A delicious dessert of a series
24 June 2002
If you loved the BBC mini-series "Upstairs, Downstairs", you will adore "The Duchess Of Duke Street". Produced by some of the same people, with many of the same actors popping up in character roles, it almost feels like a re-visiting of the Bellamy household to some extent. It's the same Victorian-Edwardian time period, similar examinations of the class differences between servants and masters, same colorful, plucky people going through life discussing politics, war, scandals, etc. Gemma Jones as Louisa Trotter is utterly fantastic in her role, showing multi-layers of this Cockney girl's character that are absolutely fascinating to watch. Gemma had the role of a lifetime in Louisa, and she is simply unforgettable. Christopher Cazenove is so handsome as Charlie Hazelmere he just about takes your breath away. He brightens up every scene he is in with his presence, adorable smile and flashing eyes. Joanna David is touching as the tragic and anorexic Margaret. All the secondary characters will touch your heart and leave a lasting impression: Mary, Starr, The Major, and the hysterically funny Mr. Merriman (same actor who played Soames' father in the original "The Forsyte Saga"). This series is definitely worth the money to obtain all 31 episodes in the currently offered two VHS boxed sets. Just wish it were on DVD. After I purchased mine I watched the entire series straight through on one weekend; it was completely addictive. The video prints for Duchess are of much better quality than the ones for Upstairs, Downstairs, which were grainy and off-colored for the most part. Plus another positive: each tape has three episodes blended into one, without being interrupted by end titles and music. This allows for smooth transitions and a more enjoyable viewing experience, almost like watching a movie. Duchess Of Duke Street is a must-have series for all people who love quality British television.

2006 Update: there are now DVDs for this series, Series One. Hooray! We're anxiously awaiting a DVD box collection here in the US for Series Two.
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