Review of If Lucy Fell

If Lucy Fell (1996)
A comedy for the mentally challenged.
12 September 1999
The suspension of disbelief for this film would require a large crane and at least 10 high-tension cables, each strong enough to raise the Titanic from the bottom of the ocean.

In fact, James Cameron's Titanic was a better romantic comedy than this film. What's that you say? Titanic *wasn't* a romantic comedy? Guess what neither is "If Lucy Fell"!!!!

Dorky, dress-wearing, pseudo artist stalks (and then gets) supermodel (who happens to have a studly GQ boyfriend) and then lets her go....  uh... ... okay...


And their *true* objective is to open some pre-school?????  Uh-huh... I buy that one too...

Even Ben Stiller (who I love) reeks in this film.

The best thing about this film is the old dude in the wheel-chair who yells obscenities at the lead character... (but *only* when he's doing that.  His mentor-esque speech at the end is as weak as every other moment in this film)

And I can't believe that the back of the video box compares this film to "When Harry Met Sally"! Not even close. Read the Maltin Review, he's on base with this one all the way.
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