Sick exploitation fodder
27 December 2002
Imagine my excitement: having searched for this notorious exploitation item for years, I finally track it down whilst on vacation in San Francisco. I spend the rest of the vacation itching to get home to watch it. Then, when I finally get home I discover myself lumbered with possibly the worst, and easily the sickest of all the many JAWS rip offs that have ever been made. Even on an unintentionally funny level, it doesn't work. Rape and wanton carnage are not amusing matters.

The wafer thin plot is about some over sized fish monsters that rise from the ocean deep and bring mayhem to a West Coast fishing community. According to the scientist in the film (a miscast Ann Turkel who pronounces most of the scientific language incorrectly) they are evolving rapidly and need to mate with human women in order to take the next step in their evolutionary process. This is the excuse for some graphic rape sequences, involving naked women being mounted and abused by men in rubber suits. At the end, the monsters attack a seaside carnival, and seem to mysteriously forget their desire to rape and just start ripping off arms and legs and heads of anyone they can find, regardless of gender. The blood spurts out all over the place, but is totally the wrong shade of red to be convincing (it looks more like spare paint from London double decker buses!)

There is a sense of humour to this film, which prevents it from becoming too offensive, but isn't obvious enough to make it a fun experience. The acting is pretty bad, but I suppose if you're going to watch a Doug McClure film you expect that before it's even begun. The logic of the film is left generally untouched.... indeed it is hard to figure out how anyone could make such idiocy logical. This is a bad film and I'm saying that from the point of view of someone who was eager to see it. If you're just watching it because it's a rainy day and it's something you taped out of general curiosity, you'll probably enjoy it even less than me. Seriously: don't bother!
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