Shell-shocking visuals, but we could have done without the cheese
20 July 1999
"Writing an anti war book is like writing an anti glacier book." -a (sort of) quote from Slaughterhouse 5

Commendable for it's use of realistic ground level shaky camera angles in the beginning and end battle scenes, this film really does bring the horrors of war home. The depiction of the unfair randomness of the conflict, and the gruesome results, are truly superb. On a par with certain scenes in Hamburger Hill and Stalingrad in it's ability to discourage volunteering for military service. I defy anyone to leave the theatre after seeing this film and not feel as though someone has really spoken out to them.

However, this graphic depiction of war does come with a fair amount of Hollywood baggage. Noteworthy scenes include the ones with the present day Private Ryan, Officers back in America and the bit where Hanks says "saving-Private-Ryan" which I objected to on general principles. Despite these scenes, this film still has to rank up there with some of the best executed anti war films around. I would personally recommend Stalingrad more strongly if only because it had the same "shock factor" and came without the cheese.
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