Beyond Bedlam (1994)
Crap meets bigger crap
14 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
One of the taglines of this film says : Hannibal Lector meets Freddy Krueger...Well, that's misleading. It should say "Crap meets utter Crap" or at least " We ripped off Hannibal Lector and Freddy Krueger." To put it in a few words: this film is very very bad.Beyond Bedlam tries sooo hard to be a strong psychological thriller but it fails in every possible way. There are too many pointless twists and sentimental crap that you don't care about anyway. There even isn't ONE good scene or original element in it. I've seldom seen such a horrible film. I was tired of it after the first 15 minutes. But I still watched it till the end credits rolled. I don't know why neither... Normally, when I see a piece of junk like this, I try to seek at least one good point in it. In this case this isn't even possible. OK, I could name the gorgeous body of the delicious Elizabeth Hurley... But that's hardly worth renting isn't it ? You can find her in all her glory over the net on more than 1.000.000 pages. I really like to believe that she CAN act. She doesn't prove it in this film, though. Liz is like the whole film : inferior. WARNING : HERE MAY BE TINY SPOILERS ... yeah, like you care :-) A horrible psychopath ( appearance obviously stolen from Anthony Hopkins ) is being treated with a new drug. It's supposed to "cure" him but of course it has the opposite effect...He becomes more evil. This psycho, Gilmore ( bad choice of name by the way ; even the Gilmore girls themselves were scarier ) now has the gift to enter his victims dreams and to terrorize them, where have I heard that before ??? He uses this new mind-toy to play with the doctor ( Liz ) and the cop who once caught him. Gilmore faces them with their lost relatives and they don't like that of course.

Also I would to aim a little word to the writer and director of the junk. What the hell was that ending about ??? That's not what we call and open ending... That's called an UNFINISHED PROJECT ! the rules are rather simple: you get the idea that the villain dies once or maybe twice and then you end the whole thing by suggesting he might come back. Not like this !! You have to check that out for yourself, ladies and gentlemen, it's too stupid for words. In conclusion: I wish I could say this is one of those "so bad its good"-films, but no. It's just bad. Period. My humble opinion on Beyond Bedlam : 2 / 10 . One point for each of them lovely Liz Hurley breasts...
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