A fine example of Carrey at his zany best!
18 September 2003
Following the kidnapping of ‘Miami Dolphins' mascot `Snowflake' Melissa (Courteney Cox) hires Ace Ventura (Jim Carrey) to track the dolphin down before Superbowl Sunday.

The Nineties were generally good for Jim Carrey and ‘Ace Ventura: Pet Detective' is a shining example of sheer Carrey hilarity! Jim Carrey plays his character with his typical, undoubtedly unrivalled, madcap charisma that has now become so famous throughout the world, yet this movie probably remains the greatest example of just how outlandish a Carrey movie can be. The plot is so thin that it becomes obvious that the story was made to suit Carrey's style rather than vice versa and surprisingly succeeds well. Carrey's extremely arrogant and oddball ‘Ace Ventura' character is unexpectedly likeable and continuously places the viewer in a fit of hysterics with the increasingly wacky scenarios he finds himself in. Carrey's off the wall antics are what made this film and direct attention away well from the flaws that the movie has.

It is safe to say that Carrey was the star and provided all the highlights of this movie and while Sean Young (playing Lt. Lois Einhorn) and Courteney Cox in some ways aided the movie they simply came off as bit-part characters rather than stars as Carrey stole the entire show. Capable direction from Tom Shadyac is a further high spot in this movie and recognition should also be given to Jack Bernstein who co-wrote an astoundingly funny script with Jim Carrey.

‘Ace Ventura: Pet Detective' is certainly one of the finest comedies Jim Carrey has offered the world so far and despite missing the more heart-warming moments that later films such as ‘Liar Liar' (1997) offered, is a good movie in it's own right. However, as humour is viewer dependant it would be unfair of me to say I recommend this movie to everyone. Those people who dislike many of the Jim Carrey movies will probably not enjoy this one and I can understand why some would condemn this movie as being puerile nonsense. Many of the jokes do border on bad taste and much of the movie has an atmosphere of schoolyard humour to it. I am aware that some people will not find Carrey's zany antics and silly noises funny at all. That being said I personally do enjoy this movie and feel that fans of Jim Carrey and many other people will find this entertaining fun. To sum up – I feel this is an enjoyable movie for teenagers, young adults and probably for the more open-minded older audience despite being somewhat childish and risqué. Not for everyone though. My rating for ‘Ace Ventura: Pet Detective' – 7/10.
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