Straight to the scrap heap....
24 August 1999
Is it any wonder Clay isn't in more movies?

Who could stand him for 90 minutes or so? Not too many, judging from how well "The Adventures of Ford Fairlane" did in theatres. Clay's routine transplanted to a detective "comedy" shows pretty much what made Clay what he is today; it's crude, anti-woman, sexist and extremely lunk-headed.

Just like Clay.

I'm not a fan of the Dice-Man, but even fans will notice that he's pretty diluted from his usual profane self. How else could he be considered a "hero", even in sludge like this?

And whoever told Gottfried, Presley, Day, Tone Loc, Sheila E and Vince Neil that this was a good career move deserves the same fate as Clay's career.

In fact, there is only one good thing about this movie, which I'll tell you now so you won't have to seek out this movie to find it.

It's when Gottfried is on an answering system, screeching as only he can, "Is this Chevy Nova, is this the car I want to talk to?"

And if you don't find that funny, by all means, steer clear of this "Ford".

No stars. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

I know, they only go as low as one star here, but this one makes "The Lonely Lady" look like "Birth of a Nation".
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