Review of Seven Samurai

Seven Samurai (1954)
9 November 2003
While I'd recommend this movie to anyone who hasn't seen it, I really don't think it's worthy of a top 10 ranking. The storyline was solid, but, like most movies of it's era, the over-acting bordered on being comical. Which brings up a point...I have read several user comments about how older movies don't get a fair shake in the movie rankings. I completely disagree, I think a lot of the "timeless classics" are rated a lot higher than deserved. Fact of the matter is, modern movies ARE better than movies of bygone eras...the acting is better, the storylines are crisper, they're better directed, there's more attention to detail, etc. This is just one guy's opinion, but after watching this movie, ask yourself a question...If this movie were to come out today (with the same acting and directing), would it receive the same high acclaim it enjoys? No way.
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