Third Andy Hardy Movie Typical Fun
27 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Judge Hardy and family head to Washington where he and his two children get into trouble. The judge has trouble with the aqueduct situation that first arose in the first Andy Hardy film: A Family Affair. Marion Hardy, Andy's older sister, has romantic trouble with a political hack. Andy gets a crush on a French diplomat's daughter. Andy inadvertently helps the judge solve his own problem when explaining to his dad about his success with girls! Fay Holden frets about her loved ones as Mrs. Hardy. This is a typical, fun family film from the 1930's that is mostly dated today, but it's still entertaining in predictable formula fashion. Mickey Rooney is full of energy again as Andy Hardy, tripping on staircases several times and going bonkers over girls. Ann Rutherford is Polly, and Ruth Hussey has an early role as one of the individuals getting the judge in hot water. The highlight of the film is when Andy "shames" the French diplomat's daughter in front of her tutor, swinging to the "big apple" at a Washington society party for young people. **1/2 of 4 stars.
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