Blackbelt (1992)
intelligently action packed
2 April 2001
This movie is amazing. Don the dragon Wilson is like the edward norton of martial arts, he can play any part you give him in a kun-fu movie. And his fast paced action style of fighting is reminiscent of the great chuck norris. God chuck why did you have to go to tv? Don't you know we miss you, please come back. Well at least you have brought the martial arts genre to tv. The best way to describe this movie is enter the dragon meets the matrix meets pulp fiction meets gone with the wind or something because there is a little romance brewing in the air. The first scene of the movie already has martial, arts murder, and brief(and classy) nudity. The movie only gets better from there as it goes on till the end. The end is sooooo good, I won't tell you what happens I will just say that it is like all this fighting and you aren't sure who's going to win and then it ends and you're like whoa no way, did you see that? But you did.
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