The impossible - a successful Shakespeare play in movie form!!
6 January 1999
I was in awe for a good five minutes after watching this film. Tackling Shakespeare in a movie is a risky business, but John Madden has really outdone himself this time. The beautifully seamless connection between Will's plays and his life experiences is unparalleled. The best thing was, the entire movie experience felt like attending one of the RSC's best plays. Now THAT's an accomplishment. The cast was magnificent. I was very impressed with the acting chops of Gwynneth, Joe Fiennes, and Ben Affleck. Gwynneth and Joe had more onscreen chemistry than I can remember in a very long time. I felt my own heart breaking as they bid adieu for the last time, and many times in between. And Ben proved he has excellent comic timing. I never would have imagined he could do Shakespeare. And Dame Judi Dench! It's amazing that so small a role can have such a powerful impact on the tenor of the movie. She was a perfect choice for Elizabeth. She needs but to speak, and she commands the rapt attention of her entire audience, both the actors in the movie and the audience beyond the screen.

I haven't felt so giddy with excitement after watching a movie since the Shawshank Redemption. Fabulous!
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