Bloody. Fantastic. Bloody Fantastic!
17 May 2002
I find it hard to classify anything with this much blood, guts, entrails and brain matter as "camp," but others seem to think it is so. They are entitled to their opinions.

The story is what I can't get over; it's really incredible. We've got actual characters here, with inner lives of their own; dreams, hopes, fears, and prejudices. Nobody does anything because it's convenient for the plot, the characters act because that's who they ARE. It's really quite refreshing, actually.

This is the original classic film, though I have it on authority that the comic is better. Be that as it may, this is a wonderful story with some great characters (and cutie females) that doesn't waste a second of its 85-minutes running time.

Supremely good for 1985. Anyone know where I can see the sequel?
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