Review of The Kiss

The Kiss (1988)
Only for fans of Joanna Pacula
11 December 2003
Not a very good horror offering. There was actually some fairly inventive gore. I am a fan of Joanna Pacula, and she was one of the rare bright spots in this film. She is lovely, and a marvelous actress. I wish she had gotten some of the better roles in Hollywood, because I think she would have become a superstar. But I suppose that, at her age, that opportunity will never come to pass. Meredith Selenger and Mimi Kuzyk did as well here as the material allowed. I was very unimpressed with Nicholas Kilbertus. And most of the other criticism I've read about this film is warranted, the gaping plot holes, the over-direction, etc. And, oh, yeah, the evil cat thing looked about as real as the Caddyshack gopher. I can only recommend this to fans of Pacula or Selenger. Grade: F
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