To err is human, to forgive is ...
7 February 2001
Miffed in a simple childhood squabble, Lucien releases his pain through that ageless game of "tease the little kid"-- only this tease, like so many others, results in serious hurt to Dani, the "little kid". What follows is a unique portrayal of healing. The viewer is constantly called to wonder just what hurt is being healed: Dani's limp? Lucien's broken spirit? an old father's family or Marie's unforgiving attitude? With an heroic climax aided by providential intervention, the cold snowy heart is melted; a believable finale plays, well orchestrated, through he lives of all involved; children and adults come to grips with the power of divine forgiveness... Good drama, excellent theme, marvelous setting and natural scenery make this one highly recommended.
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