Fright Night (1985)
Welcome to Fright Night!
25 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I will start off by saying that I am a gigantic fan of Fright Night. It all started when the film made its premiere on HBO. The one part that stuck in my head (besides Sarandon's looks) was "Evil Ed's" transformation from wolf to human. Scared the crap out of me. Well, a couple years later, hitting sixth grade, I found the video at a video store and fell in love with it all over again. A friend and I began huge fans, buying Fangoria magazines and collecting the comic series. I remembering making my parents rent the movie for me so I could watch from evening till seven in the morning! Phew!

Now, some girls would have crushes on things like, New Kids On the Block. Not me! I was infatuated with Chris Sarandon's seductive performance as Jerry Dandridge. Hey, any woman would be nuts not to find this man hot. Definition of tall, dark, and handsome. He could of bit me in a neck and I would of never cared.

As I am at the age of 27, I still have my first and only copy of the film that was boughten for me on my 12th birthday, a tad worn but still plays. I have more of a appreciation for the movie. For all the actors and actresses.

I have the movie memorized, word for ward, even if I go like a year without watching it again. But recently I began to realize that the 20th anniversary for this great horror classic is coming around the bend. I had started a script myself, which I know will fail to be noticed, for such a special occasion. Bringing back all the characters from part one and two, except Peter Vicent since no one but Roddy MacDowall could do the part.

I just want everyone to know that Fright Night is the definition of the perfect eighties Horror film. It is original with it's characters, setting, and the all around story itself. But it also shows the hard work that had gone into it to create those undoubtedly, scarier then crap Dandridge, Evil, Amy, and Billy Coal transformations. Chris Sarandon himself stated it was hell to do the make up for the movie but his character was worth it. I would rather see a film with special make up effects then with the modern computer animation special effects. More work and artistic, hands on talent went into movies like Fright Night. That's why Fright Night stands out as a eighties classic vampire flick.

I personally would like to thank all the actors for the gift of entertainment when making the film. Also the brilliant minds and talented men and women who worked on the film. Fright Night is a movie that has fond memories for me in my child hood. Chris Sarandon will always be my first movie star crush. Dang, he is still hot today! I can't help but still imagine Jerry Dandridge as my perfect, eye candy neighbor.

I would recommend anyone to view this movie. Appreciate it as a art form of entertainment with the taste of horror mixed in there. Enjoy it and love it!

One final statement.....

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