I had fun, enjoy this for what it is, we don't get many family films like this any more
3 April 2004
The Flinstones, next to The Simpsons, it's one of the best known animated shows of all time, we all know the name Fred Flinstone. It's such a great series, I grew up watching it, I still will catch an episode or two on the Cartoon Network and I'm sure it's something that my children will watch too one day. So in 1994, we had the live action version of The Flinstones come into theaters, my family took me to see it, I was 9 years old, it was either this or Pulp Fiction, I'm sure my parents didn't struggle much with that decision. But still as a kid I absolutely loved this movie, I think I wore out the VHS quite a bit. So I grew up and of course caught the movie on HBO, I figured that I would just give the movie another shot to see if it was still as fun as I remembered and actually I still love it.

Cliff Vandercave, the Executive Vice President of Industrial Procurement at Slate & Co., plans to appoint a Vice President of his division to frame for a crime. To find one, he makes an exam to give to the quarry operators, among whom are Barney Rubble and Fred Flintstone. Fred loans Barney money so he and his wife, Betty can adopt a child. They adopt a caveboy named Bamm-Bamm. Barney appreciates what Fred did for him and is determined to pay him back. While taking the exams, Fred fails it, and is disappointed since he will not be able to give his wife, Wilma the wealthy life she used to have. Barney takes Fred's exam up for him and notices how poorly he did. To pay him back for giving him the money to adopt Bamm-Bamm, he swaps his exam with Fred's and Fred is promoted to Vice President. Cliff orders Fred to fire Barney because of his exam score, and he fires Barney at the Rubbles' surprise party, but does his best to help Barney afterwards with financial problems. But Cliff still has big plans to set Fred up for a big fall and the Rubbles are starting to get sick of the Flinstone's over the top extravagances.

Honestly, I really did enjoy The Flinstones as much as I did when I was a kid, I know the main reason a lot of people complain about this movie is because of the casting, but even with Rosie O'Donnell in it I thought she was adorable, we had a great cast, everyone has their own ideas, but just deal with it and understand who this movie was made for. Granted as an adult I'm not going to go out of my way to watch this movie by myself, but I still wouldn't mind at all showing this to my younger cousins and watching it with them. It has cute jokes, a fun cast, and a good story with tons of fun sets and props. I would recommend this movie to watch with your family if you get the chance, it's a rockin' good time.

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