26 November 1999
I saw this film on a triple-bill that included ROBOT MONSTER and PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE. Since those two movies were unqualified stinkers, things didn't bode well for KILLER TOMATOES. But, as I began watching this film, something began to happen. I found myself laughing, but not AT the movie, but WITH it! I saw exactly what they were trying to do and actually got some of the jokes: The black master of disguise who tries to pass as an African-American Hitler; the scuba expert who has to find water to dive in to justify his being part of the mission; the Japanese scientist whose words don't match his lips; the Elvis army number (my highlight) and the commercial parodies. I found them all hilarious. Needless to say, the "Puberty Love" song had me in stitches. All I have to say is just ignore the negative reviews leveled at this film and check it out for yourself. It's not a classic, but you should get more than a few laughs out of it. After all, any movie that has the following lyrics in its theme song can't be ALL bad: "I know I'm gonna miss her/A tomato ate my sister"
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