have stuck to an instrumental soundtrack.
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Morning Glory (2010)
Why didn't I hear about this when it came out?
7 June 2020
This movie is chaotic and messy and totally hysterical! I don't know why I've never seen this movie until now? The cast is flawless, but how can you go wrong with Diane Keaton and Harrison Ford? Rachel McAdams is her lovely, quirky self and Jeff Goldblum is just... not in it enough. I recommend this one for a good time.
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Not sure why this "flopped"?
3 May 2020
I'm watching this movie again, after seeing it only once in the theater when it first came out. I remembered that I liked it then, and it's still a fun and entertaining movie now. Not a bad way to spend a few hours on a Sunday in quarantine, if you ask me. Sometimes critics are just too damn serious.
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Enjoyable Flick
6 March 2020
Just a fun, do it because it's right, kinda movie. I like Peter Berg's directorial style, and you can't go wrong with Mark Wahlberg. I hope they make a sequel.
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The Magicians (2015–2020)
Screw you SYFY
4 March 2020
I can't believe they're cancelling this show right as I found it and binged it on Netflix. There will never be enough of Eliot and Margo. Somebody ovary up and pick this show up. Please.
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The Ranch (2016–2020)
22 January 2020
I enjoy the show, I like Dax Shepard, but it's not the same without Rooster.
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Prodigal Son (2019–2021)
Will watch the second episode.
24 September 2019
I found this show interesting enough that I'll be watching the second episode. I can see where some think it rips off Silence of the Lambs, but it's got a slight twist. Michael Sheen has always been a favorite of mine, and who didn't fall in love with Jesus on TWD? The actress that played Alara from The Orville was a nice addition. Looking forward to keeping this one on my watch list, but it's Fox so who knows?
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Popeye (1980)
I love this movie.
7 July 2019
I could care less what any critic or naysayer has to say that would trash this movie. It's corny, it's silly, it's full of odd performances, and it's the most beautiful, pure movie ever. The songs are catchy, Robin was the perfect choice, and so was Shelly. I bought this on dvd many, many years ago and introduced my daughter to it. Now it's one of her favorites as well. Someday we'll get to Malta and visit the actual Sweethaven.
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Robin Hood (2018)
I wasn't THAT bad.
30 June 2019
Prince of Thieves is still my favorite, and this version was definitely better than the one with Russell Crowe. I hardly paid attention to that one at all. Not a bad watch when you're bored on a Sunday afternoon while doing laundry.
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