Review of Bad Boys

Bad Boys (1995)
Convienience and coincidence.
17 November 2003
There are a few too many convienient coincidences in this movie for my liking. How very convienient for instance that a girl would accompany her friend to work, that just happens to be a hooker. What's she going to do, wait for a few minutes until they're finished??? When they're running from the club and apprehend a truck it just happens to be full of ether. I don't think ether just happens to be everywhere the same way it is in this film. Then of course the bad guys bullets can't penetrate the barrels because they don't blow up unless the good guys shoot at them.

This is a really lame cliched story saved (in part only) by the antics of Will Smith and Martin Laurence, a beautiful woman and a lot of guns and explosions. Result: don't force your girlfriend to watch it with you. It's one for the guy's staying in and having a few beers.
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