Good Russ Meyer
8 February 2003
I like GOOD MORNING...AND GOODBYE! Yes, the whole thing is silly. The soapy elements are annoying but visually this movie rocks. Just look at the beginning of the movie, with the credits on the mailboxes. Fun and original. Even though I didn't care much about plight of the old man (impotence), I thought the whole visual juxtaposition of the horny construction worker (who sleeps with every women in town) against the rich old man who can't satisfy his own wife worked in a wicked way, certainly when this culminates in a bloody fist fight between the old man and the beefy construction worker at the end of the movie. Yep, sex and violence. And then there's Haji, who plays the earthy sorceress who helps the old man regain his mojo. She's the film's most beautiful woman, imo. It's obvious Haji had a lot of fun doing this picture.

The film is dated on several levels. But the almost minimalist approach to the filmmaking (and the sometimes stunning photography) gives the movie a sorta timeless feel to it, which counters the really dated aspects. All in all, a pretty good Russ Meyer flick.
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