Attack of the Groans.......
24 May 2002
Let's be honest about things for a second...

Every one of the original trilogy was slated at some point by a large amount of people - these days, 20 years later, there are just more means to do it and therefore everyone has to voice an opinion somewhere...and to the people who sit in front of the PC slagging off the movie and pointing out the bad bits I say these 8 words...


To those of us who enjoy Star Wars for what it is i.e. ENTERTAINMENT, Episode II is a delicious slice of escapist wonder, exactly the same as the previous 4 episodes (Yes - I most certainly include Episode I in that statement!). It is never going to be perfect - show me a film that is? for those people who don't like it - FINE! GO AND MAKE A BETTER MOVIE!!!!! (Oops, sorry Mr Spielberg!)

It is a movie that encompasses, and enhances, elements of all 4 previous outings, and takes them to the next step...OK, so people think the script ain't up to much - and to those people I say look at the original Star Wars (Or A New Hope for the purists, if you insist) - the script was far worse then!! Characters? Everyone laughed out loud at the droids in that movie - in fact fans have had something to moan about in each of the movies (Jedi Master is a MUPPET!!!! Galaxy saved by TEDDY BEARS!!!!!). In fact that brings me to the one PERSONAL dislike of Ep II - the somewhat IN MY OPINION misplaced humour, hence the title of my post...please notice that I emphasise IN MY OPINION - I am not trying, like many people on here, to ram my opinion down your throat.

To the people who don't like it I say FINE!!! Go and watch something else you DO enjoy! But if you have nothing better to do than go on about how bad YOU think it is, you desperately need help my friends...

To the vast, vast majority of people out there who DO like Ep II, join me in shouting one big MR LUCAS, EPISODE III CAN NOT COME SOON ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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