Paradise Retained!
16 September 2000
What is it about these movies that touches one so much? I think it's because of the lack of more movies like these and also because of the innocence in them, that we as adults want to hold on to. This movie was a baggage of surprises for me...Finding Andie McDowell play a role very different from the ones she has so far played. It was a pleasure to see a mainstream Hollywood actor like her act in a movie that is not very commercial. It is a children's movie, but is thankfully devoid of the new-kid-on-the-block talk we hear in so many "children's" movies. Learning later that Diane Keaton was the director was another really pleasant surprise! She has done a very commendable job with this movie! What I liked about this movie was how a child's world was captured, with the camera almost being a character in the movie as it explored places hitherto unknown...the camera was almost made to be an extension of Steven's character, with he, like Alice in Wonderland being awed and overwhelmed by the absurd world of his uncles and other adults. Nothing in the world could have accentuated the beauty of this movie than Thomas Newman's music. This man is a maestro of sorts! His music for the movie 'Corrina, Corrina' is one of my favorites! Interestingly, even in that movie, his best renditions are while showing the world through a child's eyes(Tina Majorino). Newman's music brings to the movie an other worldly quality. It lends to the otherwise mundane lives of the characters an aura of mystery, magic and a celestial quality that makes them so memorable! He is really one of the best Hollywood music directors at the moment and I only hope that he continues to spin his magic as he has been doing for so long!

Nathan Watt as Steven has given a really sensitive performance..he's the main protagonist of the movie, it is his world we are drawn into. Kudos to him for such an endearing performance! Michael Richards is excellent as the phony-bashing uncle of Steven's!! He's getting better everyday, with his recent portrayal of Mr. Micawber in the latest version of 'David Copperfield'. The rest of the cast, all of them are really good! The last scene, when Steven is watching video tapes of his mother with his father is one of the most touching in the movie... This is one of those movies that celebrates the innocence of a child and a few adults who want to retain that innocence in a superficial and phony world.
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