Review of RoboCop 3

RoboCop 3 (1993)
So, lets just ignore the plot then?
30 August 2003
Robocop 3, is far and away a better film than most people give it credit for. The very fact that it's the third in the series, that it had the violence toned down, and it's not Peter Weller seems to have really put peoples backs up. It shouldn't, and those people who seem to be on some vitriolic campaign to slate this film are ignoring it's most important merit. It's plot. The plot carries on the established Robocop saga, in a far better way than it predecessor did so, and I think it's about time a little light was shone on this fact. Mc Daggett is a strong and believable villain and Robert Burke did an excellent job in replacing Weller. The plot is extremely well structured and paced, and tells a genuinely interesting story of corporate greed stampeding over peoples rights. Now I'm not saying Robocop 3 had any big social message, but the rebels were entirely believable, Robocop's side switching was handled very well, and the whole story just gelled naturally. It wasn't exempt from problems of course. Niko was maybe a bit to much for most Robocop fans to accept, the SFX and action scenes were well wanting of a couple more mill being spent on them, and the end fight between Robo and the Otomos just flat out sucked. However, what should matter to most people is the story and acting. On both of these levels Robocop 3 scores and I genuinely wish people could see past the number 3 at the end of the title and give this film more of a chance. Anyone who seriously thinks Robo 3 is one of the 100 worst films of all time deserves to be sat in front of "Dude, wheres my car", until they scream for forgiveness : )
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