Omen IV: The Awakening (1991 TV Movie)
What a big, big shame....
1 November 2003
This should have been one to watch....

The Final Conflict (or "Omen III") ended with Damien Thorn being killed with just one of the Daggers of Meggido - therefore whilst the Physical Body was dead, the Spiritual Body is still alive.... it's reborn into a dull TV movie....

There's some good talent on show - the ever-reliable Fay Grant takes the lead, whilst Mikes Wood and Lerner add bolstering support. Even a very young Asia Vieira puts on a cracker of a performance.....Jonathan Sheffer's musical score adds immesurably to the proceedings, too... ....but hat ever happened to the script/direction/production values is anybodies just doesn't go anywhere, and deservedly ended up on the DTV shelves of your local Potboiler Video Shop.....

It has some good moments (one in particular with a Wrecking Ball!) and the storyline is sound - but this is no way to follow up 3 of the best psychological horror movies of the past 30 years. Bernhard and Neufeld should have known better....

This is one movie that's begging for a big-budget re-make - maybe it would be a reasonable idea to go back to Gordon McGills novel for the plot/storyline....just let us all forget that this sorry mess ever got made, shall we?
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