11 February 2004
The Fox and the Hound, one of Disney's forgotten treasures, I honestly don't know why this movie is more noticed by people. This is one of my favorite animated movies of all time, it's innocent, it's simple, it's lovely, and just a wonderful tale about the most unlikely pair becoming the best of friends. The Fox and the Hound, yeah, it does go a little overboard on the cuteness factor with baby Tod and baby Copper, but this is when Disney really did mean well and came up with such a sweet and wonderful story that is classic.

After a young red fox is orphaned, he is adopted the Widow Tweed, she names him Tod. Meanwhile, Tweed's neighbor, a hunter named Amos Slade, brings home a young hound puppy named Copper and introduces him to his hunting dog Chief. Tod and Copper become playmates, and vow to remain "friends forever." Slade grows frustrated at Copper for constantly wandering off to play, and places him on a leash. While playing with Copper at his home, Tod awakens Chief. Slade and Chief chase him until they are stopped by Tweed. After an argument, Slade says that he intends to kill Tod at his first opportunity. Hunting season comes and Slade takes his dogs into the wilderness for the interim. Meanwhile, Big Mama explains to Tod that his friendship with Copper cannot continue, as they are natural enemies, but Tod refuses to believe her. Months pass, and Tod and Copper reach adulthood. On the night of Copper's return, Tod sneaks over to meet him. Copper explains that he is a hunting dog now and things are now going to be different between them.

The Fox and the Hound is such a great movie, honestly if you don't like this film, I don't know what's wrong with you, but you need to get something checked because everything about this film is just wonderful. The songs, animation and characters are just lovely. Plus there are some fun jokes, I loved seeing Chief constantly chasing after Tod and then Slade runs over to Tweed's house to scream about the fox but she just kicks his butt and tells him to get off her property. This is such a great movie, I highly recommend you see it if you get the chance.

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