Count Duckula (1988–1993)
Finally, a spinoff show that gets things right!
28 May 2004
Normally, I am rather sceptical about spinoffs. There were usually spin-offs on either obnoxious characters (Teenage Pebbles and Bam-Bam show) or ones that are just too painful to watch (Daria). But the creators of "Danger Mouse" have done something right though. They made a spin off on the occasional Count Duckula character and fleshes out his personality a bit more.

Here, Count Duckula hates blood and loves veggies, but the problem is that he occasionally gets attacked by veggie monsters *L*. Alongside Duckula are the prudish Igor and the clumsy and clutzy Nanny. Together, in their time and space travelling castle, go to various worlds to retrive as much as they could find. However, somethimes they end up forgetting to go back to the castle and end up in the world, but somehow, in the next episode, magically make it back.

Like Danger Mouse, Count Duckula can be found on DVD on ebay or Go fetch it!
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