Review of The Kid

The Kid (1921)
Chaplin sucking it hardcore again
5 June 2004
This was yet another dull and pointless Charlie Chaplin movie. His antics as usual consist of getting hit in the head, doing exaggerated pantomime (sp?), and running around and into various objects. The plot is pretty non-existent but it consists of Chaplin (playing a yet another bum) adopting this orphan kid and the antics that follow. This movie, like pretty much all of Chaplin's work comes off as dated and drags on due to inconsistent plotting. I don't think there is anything that funny about Chaplin's schtick. It might be funny for kids because it plays like a cartoon, but Buster Keaton is vastly superior. Keaton doesn't come off nearly as dated and his movies actually have more of a plot then some poor guy just bumming around. Also his slapstick is more elaborate, creative, and in my opinion memorable. Chaplin benefited heavily at the time because he represented a move away from the rigid Victorian standards of the previous decades, and was a character that a large working class country could identify with. However today he doesn't hold up too well especially when compared with Keaton. Nevertheless if you like this guy then you will probably dismiss what I'm saying and rent or buy (if you're so enclined) this movie. Hopefully though you won't see it, because it sucks. Rent something by Keaton or even the Marx Brothers (if you don't mind talkies) if you are in the mood for a really old comedy, you'll be glad you did.

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