Star surprise
13 June 2000
Let me say this: I loved this movie. I'm not one of those unconditional trekkies, but I liked this movie a lot.

And this one, by actor/director Jonathan Frakes, is a good piece of entertainment. It's intelligent, sometimes surprising, has good action (albeit the tactics and manoeuvres of Star Trek ships are quite ridiculous - whatever the movie) and the actors chosen for this one are good performers.

The Star Trek Universe is complex, rich, but not my favourite. There seem to be holes in its consistency - technology seems to be less advanced in fields where it should have been far ahead, politics seems too much like politics on any country on Earth, and society a replica of USA's, Europe's or Japan's society, military tactics seem no different of manouvering battleships like Submarines, Frigates, Air Carriers, etc. At least, there is some effort to put some science into Star Trek - even if we do not know what metaphase is or why the explosion of metronium gas is so destructive in space.

The script is too simple, I grant that. But the way Insurrection was shot, the special moments achieved, a couple of twists in the plot, a reasonable dose of uncertainty and humour, leads me to say we are in the presence of a Star Trek masterpiece.

It's a pity that the main motor of events isn't some larger than life quest or fight (or is it?). Those of us who grew up familiar with the grand scale of events of the Star Wars saga, the details and realism of Blade Runner and Twelve Monkeys, the ingenuity of Batman, Dark City, The Matrix, expect of movies like Insurrection something that tops or equals these other masterpieces, and when that doesn't happen, something seems to fail.

But Insurrection ends up being a good work by someone that had only directed some episodes of Star Trek - The next Generation.

Well, the special effects are good, the acting is good (Patrick Stewart, Donna Murphy, Zerbe, Murray Abraham, Frakes, Levar Burton, Brent Spinner - they know exactly what to do and give this movie the extra-consistency), the soundtrack is ok.

If mr. Jonathan Frakes read this, I would advise him to continue his good work but to seek more complex and elaborated scripts for Star Trek. If he chooses to direct other types of movies, he does have the talent.

I hope you all enjoy this.
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